Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar TSMS (Free Algerian Seminar via Zoom)
The seminar takes place every sunday from 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Cécile Gachet Part 2: Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: some theory and an application.Abstract : In this t...

Cécile Gachet
Part 2: Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: some theory and an application.
Abstract : In this talk, I present a snapshot of the theory of abelian varieties with complex multiplication, or how the eigenvalues of possible automorphisms on an abelian variety may determine it up to isogeny or even up to isomorphism. I give a recent application of this theory: If A is an abelian variety and G is a finite group acting freely in co-dimension 2 such that the quotient A/G admits a resolution that is a Calabi-Yau variety, then A is isogenous to E^{dim A}, where E is one of two possible elliptic curves.

Abstract : In this talk, I present a snapshot of the theory of abelian varieties with complex multiplication, or how the eigenvalues of possible automorphism...

Cécile Gachet Part 1: Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: some theory and an application.Abstract : In this t...

Cécile Gachet
Part 1: Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: some theory and an application.
Abstract : In this talk, I present a snapshot of the theory of abelian varieties with complex multiplication, or how the eigenvalues of possible automorphisms on an abelian variety may determine it up to isogeny or even up to isomorphism. I give a recent application of this theory: If A is an abelian variety and G is a finite group acting freely in codimension 2 such that the quotient A/G admits a resolution that is a Calabi-Yau variety, then A is isogenous to E^{dim A}, where E is one of two possible elliptic curves.

Abstract : In this talk, I present a snapshot of the theory of abelian varieties with complex multiplication, or how the eigenvalues of possible automorphism...

Dr. Imane AgmourUniversity of Hassan II of Casablanca, MorroccoEmail: agmour.imane@gmail.com Sunday 13 mars 06:00-06:45 ...

Dr. Imane Agmour
University of Hassan II of Casablanca, Morrocco
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 13 mars
06:00-06:45 p.m

Title: Analyse mathématique de modèles bioéconomiques :
Équilibre de Nash généralisé

Nous proposons d’analyser mathématiquement des modèles bioéconomiques concernant l’exploitation des populations marines.
Tout d’abord, nous présentons un modèle biologique général illustrant de façon simple et accessible les interactions entre les populations marines. Ensuite, pour concrétiser notre travail, nous choisissons les cinq petits pélagiques les plus connus du Maroc, à savoir, Sardina pilchradus, Sardinella, Engraulis encrasicolus, Scombercolias et Trachurus ; et nous donnons le modèle biologique représentant l’évolution de leurs biomasses sous forme d’un système à cinq équations différentielles. Nous introduisons par la suite l’activité de pêche afin de construire le modèle bioéconomique associé à ces populations. Nous calculons les points d’équilibre du modèle biologique et le point d’équilibre intérieur du modèle bioéconomique et nous étudions la stabilité locale du point d’équilibre intérieur de ce dernier modèle en utilisant l’analyse spectrale et le critère de Routh-Hurwitz.
En s’appuyant sur la théorie économique de Gordon, nous donnons l’expression du profit associé à chaque flottille de pêche, et nous écrivons le problème d’équilibre de Nash généralisé. La résolution de ce problème permet de déterminer l’effort de pêche en maximisant le profit de chaque flottille exploitant les cinq poissons petits pélagiques. Nous démontrons que la résolution de ce dernier problème mène à la résolution d’un problème de complémentarité linéaire. Ce dernier nous permet de donner l’expression mathématique de l’effort de pêche.
Finalement, nous considérons que l’effort de pêche représente le nombre de sorties de pêche, et nous cherchons à mettre en lumière l’impact de la variation des paramètres bioéconomiques sur les efforts de pêche, les captures et par conséquent les profits. Et afin de construire des modèles mathématiques qui décrivent le mieux la réalité, nous introduisons les effets m´météorologiques. Nous éclaircissons l’influence des changements météorologiques sur les efforts de pêche, les captures et les profits.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Cécile Gachet (PhD Student)Université Côte d'Azur, FranceWebsite: https://math.unice.fr/~gachet/Sunday 27 february.06:00...

