KB Concert & Event Management

KB Concert & Event Management Total Promotion & Event Management

KBCEM promotes danish & international artists in The Philippines and hosts concerts presenting new music to the filipino people of Manila & Lucena City.

I continue my series "Live Composing" and this time I play the Yamaha Montage. I am actually quite pleased with how it t...

I continue my series "Live Composing" and this time I play the Yamaha Montage. I am actually quite pleased with how it turned out this time as I happen to stumble upon some pretty nice melody frases - especially at the end of the session.
The recording is one live take with no cuts including mistakes and all.
I hope you enjoy it.

I continue my series "Live Composing" and this time I play the Yamaha Montage. I am actually quite pleased with how it turned out this time as I happen to st...

I attempt to perform the great song "JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST" by Randy VanWarmer

I attempt to perform the great song "JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST" by Randy VanWarmer

Here is a the song "JUST WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST" by Randy VanWarmer performed by Kim Barner. I hope you like it.

I perform one of my favourite songs by Lonestar - Their all time greatest hit "Amazed"

I perform one of my favourite songs by Lonestar - Their all time greatest hit "Amazed"

Here is a the song AMAZED by Lonestar performed by Kim Barner. I hope you like it.

Swan Lee's "What is love" is probably one of the most overlooked songs in Denmark. It features a very young Pernille Ros...

Swan Lee's "What is love" is probably one of the most overlooked songs in Denmark. It features a very young Pernille Rosendahl singing the lead vocal.

Thus I decided to give the credit it so deserves by recording my own version of it. Hope you like it?

Here is a song by Swan Lee originally sung by Pernille Rosendahl and here covered by me. I hope you like it.

How to get the Yamaha Genos to play chords entered in the Cubase chord track (here track 1)

How to get the Yamaha Genos to play chords entered in the Cubase chord track (here track 1)

This is how you get Yamaha Genos to follow your chords track (midi chord track) from your DAW. Also how to record / print Yamaha Genos midi patters to your D...

COVID-19 has got a nasty hold on the world and our lives has been changed for ever. Nothing will ever be the same again,...

COVID-19 has got a nasty hold on the world and our lives has been changed for ever. Nothing will ever be the same again, the politicians claim. However, I believe in the good of man and that we together can make sure that the world once more becomes a good place for all.

COVID-19 has got a nasty hold on the world and our lives has been changed for ever. Nothing will ever be the same again, the politicians claim. However, I believe in the good of man and that we togeth

It has been a cold long month being forced to stay at home and nothing seems to change much any time soon during this Co...

It has been a cold long month being forced to stay at home and nothing seems to change much any time soon during this Corona crisis.
This is my take on the worldwide virus pandemic.

It has been a cold long month being forced to stay at home and nothing seems to change much any time soon during this Corona crisis. This is my take on the worldwide virus pandemic.



COVID-19 cases in Denmark (including Faroe Islands)

Active cases # of cases
2020-02-27 ​ 1(n.a.)
2020-02-28 ​ 2(+100%)
2020-02-29 ​ 3(+50%)
2020-03-01 ​ 4(+33%)
2020-03-02 ​ 4(+0%)
2020-03-03 ​ 10(+150%)
2020-03-04 ​ 15(+50%)
2020-03-05 ​ 20(+33%)
2020-03-06 ​ 23(+15%)
2020-03-07 ​ 29(+26%)
2020-03-08 ​ 37(+28%)
2020-03-09 ​ 92(+149%)
2020-03-10 ​ 264(+185%)
2020-03-11 ​ 516(+95%)
2020-03-12 ​​ 676(+31%)
2020-03-13 ​​ 804(+19%)
2020-03-14 ​​ 836(+4%)

On 12 March, the criteria for testing was changed, so that only people with more serious symptoms were to be tested. Therefore, numbers before 12 March are not directly comparable to figures of new cases from 12 March onwards.
Sources: Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen)
From late January to early February, several groups of Danish citizens were evacuated from China. All were placed in quarantine and tested; none were infected.

On 27 February 2020, Denmark confirmed its first case when a man from Roskilde tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde. He was an editor from TV 2 who had been skiing in Lombardy in Italy and returned to Denmark on 24 February. He had mild symptoms and was placed in home quarantine.

On 28 February, a man who had returned home from a ski holiday in Northern Italy on 15 February tested positive at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen and was placed in home quarantine.[14] The case was considered problematic because of the relatively long time that had passed from the person returning to Denmark to him contacting the authorities, increasing the period where he might have infected others and potentially making it more complex for the authorities to locate everybody that had been in close contact with him.

