Sõidame suve lõpusirgel… 🚲 Loodame, et nüüd kui suvi hakkab läbi saama ja rahvas linnas tagasi on, siis tulete ka meile taas Kadriorus külla! Valmistame teile erilise lillekimbu igaks tähtpäevaks. 💐
Riding into the last stretch of summer… We hope that now that summer’s ending and everyone is back in town, you will also come visit us again in Kadriorg! We will make you a beautiful flower bouquet for any occasion. 💐
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop
Lõpetamiste aeg on alanud! Tellige kaunis kimp, mis on spetsiaalselt kujundatud lõpetajat arvestades.
The graduation season has started! Order a beautiful bouquet made especially considering the graduate.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #lõpetamine #graduation
Tere tulemast meie pisikesse poodi 💁♀️
Welcome to our little store 💁♀️
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #piibelehed #maikellukesed #lilyofthevalley
Krüsanteemid on ühed vanimad aretatud lilled maailmas. Nad pärinevad Hiinast pea 3000 aastat tagasi.
Chrysanthemums are one of the oldest cultivated flowers. They originate from China about 3,000 years ago.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #krüsanteem #chrysanthemum #flowerfacts
Meie uus lemmikviis tulpe pakkida 😍
Our new favorite way to package tulips 😍
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #tulp #tulips
Praegu on tulpide tippaeg, kuid see möödub lausa märkamatult kiiresti. Kasutage seda aega, et endale üks kaunis kimbuke rõõmuks lauale osta.
Right now is the peak time for tulips but it will be over before you know it. Use this time to purchase a beautiful bouquet for your table to bring you joy.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #tulp #tulips #aesthetic
Lillede lõhn aitab leevendada ärevust ja stressi. Sel põhjusel on ka mitmed küünlad lillelõhnalised.
The scent of flowers helps relieve anxiety and stress. For that reason, many candles are floral scented.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #lilleteraapia #flowertherapy #küünlad #candles #aesthetic
Flower Fact Friday #4
Kas on veel klassikalisemat lille kui punane roos?
Kreeka mütoloogia kohaselt muutis Chloris (lillede jumalanna) ühe kauni surnud nümfi roosiks. Ta palus Apollol soojendada ta õit, Aphroditel laenata oma ilu, Dionysusel lisada magusat nektarit ning kolmel Graatsial anda sära, rõõmu ja õitsegut. Chloris nimetas roosi “Lillede Kuningannaks”.
Is there a more classic flower than a red rose?
In Greek myth, Chloris, the goddess of flowers, is said to have turned a beautiful, dead nymph into a rose. She invited Apollo to warm the bloom, Aphrodite to lend it her beauty, Dionysus to add sweet nectar, and the three Graces to supply charm, joy and magnificence. Chloris called the rose the “Queen of Flowers”.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #roos #roses #floriograafia #floriography #flowerfactfriday #raamat #books #aesthetic
Lihtsa munadepühade seade meisterdamine 🐣
Crafting a simple Easter arrangement 🐣
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #florist #munadepühad #easter
Vihmasesse päeva natuke värvi oma lauale. 🌷
A little color on your table on a rainy day. 🌷
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #tulp #tulips
Armsad tulbituutud. 🌷 Ainult 7-15€ olenevalt suurusest. Saadaval erivärvides.
Cute tulip cones. 🌷 Only 7-15€ depending on the size. Available in different colors.
#lilled #flowers #lillepood #flowershop #tulp #tulips