Cécile Gachet (PhD Student)
Université Côte d'Azur, France
Website: https://math.unice.fr/~gachet/
Sunday 27 february.
06:00-06:45 p.m

Title: Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: some theory and an application.

Abstract: In this talk, I present a snapshot of the theory of abelian varieties with complex multiplication, or how the eigenvalues of possible automorphisms on an abelian variety may determine it up to isogeny or even up to isomorphism. I give a recent application of this theory: If A is an abelian variety and G is a finite group acting freely in codimension 2 such that the quotient A/G admits a resolution that is a Calabi-Yau variety, then A is isogenous to E^{dim A}, where E is one of two possible elliptic curves.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Dr. Samir BEDROUNIUniversité des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, AlgérieWebsite: http://perso.usthb.dz/...

Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Algérie
Website: http://perso.usthb.dz/~sbedrouni/
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 13 february
06:00-06:45 p.m


Abstract: In this talk, I will present the main results of a recent paper in collaboration with D. Marín.
First, I will explain the outline of the proof of the result which states that up to automorphism of P^2_{C} there are 5 homogeneous convex foliations of degree four on P^{2}_{C}. Second, we will see how to use this result to obtain a partial answer to a question posed in 2013 by D. Marín and J. Pereira about the classification of reduced convex foliations on P^{2}_{C}.

assili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Haroune Meghaichi - Part 2Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propag...

Haroune Meghaichi - Part 2
Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagation.

Abstract : We present an immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for solving acoustic-elastic interface problems.
The method allows elements to be cut by the interface and thus leading to elements consisting
of the union of an acoustic medium and an elastic medium. Thus, each interface element combines two separate models and is equipped with piecewise polynomial functions satisfying the interface jump conditions. The proposed discontinuous Galerkin formulation is stable and the IFE space contains optimally converging solutions. We present computational examples and results.

Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagation.Abstract : We present an immersed discontinuous Galerkin ...

Haroune Meghaichi Part 1Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagat...

Haroune Meghaichi
Part 1
Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagation.

Abstract : We present an immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for solving acoustic-elastic interface problems.
The method allows elements to be cut by the interface and thus leading to elements consisting
of the union of an acoustic medium and an elastic medium. Thus, each interface element combines two separate models and is equipped with piecewise polynomial functions satisfying the interface jump conditions. The proposed discontinuous Galerkin formulation is stable and the IFE space contains optimally converging solutions. We present computational examples and results.

Title : An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagation.Abstract : We present an immersed discontinuous Galerkin ...

Haroun Meghaichi (PhD Student)Virginia tech, USA Website:https://personal.math.vt.edu/haroun/index.html Email:  haroun@v...

Haroun Meghaichi (PhD Student)
Virginia tech, USA
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 30 january.
06:00-06:45 p.m
Title: An immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic and acoustic-elastic wave propagation

We present an immersed discontinuous Galerkin method for solving acoustic-elastic interface problems. The method allows elements to be cut by the interface and thus leading to elements consisting of the union of an acoustic medium and an elastic medium. Thus, each interface element combines two separate models and is equipped with piecewise polynomial functions satisfying the interface jump conditions. The proposed discontinuous Galerkin formulation is stable and the IFE space contains optimally converging solutions. We present computational examples and results.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Dr. Yacine MokhtariUniversity of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France. Part 2: Boundary controllability of coupled wave equat...

Dr. Yacine Mokhtari
University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France.

Part 2: Boundary controllability of coupled wave equations in 1-D

​In this talk, and after a brief introduction to control theory of PDEs, we present some results about boundary controllability of two coupled wave equations with first-order coupling in 1-D.

Abstract:​In this talk, and after a brief introduction to control theory of PDEs, we present some results about boundary controllability of two coupled wave ...

Dr. Yacine MokhtariUniversity of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France. Part 1: Boundary controllability of coupled wave equat...

Dr. Yacine Mokhtari
University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France.

Part 1: Boundary controllability of coupled wave equations in 1-D

​In this talk, and after a brief introduction to control theory of PDEs, we present some results about boundary controllability of two coupled wave equations with first-order coupling in 1-D.

