In favor of

In favor of Kontaktoplysninger, kart og anvisninger, kontaktformular, åbningstider, tjenester, stjerner, fotos, videoer og meddelelser fra In favor of, Fest og underholdning, Copenhagen.

In favor of showcase this thursday  05.01.2023 emme  spectral

In favor of showcase this thursday



Next up in line is the resident dj of  and co-founder of throwing some real proggy psyslammers. A big one...

Next up in line is the resident dj of and co-founder of throwing some real proggy psyslammers. A big one, so listen up!


FILTH.y is a new name and a rising talent from the growing copenhagen scene and with this contribution to the 'in favor ...

FILTH.y is a new name and a rising talent from the growing copenhagen scene and with this contribution to the 'in favor of' mix series, she shows you an insight to some of her current favorite tracks.

Expect to be bouncing around inside the deep dark forest of squelchy mind-twisting sounds, birds chirping, wolfs howling and every little organism dancing around the fire pit in circles summoning the power of nature itself.

sc: -devlin-kristiansen

This time around we've invited Carolina, who's one of the organizers in 'MUSA' () to give her contribution to the 'in fa...

This time around we've invited Carolina, who's one of the organizers in 'MUSA' () to give her contribution to the 'in favor of - mix series'.

Surrender yourself to the darker side of Carolina whom with this mix of tracks from progressive psytrance to tribe to hardcore and everything in between has steered away from her usual way of picking tracks and taken a route she wouldn't normally do. But most definitely a route she will be taking more in the future.

sc: carolina apellaniz]
ig: carolina apellaniz]

Artist: indebraendtTitle: BurlesqueLabel: Self-released ( date: 17th October 20...

Artist: indebraendt
Title: Burlesque
Label: Self-released (
Release date: 17th October 2022

Cover by ig: (Sophie Georgin)

Artist: xerxer @53327Label: Self-released ( date: 17th August 2022 mastered by:  cd artwo...

Artist: xerxer @53327
Label: Self-released (
Release date: 17th August 2022
mastered by:

cd artwork by .wn

The humming around your ear is nothing to worry about, it's nothing but a good hum and it comes from Syrphin flying arou...

The humming around your ear is nothing to worry about, it's nothing but a good hum and it comes from Syrphin flying around you to show you his way of flying through the days with a high-tempo mix of trance, tek and acid. Follow Syrphin and watch how he dodges and avoids obstacles on the way by swerving left and right to the hard-hitting kicks, the trippy synths and the pumping bass.

link is in the bio!

You hear distinct drums and wind instruments far away from the clans gathering around the portal of darkness. It is slow...

You hear distinct drums and wind instruments far away from the clans gathering around the portal of darkness. It is slowly opening and banished creatures of all kinds are stomping their way to the frontline, getting ready to enter the land of abnormality while sorcerers are casting their witchcraft towards the big stone monument following the rhythm of the quick and heavy kicks from ANUSREKTUM's mix. They can now finally enter into a realm of pureness and where one can be itself without disturbance.

sc: -rektm

Feeling as though nobody cares? You might as well begin to put some action in your life. It's called breaking the law an...

Feeling as though nobody cares? You might as well begin to put some action in your life. It's called breaking the law and dj break da law shows you how it's done with this mix of ecstatic trance vibrations to get you ready for the big plot, hard-pumping and serious tek sounds for when you find yourself in the middle of the crime scene and dramatic tribe kicks for the final chase.
Did you escape or did the authorities catch up to you?


Artist: GartexTitle: Sweet VeryLabel: Self-released ( date: 30th June 2022link is in the bio!...

Artist: Gartex
Title: Sweet Very
Label: Self-released (
Release date: 30th June 2022

link is in the bio!

Birds are singing their morning hello's, sun is rising above the field and the waves are calmly splashing against the ro...

Birds are singing their morning hello's, sun is rising above the field and the waves are calmly splashing against the rocks. Music is playing and it's DJ Wendy behind the decks who's ready to showcase some of his current favorite progressive psytrance tracks filled with deep kicks, soothing rolling basslines and groovy drums to end the week in perfect style.

link is in the bio!
sc: -2

Feel the warm breeze from the fiery breath and the heavy wingbeats when dragongirl flies past your village protecting he...

Feel the warm breeze from the fiery breath and the heavy wingbeats when dragongirl flies past your village protecting her share of the gold lying within the mountain of groovy bouncing beats, fat basslines and cute vocals.
She will lure you in through the long and dark tunnels with both this mix but also all of her bling. There is no turning back now!

link is in the bio!

IFO Premiere: Fun 10000euro - C**T REMEMBERArtist: C**T REMEMBERTitle: Fun 10000euroLabel: Self-releasedRelease date: 8t...

IFO Premiere: Fun 10000euro - C**T REMEMBER

Title: Fun 10000euro
Label: Self-released
Release date: 8th June 2022

link is in the bio!
sc: Irene]
ig: Irene]

Fire is burning, smoke everywhere and visibility close to none. Kaos is roaming upon us. But don’t fool yourself when we...

Fire is burning, smoke everywhere and visibility close to none. Kaos is roaming upon us. But don’t fool yourself when we welcome you with open arms into Kenny’s krazy world where order is only installed through fast paced kicks, freaky sounds and a trippy and groovy baseline.


The colours are bright green, numbers running down the completely black background. It's real, it's the matrix. Float th...

The colours are bright green, numbers running down the completely black background. It's real, it's the matrix. Float through it at high speed with Scano's mix of dreamy synths, hard kicks to confuse your mind of what is the truth and what is false and indulging vibrations keeping you hooked through the whole journey.

Link is in the bio!

Keep your eyes and ears wide open, grab on tight to Katie's hand and don't look back when he walks you through the never...

Keep your eyes and ears wide open, grab on tight to Katie's hand and don't look back when he walks you through the never ending forest filled to the top of the trees with eerie frequencies, a bass as deep as your view goes and echoes that will haunt your dreams for countless nights to come. You better not hide otherwise they will catch you.

ig: .pdf

Birds and Robotic is bringing the next mix to the 'in favor of' mixing table.Take a walk to your favorite lookout spot o...

Birds and Robotic is bringing the next mix to the 'in favor of' mixing table.

Take a walk to your favorite lookout spot of all, sit down, have a sip of your drink and look into the horizon while Birds and Robotics showcases his own productions mixed with others’ and draws you deep down into your most sincere feelings and thoughts with a vocal of melancholy and quickly changing beat tempos throwing you through ups and downs.

Link is in the bio!
sc: -schioler




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