The biggest program dedicated to startups in Algeria is coming back soon, stay connected! ⏳🚀 .
Couverture des chaînes Ennahar Tv النهار الجديد Cérémonie finale du Fintech Weekend Financial Solutions Challenge
La soirée FJS d’hier en coordination avec le GIE a organisé la cérémonie de clôture avec la participation de tous les sponsors officiels du camp issus des banques, assurances et acteurs du domaine de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’environnement contractuel
#fintech_weekend #fintech #startup
Résumé du camp Fintech Weekend 2022 des solutions financières ! Regardez comment c'était !
FJS Forum Des Jeunes ET Startups a réussi à réunir des pionniers et des startups de l'écosystème FinTech
Fintech Weekend
• Nous vous présentons le sixième candidat du Challenge Financial Solutions pour Fintech WEEKEND lors de la cérémonie de clôture de la première édition du Challenge Camp Financial Solutions
• Nom du projet : Mosquekom
• Brève définition du projet
TicTac ⏰⏰
There is not much left for the candidates to announce the 9 projects of the Financial Solutions Camp, the first demonstration in Algeria according to the following criteria:
▪️Paiement electronic
▪️solutions financières
#fintechstartup #startup #finance #FintechStartupChallenge #fintech
Excerpts from the first 🥇 day of training courses in the field of entrepreneurship to challenge financial 💳 solutions
Excerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field Pronounced like tExcerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field HumpExcerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field challenge Excerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field The Challenge of Financial Solutions Excerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field The Challenge of Financial 💳 SolutionsExcerpts from the development of projects in the field of electronic payment with a team of experts in the field The Challenge of Financial 💳 Solutions
Excerpts from lectures from the second 🥈 day of the Financial 💳 Solutions and Insurance Challenge
Excerpts from the first 🥇 day of the Financial 💳 Solutions and Insurance Challenge
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