On 29 February, a man who had returned home from a conference in Munich, Germany tested positive at Aarhus University Hospital. Another attendee at the conference in Germany, an Italian man later found to have COVID-19, is the presumed origin of the Danish man's infection. The Dane was an employee of the Department of Dermatology at Aarhus University Hospital. He had mild symptoms and was placed in home quarantine.

On 1 March 2020, a person who was already in home quarantine was tested positive. The person had been in contact with the man tested positive on 28 February.

On 3 March, five people that had visited northern Italy and one person that had visited Iran were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. All six were placed in home quarantine.

On 4 March, there were four more cases confirmed in (mainland) Denmark and the first confirmed case was reported from the Faroe Islands (an autonomous territory in the Kingdom of Denmark), bringing the total number of confirmed cases to fifteen. All the new cases were placed in home quarantine. The case in the Faroe Islands was a man with mild symptoms that had returned home from a conference in Paris, France.

On 5 March, there were five new confirmed cases. One of the cases was former Danish national football player Thomas Kahlenberg, who had been infected at a birthday party in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This forced the Danish clubs Brøndby and Lyngby, and the Dutch club Ajax to place some of their players and coaches, who had recently met with Kahlenberg, into quarantine. Kahlenberg described his symptoms as similar to a flu and he was placed in home quarantine. On the same date, the first Dane that had been confirmed infected on 27 February also became the first Dane to be declared fully recovered.

On 6 March, there were three new confirmed cases, including one in the Faroe Islands (the second case for this archipelago).

On 7 March, there were six new confirmed cases. Most Danes confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 had contracted it abroad and they had infected a few people in Denmark (there had been no person-to-person spread within Denmark where the source was unknown).

On 8 March, there were eight new confirmed cases, including a patient first admitted to North Zealand Hospital Hillerød with symptoms resembling pneumonia. Another mild case where the patient was placed in home quarantine was the first person confirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 in the North Jutland Region, meaning that all five regions of Denmark now had cases.

On 9 March, there were 53 new confirmed cases, bringing the total in (mainland) Denmark to 90. Among all those infected, six were in hospital, but none of them required intensive care.

On 10 March, there were 172 new cases, bringing the total in (mainland) Denmark to 262. Among the new cases was one patient admitted to hospital, bringing the total to seven.

On 11 March, there were 252 new cases, bringing the total in (mainland) Denmark to 514. One of the cases, who likely had become infected at a meeting where another attendee was infected, caused particular concern because the person worked in a nursing home. As a result, the elderly at the nursing home were isolated in their own rooms, they were closely monitored and tests were being performed. Among all the infected people in Denmark, ten patients were in hospital, including two in intensive care.

On 12 March, there were 160 new confirmed cases, bringing the total in (mainland) Denmark to 674. Among these were two at the nursing home where the elderly had been isolated and closely monitored since the day before because an employee was tested positive. On the same date, former footballer Thomas Kahlenberg announced that he had been declared fully recovered, making him the second publicly known recovery in the country. Whereas many early cases were related to people returning from ski holiday in northern Italy, many cases discovered later were related to people returning from ski holiday in Tyrol in Austria. An 80-year-old man with a history of heart disease tested positive after having a heart attack and dying in the North Jutland Region. Although unclear whether the virus had played a role in it, the authorities counted it as the first fatality related to COVID-19 in Denmark.

On 13 March, there were 127 new confirmed cases, bringing the total in (mainland) Denmark to 801. In addition, the Faroe Islands had their third confirmed case. Among all the infected people in Denmark, 23 were in hospital, including 4 in intensive care.

On 14 March, there were 26 new confirmed cases in (mainland) Denmark, bringing the total to 827. Another 6 were confirmed in the Faroe Islands, bringing the total to 9 in this archipelago. The second person died from COVID-19 in Denmark, in the Capital Region. It was an 81-year-old that was already weakened due to other serious diseases.


Arrangør: DMF Slagelse

Gå ikke glip af dette fede arrangement i Slagelse Musikhus Søndag 15/3 2020 kl. 14-18. Busser arrangeret af DMF Slagelse kører fra flere i landet og samler musikere og andre interesserede op.

Kom glad og se de fedeste keyboards, PA anlæg og andet udstyr blive præsenteret af nogle dygtige folk som bruger det til dagligt.

Vi skal heller ikke glemme af Yamaha møder talstærkt op med deres nyeste udstyr og vil selvfølgelig også demonstrere de vildeste nyheder.

Slagelses lokale butik "Musikhuset Kjeld Helmuth" er også tilstede og vil, sammen med Yamaha, fremkomme med et særtilbud på Yamaha Genos på selve dagen. Bemærk at dette tilbud kun vil være gældende 15/3 2020 under selve arrangementet.