Abstract:​In this talk, and after a brief introduction to control theory of PDEs, we present some results about boundary controllability of two coupled wave ...

Gaetan CANE  (Phd Student)Université de Côte d'Azur, FrancePartie 2 : Introduction à l'étude des modèles physiques par d...

Gaetan CANE (Phd Student)
Université de Côte d'Azur, France
Partie 2 : Introduction à l'étude des modèles physiques par des outils stochastiques

Comprendre les comportements macroscopiques à partir des modèles microscopiques est un des objectifs de la physique statistique. Cependant, l'étude des modèles physiques non linéaires est extrêmement difficile, la chaîne anharmonique en est un parfait exemple. Un moyen de pouvoir étudier des modèles est de remplacer la non linéarité par un bruit stochastique. Dans cet exposé, je présenterai l'étude de la chaîne harmonique soumise à un bruit d'échange. Je montrerai comment à partir des équations microscopiques on peut observer le comportement macroscopique. L'exposé sera composé de deux parties ; la première partie sera composée des rappels de probabilités nécessaires pour comprendre la seconde. Dans celle-ci, j'étudierai la chaîne harmonique bruitée soumise à un champ magnétique. Je montrerai qu'à partir des équations de Newton on peut obtenir une équation de Boltzmann linéaire. Puis, au moyen d'un changement d'échelle temporelle et spatiale je montrerai comment on peut obtenir une équation de la chaleur fractionnaire dont l'exposant dépend de la présence ou non du champ magnétique introduit.

Abstract: Comprendre les comportements macroscopiques à partir des modèles microscopiques est un des objectifs de la physique statistique. Cependant, l'étude...

Gaëtan Cane  (Phd Student)Université de Côte d'Azur, FrancePartie 1 : Introduction à l'étude des modèles physiques par d...

Gaëtan Cane (Phd Student)
Université de Côte d'Azur, France
Partie 1 : Introduction à l'étude des modèles physiques par des outils stochastiques

Abstract: Comprendre les comportements macroscopiques à partir des modèles microscopiques est un des objectifs de la physique statistique. Cependant, l'étude...


Dr. Yacine Mokhtari
University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France.
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mokhtari-yacine/accueil
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 23 january
06:00-06:45 p.m

Title: Boundary controllability of coupled wave equations in 1-D


​In this talk, and after a brief introduction to control theory of PDEs, we present some results about boundary controllability of two coupled wave equations with first-order coupling in 1-D.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]


Gaetan CANE (Phd Student)
Université de Côte d'Azur, France
Email: [email protected]

Sunday 16 january.
06:00-06:45 p.m
Title: Introduction à l'étude des modèles physiques par des outils stochastiques


Comprendre les comportements macroscopiques à partir des modèles microscopiques est un des objectifs de la physique statistique. Cependant, l'étude des modèles physiques non linéaires est extrêmement difficile, la chaîne anharmonique en est un parfait exemple. Un moyen de pouvoir étudier des modèles est de remplacer la non linéarité par un bruit stochastique. Dans cet exposé, je présenterai l'étude de la chaîne harmonique soumise à un bruit d'échange. Je montrerai comment à partir des équations microscopiques on peut observer le comportement macroscopique. L'exposé sera composé de deux parties ; la première partie sera composée des rappels de probabilités nécessaires pour comprendre la seconde. Dans celle-ci, j'étudierai la chaîne harmonique bruitée soumise à un champ magnétique. Je montrerai qu'à partir des équations de Newton on peut obtenir une équation de Boltzmann linéaire. Puis, au moyen d'un changement d'échelle temporelle et spatiale je montrerai comment on peut obtenir une équation de la chaleur fractionnaire dont l'exposant dépend de la présence ou non du champ magnétique introduit.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Adel Betina : On the failure of Gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurve.Abstract :​Coleman and Ma...

