LOOP Forum


Each year in April LOOP is putting a spotlight on circular solutions within waste and resources. LOOP aims to accelerate a circular transition together with our partners. In 2022 the first annual event will take place on 27th - 28th April in Copenhagen with 100+ exhibitors, 3000+ attendees and 5 conference stages with 200+ speakers from around the world.

What if we told you… trash isn’t trash? 🤯♻️At LOOP Forum 2025, we’re all about turning waste into new opportunities! Tha...

What if we told you… trash isn’t trash? 🤯♻️

At LOOP Forum 2025, we’re all about turning waste into new opportunities! That’s why we’re excited to have Stena Recycling AB back – they know exactly how to reuse, recycle, and rethink materials instead of letting them go to waste.

At LOOP 2025, they’ll bring their extensive expertise to focus on circular topics like:
🔹 Driving behavioral changes for effective waste sorting
🔹 Responsible handling and processing of hazardous materials
🔹 Meeting the increasing demands of ESG reporting and data transparency

Join us for two days of inspiration, action, and circular solutions that can make a real difference! 🌱♻️

📅 LOOP Forum 2025 – April 29-30! Let’s rethink resources together! 🚀


🌍 Discover Circular Solutions at LOOP Forum!

We are incredibly proud to work with visionary partners who bring tangible solutions to the table - ensuring resources stay in use for as long as possible.

One inspiring example is Kinnarps Group, who are setting a new standard for circular furniture for offices, schools, and care homes.

Kinnarps’ approach focuses on reuse, refurbishment, and recycling, extending the life of furniture while reducing waste. From refurbishing old pieces to designing modular solutions for future adaptability, they’re proving that sustainability and functionality go hand in hand.

Join us at LOOP Forum this April to see how Kinnarps and other visionary companies are transforming circularity into real-world solutions for a sustainable future.

Secure your seat today and be part of the change 👉 www.loopforum.dk

Kinnarps Danmark

🌍 How does LOOP Forum create value for you? 🌍We’ve asked some of our partners, and here’s what they’re saying:💚 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲...

🌍 How does LOOP Forum create value for you? 🌍
We’ve asked some of our partners, and here’s what they’re saying:

💚 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀: Meet innovators, thought leaders, and solution-driven professionals from diverse industries.
💚 𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀: Forge relationships that foster collaboration across the entire value chain, driving tangible progress in circularity.
💚 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴-𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀: Engage with stakeholders who share your commitment to a sustainable future and are ready to work toward common goals.
💚 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀: Discover practical tools and strategies to integrate circular principles into your operations.

LOOP Forum isn’t just an event – it’s where meaningful connections turn into transformative action.

💡 Ready to unlock these opportunities? Join us on 29-30 April 2025 in shaping the future of the circular economy - learn more 👉 www.loopforum.dk

🌍 Circularity is key in reducing emissions – but a crucial question is: HOW can companies effectively navigate this tran...

🌍 Circularity is key in reducing emissions – but a crucial question is: HOW can companies effectively navigate this transition?

That’s why we’re proud to have Danish Industry as a core partner once again at LOOP Forum, bringing their expertise and initiatives to the forefront.

One of their standout initiatives is Klimaklar Produktionsvirksomhed. Connect with them at the event and discover how they help companies:
✅ Understand and calculate CO2 emissions
✅ Set ambitious reduction targets
✅ Receive guidance on effective climate communication

Since 2022, Danish Industry has been a dedicated supporter of the LOOP Forum platform, underscoring the importance of uniting businesses, policymakers, and thought leaders to accelerate the transition toward a sustainable future. Stay in the loop for more content from Danish Industry and DI Handel at our upcoming event.

📅 Join us at LOOP Forum on 29-30 April 2025 and be part of the solution that’s transforming how we approach materials, resources, and sustainability.

Let’s create impactful change together! 🌟


How can businesses reduce emissions and achieve ambitious sustainability goals?

At LOOP Forum, you’ll find new knowledge, actionable solutions and practical insights.

Together, we’re creating a more sustainable future.

See you there?

Learn more 👉 www.loopforum.dk

The rise of renewable energy is promising, but we need to acknowledge that renewables can only take us half the way to r...

The rise of renewable energy is promising, but we need to acknowledge that renewables can only take us half the way to reach our climate goals.

The other half comes from the extraction and processing of natural resources to produce goods, products, buildings, food and infrastructure.

We need changing our linear approach of constantly taking more and more resources from nature.

This fundamental shift in our way of living and doing business is not easy – we need inspiration, sharing knowledge, showcasing innovative solutions and partnerships across.

At LOOP Forum last month, 150 partners were actively contributing with new knowledge and tangible solutions - on the floor and on the stages.

3200+ attendees from across industries and countries engaged with each other, fostering inspiration and collaboration.

230+ speakers shared practical insights on HOW to drive this transformative journey forward.