I have been so lucky to be given the talent to compose and create beautiful music.Many years back (probably 1996) I got ...

I have been so lucky to be given the talent to compose and create beautiful music.

Many years back (probably 1996) I got acquainted with a very special person by the name of Parvez Dewan from the region of Jammu & Kashmir in the great country of India. He was looking for musicians and composers to compose music and songs for his libretto/musical "Jennifer Merchant".

So a guy named Niels Erik Holde replied to an add from Parvez Dewan Jk, and shortly after that I got into the picture as Niels needed someone to record and score his music...

That was the beginning of a very long friendship :-)

I hope you will enjoy the intro music from the musical "Sanober & the slave" below

Music from the Parvez Dewan's musical "Sanober & The Slave" composed and performed by Kim Barner

Hvis du skal holde fest og har brug for live musik - SÅ SE HER:Book live musikken til din fest på https://123festmusik.d...

Hvis du skal holde fest og har brug for live musik - SÅ SE HER:

Book live musikken til din fest på https://123festmusik.dk/tbp

Festband fra Slagelse : Booking og kontaktinformationer | The Barner Project - live musik du vil elske

TOTO's "ROSANNA" performed by The Barner Project.The Barner Project members on this track are:Kim Barner - Keyboards & V...

TOTO's "ROSANNA" performed by The Barner Project.

The Barner Project members on this track are:
Kim Barner - Keyboards & Vocals
Mads Bolding Fenger Poulsen - Lead Guitar & Backing Vocals

The Barner Project members not on this track are:
Jonas Mars Damiri - Guitar
Jakob Goldmann Jensen - Guitars

More videos and music at https://thebarnerproject.com

The Barner Project performs at various private parties, weddings and company events all over Denmark.

TOTO's "ROSANNA" performed by The Barner Project. The Barner Project members on this track are: Kim Barner - Keyboards & Vocals Mads Bolding - Lead Guitar & ...

RAY DEE OHH's "Jeg vil la' lyset brænde" fremført af Kim Barner fra The Barner ProjectHåber du synes om den?Flere videoe...

RAY DEE OHH's "Jeg vil la' lyset brænde" fremført af Kim Barner fra The Barner Project

Håber du synes om den?

Flere videoer og musik på https://thebarnerproject.com

The Barner Project optræder til private fester, bryllupper og firmaevents i hele Danmark.

Kim Barner of The Barner Project performs live the song by Ray Dee Ohh "Jeg vil la' lyset brænde". More videos and music at https://thebarnerproject.com The ...

VOLBEAT's FOR EVIGT performed by Kim Barner of The Barner ProjectHope you enjoy.More videos and music at https://thebarn...

VOLBEAT's FOR EVIGT performed by Kim Barner of The Barner Project

Hope you enjoy.

More videos and music at https://thebarnerproject.com

The Barner Project performs at various private parties, weddings and company events all over Denmark.

VOLBEAT'S "FOR EVIGT" here performed live by Kim Barner of The Barner Project. More videos and music at https://thebarnerproject.com The Barner Project perfo...

(Scroll down for english)Kim Larsen's super hit "Midt om natten" fra filmen af samme navn, her fremført live af Kim Barn...

(Scroll down for english)

Kim Larsen's super hit "Midt om natten" fra filmen af samme navn, her fremført live af Kim Barner fra The Barner Project.

Flere videoer og musikeksempler på https://thebarnerproject.com

The Barner Project optræder til private fester, bryllupper og firma events over hele Denmark.

Kim Larsen's smash hit "Midt om natten" from the movie of the same name, here performed live by Kim Barner from The Barner Project.

More videos and music at https://thebarnerproject.com

The Barner Project performs at various private parties, weddings and company events all over Denmark.


Kim Larsen's smash hit "Midt om natten" from the movie of the same name, here performed live by Kim Barner from The Barner Project. More videos and music at ...




Mandag 08:00 - 21:00
Tirsdag 08:00 - 21:00
Onsdag 08:00 - 21:00
Torsdag 08:00 - 21:00
Fredag 08:00 - 21:00
Lørdag 08:00 - 12:00
Søndag 10:00 - 21:00

Internet side


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Our Story

This unique page has been created for all musicians, artist, music industry people and other people in entertainment with the purpose of making it easier to sell, buy or collaborate on doing music.

In other words we will make it our mission to give everyone a common marketplace for composers, musicians, singer-songwriters, lyricists, artist, music industry people and other people in entertainment where they can sell or buy songs, lyrics, compositions and maybe even other creations within the world of entertainment.

There will be no subscription fees as of now. However all sales will be subject to a minor transaction fee as all payments will go through the account of the administrator to be paid out to seller afterwards.