Adel Betina : On the failure of Gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurve.
Abstract :
​Coleman and Mazur Introduced the p-adic eigencurve, a rigid analytic space parametrizing the system of Hecke eigenvalues of p-adic modular forms of finite slope. I will present in this talk a joint work with Dimitrov and Pozzi in which we describe the geometry of the eigencurve at irregular weight one Eisenstein series. Such forms belong to the intersection of the Eisenstein locus and the cuspidal locus of the eigencurve. We proved that the cuspidal locus is étale over the weight space at any irregular weight one Eisenstein series. As a corollary, we gave some applications in Iwasawa theory.

Abstract :​Coleman and Mazur Introduced the p-adic eigencurve, a rigid analytic space parametrizing the system of Hecke eigenvalues of p-adic modular forms o...

Dr. Adel BetinaUniversité de Vienne, AutricheWebsite: https://sites.google.com/view/adelbetina/accueilEmail: adelbetina@...

Dr. Adel Betina
Université de Vienne, Autriche
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/adelbetina/accueil
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 9 January
06:00-06:45 p.m

Title : On the failure of Gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurve.

Abstract :

​Coleman and Mazur Introduced the p-adic eigencurve, a rigid analytic space parametrizing the system of Hecke eigenvalues of p-adic modular forms of finite slope. I will present in this talk a joint work with Dimitrov and Pozzi in which we describe the geometry of the eigencurve at irregular weight one Eisenstein series. Such forms belong to the intersection of the Eisenstein locus and the cuspidal locus of the eigencurve. We proved that the cuspidal locus is étale over the weight space at any irregular weight one Eisenstein series. As a corollary, we gave some applications in Iwasawa theory.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Exposé donné par Souheib Allout (TSMS).Title: Partially hyperbolic autonomous diffeomorphismsAbstract:The aim of this ta...

Exposé donné par Souheib Allout (TSMS).
Title: Partially hyperbolic autonomous diffeomorphisms
The aim of this talk is to introduce the notions of hyperbolic, partially hyperbolic, autonomous,... diffeomorphisms. The style is to be more into giving examples and raising questions. Finally, we present an algebraic classification of autonomous diffeomorphisms in dimensions two and three.

Abstract:The aim of this talk is to introduce the notions of hyperbolic, partially hyperbolic, autonomous,... diffeomorphisms. The style is to be more into g...

Exposé donné par Sara Mehidi (TSMS).Title: Extending torsors via log schemes.Abstract: We present here an approach to th...

Exposé donné par Sara Mehidi (TSMS).
Title: Extending torsors via log schemes.
We present here an approach to the problem of extension of torsors defined over the generic fiber of a family of curves. The question is to extend both the structural group and the total space of the torsor above the entire family.
The origin of this subject is in the work of Grothendieck, who at the beginning of the years 1960, gave a good definition of the fundamental group of algebraic varieties, based on the notion of étale Galois covers. The problem of extending torsors under constant groups (and of orders prime to the characteristic of the residual field) has been solved, on a general basis, by Grothendieck's fundamental group specialization theory.
When we are interested in algebraic varieties from an arithmetic point of view, it is natural to consider also torsors whose structural group is finite but not necessarily a constant group. We then talk of fppf torsors, with reference to the theory of faithfully flat descent. The point of view defended here is that in order to study the problem of extension of torsors, it is better to place ourselves in a larger frame where we allow the torsors to admit ramification : these are log flat torsors. So, we first search for a log extension for the intial torsor and then see if it comes from an fppf one.

Abstract: We present here an approach to the problem of extension of torsors defined over the generic fiber of a family of curves. The question is to extend ...

Souheib Allout (Phd Student)Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.Email: souheib.allout@rub.deSunday 12 december06:00-06:45 p....

Souheib Allout (Phd Student)
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 12 december
06:00-06:45 p.m
Title: Partially hyperbolic autonomous diffeomorphisms
The aim of this talk is to introduce the notions of hyperbolic, partially hyperbolic, autonomous,... diffeomorphisms. The style is to be more into giving examples and raising questions. Finally, we present an algebraic classification of autonomous diffeomorphisms in dimensions two and three.
Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

5 ème exposé au TSMS donné par M'hammed Oudrane.Title: Regular projections and Lipschitz structures of real singular spa...