Thank you all for joining 🙏 We hope to see you next year on 29-30 April 2025.

Har du tænkt over, hvad der sker med dine online tøjfejlkøb? Man kender det fra sig selv; et par nye jeans bestilles hje...

Har du tænkt over, hvad der sker med dine online tøjfejlkøb?

Man kender det fra sig selv; et par nye jeans bestilles hjem i flere størrelser og det par der ikke dur, sendes retur.

Men faktisk får meget af det tøj, som vi sender tilbage, aldrig nyt liv eller bliver solgt igen, viser en ny rapport, som det Europæiske Miljøagentur har lavet. mange varer bliver simpelthen ikke genanvendt.

Vi er så heldige at have Lars Mortensen, ekspert i cirkulær økonomi og tekstiler hos Det Europæiske Miljøagentur og medudvikler på rapporten med til LOOP, hvor han deler ud af sine spændende findings. Kan du ikke vente så længe, kan du få en forsmag via TV2 News: https://echo.tv2.dk/2024-04-05-dine-fejlkoeb-paa-nettet-bliver-ofte-braendt-eller-smidt-ud-naar-du-sender-toejet-retur

Mød Lars Mortensen når han deltager i paneldebatten Videre fra de 4% på Main Stage d. 24. april

Vi glæder os til at byde ham og resten af panelet til scenen.

Many companies have recognized their potentials in the circular economy and have developed strategies with targets and a...

Many companies have recognized their potentials in the circular economy and have developed strategies with targets and actions 🌍

But, how can you leverage the opportunities presented by circular partnerships, which are often imperative for achieving success in circular initiatives?

It's likely that many of these strategies will require collaboration with other stakeholders in the value chain, and possibly even competitors, to implement effectively.

In this session powered by Danish Chamber of Commerse, two companies with extensive experience in circular partnerships - Novo Nordisk and A:gain - will share their perspectives.

Join the conversation at LOOP Forum with:
Mikkel Stenbæk Hansen, Director – Circular Economy,
Thomas Nygaard Hamann, CEO, a:gain .products
Mette Rames Ravn, Partner, Chef for Bæredygtighed
Andreas Hastrup Clemmensen, Chefkonsulent,
/ Danish Chamber of Commerce

Get your free ticket via link in bio - see you!

Når vi siger cirkulær økonomi - hvad siger du så? ♻️ Til LOOP Forum har vi et ønske om at skabe de bedste rammer til all...

Når vi siger cirkulær økonomi - hvad siger du så? ♻️

Til LOOP Forum har vi et ønske om at skabe de bedste rammer til alle vores dygtige talere og samarbejdspartnere så alle besøgende bliver klogere, inspireres og tager viden med sig.
Det er takket være mennesker som jer, at vi går sammen for dit, mit og vores legacy 🌍

Få din gratis billet til LOOP Forum 2024 via link i bio 🌱

How Prepared is your Business for the new EU Circular Economy Disclosure Requirements?🚀  will launch their Nordic Circul...

How Prepared is your Business for the new EU Circular Economy Disclosure Requirements?

🚀 will launch their Nordic Circular Study at LOOP Forum 🚀

This session will provide insights into Ramboll’s 2024 large-scale circular economy study across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

The study assesses the state of Nordic companies’ current efforts and future readiness to transition to a circular economy and to cope with new EU circular economy disclosure requirements.

Across all four countries, the five most relevant industry sectors have been targeted: manufacturing, utilities, construction & real estate, information & communication and services.

Get insights into Nordic companies’:
👉 Current awareness and understanding of circular economy requirements in the CSRD and EU Taxonomy
👉 Current circularity state and related financial performance
👉 Future strategic priorities and drivers with regards to circular economy
👉 Feasibility and timing of compliance with the applicable circularity requirements in CSRD and EU Taxonomy and key challenges for progress towards circularity.

Patrick Moloney, Director, Strategic Sustainability, Ramboll Management Consulting
Caroline Kötter-Bendtsen, Circular Economy Lead Denmark, Ramboll Management Consulting
Julia Nußholz, PhD Circular Economy, Ramboll Management Consulting

Learn more and get your FREE ticket via link in bio 👆

Hvordan kan ledelsessystemstandarder hjælpe virksomheder i den bæredygtige omstilling?♻️ Klimaforandringerne og ressourc...

Hvordan kan ledelsessystemstandarder hjælpe virksomheder i den bæredygtige omstilling?♻️
Klimaforandringerne og ressourceknaphed rammer jer måske allerede nu – eller i fremtiden. Samtidig præger en række lovmæssige krav, herunder krav til bæredygtighedsrapportering, så som , i stigende grad jeres virksomhed og produkter.

bliver mere og mere et strategisk fokus, men hvordan bliver I i stand til at arbejde mere strategisk og praktisk med at øge og dokumentere jeres bæredygtighed?

Det handler om værktøjer til at lave en og til at arbejde med den forandringsledelse, der er grundlæggende for jeres transformation til en mere bæredygtig virksomhed.

Vær med når Danish Standard drøfter dette på den 24. april sammen med:
Pernille Louise Klausen, Afdelingsleder & Bæredygtighedsrådgivning ,
Aske Mastrup Wieth-Knudsen, Bæredygtighedschef, .dk
Berit Asmussen H. Asmussen, Chefkonsulent, Dansk Standard
Signe Malberg, Seniorkonsulent, Dansk Standard

Læs mere og TILMELD DIG GRATIS via link in bio 👆

ER DU KLAR TIL AT GØRE EN FORSKEL? BLIV ”HJÆLPER” PÅ LOOP FORUM 2024 ♻️🌍 🌱Vil du være med til at gøre LOOP Forum 2024 ti...


Vil du være med til at gøre LOOP Forum 2024 til virkelighed? Så læs med👇

LOOP Forum er det ideelle sted for dig, der har en interesse i cirkulær økonomi og den grønne omstilling. Her får du muligheden for at omgive dig med en mangfoldig skare af engagerede og vidende personer inden for området. Som frivillig har du ikke blot mulighed for at udvide dit eget netværk, men også for at bidrage til en positiv forandring, der vil forme vores fælles legacy.

Vi søger engagerede hjælpere, der er klar til at yde en indsats i forbindelse med arrangementet. Uanset om du ønsker at melde dig til før, under eller efter LOOP Forum, er din hjælp af uvurderlig betydning. Vi lægger vægt på at skabe en hyggelig atmosfære under hele processen, og der vil være fuld forplejning i de timer, du er med. Du har selv mulighed for at vælge antallet af vagter, tidspunkter og dage, der passer dig bedst. En vagt varer som udgangspunkt 5 timer.

LOOP Forum blev grundlagt i 2022 som en platform for erhvervsfolk på tværs af brancher til at vidensdele og netværke med fokus på cirkulær økonomi. At eliminere affald og genbruge ressourcer er den mest effektive måde at bekæmpe klimaforandringer, reducere CO2-udledninger og regenerere vores planet, hvilket er grunden til, at vi har brug for en begivenhed som LOOP, hvor branchens dygtigste folk kan mødes.

Hvor: Lokomotivværkstedet, København

Hvornår: 23.-25. april 2024
Opbygningsdag d. 23. april 2024
Forum d. 24 – 25. april 2024
Nedtagning d. 25. april 2024

Som hjælper på LOOP Forum har du mulighed for at arbejde med følgende:
♻️ Event-opsætning (23. april)
♻️ Registrering og velkomst af besøgende (24. og 25. april)
♻️ Hjælpe besøgende med spørgsmål (24. og 25. april)
♻️ Stage host/runnners – tage imod talere og hjælpe til scenerne (der er tekniker på) (24. og 25. april)
♻️ Runners i hallen (24. og 25. april)
♻️ Event-nedpakning (25. april)

Hvad får du ud af LOOP:
Som hjælper får du mulighed for at udvide dit netværk og få indblik i cirkulær økonomi på tværs af mange forskellige brancher. Som tak modtager du efterfølgende enten et gavekort til Magasin, Matas eller Netto eller løn (afhængig af antal vagt). Hvis du ønsker det, kan vi også udstede et certifikat som tak for din hjælp til LOOP Forum 2024.

Lyder det som noget for dig? Så send en mail til [email protected]
Læs mere om LOOP Forum på www.loopforum.dk

🚀 Exciting News from LOOP Forum 🚀We are thrilled to announce our latest initiative.To accelerate a circular transition, ...

🚀 Exciting News from LOOP Forum 🚀

We are thrilled to announce our latest initiative.

To accelerate a circular transition, it is crucial with a strong workforce with the necessary skills and competences – a motivated workforce that is not only hopeful but also empowered to drive real change.

To spark innovation and rethink traditional business practices, we acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the YOUNGER GENERATION. In today's labor market, facing shortages, it's imperative to prepare the future workforce for a complex transition.

With support from Industriens Fond and in collaboration with Regndans we are bringing Circular Design Camp to LOOP Forum this April.

During a three-day idea competition 200 students and entrepreneurs will gain invaluable insights and deep dive into the skills and knowledge essential for a circular economy.

The objective is to shine a spotlight on the skills gap by offering a platform for ambitious and young - to collaborate with Danish companies - and pitch circular ideas aimed at solving the most pressing challenges related to climate change faced by businesses.

Do you know any companies or educational institutions whose students would benefit from this opportunity? Share, comment or like this news and read more 👉 https://lnkd.in/dA-DFt-n

🙌 A heartfelt thank you to Industriens Fond for your invaluable support in making this initiative a reality at LOOP Forum.




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