5 ème exposé au TSMS donné par M'hammed Oudrane.
Title: Regular projections and Lipschitz structures of real singular spaces.
The notion of regular projection is a strong tool in Lipschitz geometry of real singularities, it provides a way to prove metric properties of singular spaces by finding a finite number of directions which is transverse to the tangent space at the regular points of the singular set. We will be talking about how to prove the existence of regular projections for definable sets in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures ( ex: semi algebraic sets) and its application to the study of the Lipschitz structures and Lipschitz cell decomposition of definable sets in o-minimal structures.

Abstract :The notion of regular projection is a strong tool in Lipschitz geometry of real singularities, it provides a way to prove metric properties of sing...

Sara Mehidi (Phd Student)University Of Toulouse, FranceEmail: sara.mehidi@math.univ-toulouse.frSunday 5 december.06:00-0...

Sara Mehidi (Phd Student)
University Of Toulouse, France
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 5 december.
06:00-06:45 p.m
Title: Extending torsors via log schemes.

We present here an approach to the problem of extension of torsors defined over the generic fiber of a family of curves. The question is to extend both the
structural group and the total space of the torsor above the entire family.
The origin of this subject is in the work of Grothendieck, who at the beginning of the years 1960, gave a good definition of the fundamental group of algebraic varieties, based on the notion of étale Galois covers. The problem of extending torsors
under constant groups (and of orders prime to the characteristic of the residual field) has been solved,
on a general basis, by Grothendieck's fundamental group specialization theory. When we are interested in algebraic varieties from an arithmetic point of view, it is natural to consider also torsors whose structural group is finite but not necessarily a constant group. We then talk of fppf torsors, with reference to the theory of faithfully flat descent. The point of view defended here is that in order to study the problem of extension of torsors, it is better to place ourselves in a larger frame where we allow the torsors to admit ramification : these are log flat torsors. So, we first search for a log extension for the intial torsor and then see if it comes from an fppf one.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

M'hammed Oudrane (Phd student).University of Côte d'Azur, FranceEmail: oudrane@unice.frSunday 28 november06:00-06:45 p.m...

M'hammed Oudrane (Phd student).
University of Côte d'Azur, France
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 28 november
06:00-06:45 p.m
Title : Regular projections and Lipschitz structures of real singular spaces.
Abstract :
The notion of regular projection is a strong tool in Lipschitz geometry of real singularities, it provides a way to prove metric properties of singular spaces by finding a finite number of directions which is transverse to the tangent space at the regular points of the singular set. We will be talking about how to prove the existence of regular projections for definable sets in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures ( ex: semi algebraic sets) and its application to the study of the Liptschitz structures and Lipschitz cell decomposition of definable sets in o-minimal structures.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

4 ème exposé au TSMS donné par Dr Zelaci Hacen.Titre:  Strange duality at level one for the anti-invariant vector bundle...

4 ème exposé au TSMS donné par Dr Zelaci Hacen.
Titre: Strange duality at level one for the anti-invariant vector bundles (Part 1)
For a smooth algebraic curve of positive genus over the field of complex numbers, the strange duality says that the space of sections of certain theta bundle on moduli of bundles of rank r and level k is naturally dual to a similar space of sections of rank k and level r. In this talk, I will explain this duality and show that it remains true (at least at level one) on the moduli spaces of anti-invariant vector bundles.

Abstract:For a smooth algebraic curve of positive genus over the field of complex numbers, the strange duality says that the space of sections of certain the...

3 ème exposé au TSMS donné par Dr Haroune Houamed.Titre : "Sur l'analyse de quelques problèmes d'EDP issus de la Mécaniq...

3 ème exposé au TSMS donné par Dr Haroune Houamed.
Titre : "Sur l'analyse de quelques problèmes d'EDP issus de la Mécanique des Fluides et de l'Hydrodynamique".

Résumé : Nous parlerons dans cet exposé, de quelques résultats récents sur l'existence, l'unicité, l'explosion, la régularité globale et la stabilité des solutions des équations de Navier-Stokes, Euler, MHD et de certains systèmes apparents.

Titre : "Sur l'analyse de quelques problèmes d'EDP issus de la Mécanique des Fluides et de l'Hydrodynamique".Résumé : Nous parlerons dans cet exposé, de quel...

Dr. Zelaci HacenUniversity of El-Oued, AlgeriaEmail: zelaci-hacen@univ-eloued.dzWebsite:  https://sites.google.com/site/...

Dr. Zelaci Hacen
University of El-Oued, Algeria
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/zhacen/

Sunday 14 november.
06:00-06:45 p.m (Algerian Time)
Title: Strange duality at level one for the anti-invariant vector bundles.

For a smooth algebraic curve of positive genus over the field of complex numbers, the strange duality says that the space of sections of certain theta bundle on moduli of bundles of rank r and level k is naturally dual to a similar space of sections of rank k and level r. In this talk, I will explain this duality and show that it remains true (at least at level one) on the moduli spaces of anti-invariant vector bundles.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w
If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Un petit changement! Nous vous informons que  Dr Haroune Houamed donnera une conférence ce dimanche  à 17:00 (heure algé...

Un petit changement!
Nous vous informons que Dr Haroune Houamed donnera une conférence ce dimanche à 17:00 (heure algérienne).

Dr. Haroune HouamedNew York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Email: haroune.houamed@nyu.eduSunday 7 november05...

Dr. Haroune Houamed
New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 7 november
05:00-05:45 p.m (Algerian Time)
Title: On the analysis of some PDEs arising in Fluid Mechanics and Hydrodynamics
I will be talking about some recent results on the existence, uniqueness, blow-up/global regularity and stability of solutions to the Navier-Stokes, Euler, MHD equations and some related systems.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/.../Tassili.../100074355480062/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w

If you are interested in attending please let us know!
Contact: [email protected]

Invited Speaker:  Rym Smai (Phd Student) University of Avignon, FranceEmail: rymsmai@yahoo.frWebsite: https://rymsmaimat...

Invited Speaker: Rym Smai (Phd Student)
University of Avignon, France
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://rymsmaimath.wordpress.com/
Sunday 31 october
06:00-06:45 p.m (Algerian Time)

​Title : Conformally flat spacetimes with complete lightlike geodesics.

Abstract :
C. Rossi proved that any maximal globally hyperbolic conformally flat spacetime which contains two homotopic lightlike geodesics with same extremities is a finite quotient of the Einstein universe. In the continuity of this result, I am interested in describing maximal globally hyperbolic (abbrev. MGH) conformally flat spacetimes with complete lightlike geodesics. In this talk, I will describe an example of such a spacetime, that we call Misner domain of the Einstein universe. Under some hypothesis, one prove that the universal covering of a MGH conformally flat spacetime with complete lightlike geodesics contains a Misner strip. The goal would be to prove that any MGH Cauchy compact conformally flat spacetime can be obtained by grafting (or removing) a Misner strip from another one. This would be the Lorentzian analogous of the grafting on hyperbolic surfaces introduced by Thurston.

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (TSMS)
Website: https://tsmsseminar.wixsite.com/algerianseminar
page: https://www.facebook.com/people/Tassili-Sunday-Maths-Seminar/100074355480062/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB9dnU4nhf7ibx1fXpyZH5w

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (Algerian Free  Virtual Seminar) Starting from 24th  October 2021.The Tassili Sunday Maths ...

Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (Algerian Free Virtual Seminar)
Starting from 24th October 2021.
The Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar event is held each sunday.
Our Aim is to:
1-Enhance cooperation and familiarize young Algerian researchers (Phd students, Postdoc,...) and Senior researchers in mathematics with each other by meeting online each sunday from 6:00 to 8:00pm .
2 - Seek as well to bring all those interested in mathematics in Algeria, in the early stages of training in mathematics, and introduce them to the various directions of research in mathematics
3- Give Algerian Phd students an opportunity to present their work in progress within a supportive community of postdoctoral researchers.
4- Share and exchange the recent results in different fields of mathematics through weekly presentations, mainly provided by Algerian young researchers.

If you are interested in attending, please contact: [email protected]
YouTube Channel:




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