What an unbelievable three days we had at Build-a-Thon Energy 2024! 💡 Over 100 talented students came together to solve today’s renewable energy challenges. The result? Innovative, game-changing solutions that could make a real impact. 🚀
Missed it or want to relive the magic? The aftermovie is here! 🎬👇
Huge thanks to our amazing partners, InseneriAkadeemia and City of Tallinn, and to our incredible sponsors Enefit Eesti, Sunly , LHV, Solaride, TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Kadarbiku Köögivili, A. Le Coq, Go Hotel Shnelli and Grolls Eesti for making this event unforgettable. 🙌
A special shoutout to Silver Tõnisson for capturing all the action and energy! 🎥🔥
(ENG below👇)
Kõigil oli häkatonil oma ülesanne – samal ajal kui teised lahendasid roheenergia väljakutseid, “häkkisime” meie Dynamiti maitseid. Suur aitäh A. Le Coq ja DYNAMI:T, et varustasite meid energiaga kogu häki jooksul!
Everyone had their own challenge at the hackathon - while others tackled green energy solutions, we were busy ‘hacking’ Dynamit’s flavors. Huge thanks to A. Le Coq and DYNAMI:T for powering us throughout the hack!
Ever wondered what a day at a hackathon is like? It’s all about teamwork, tackling real challenges, and bringing ideas to life.
A big thanks to City of Tallinn, InseneriAkadeemia and all our partners for helping young engineers turn their ideas into reality.
Häkatoni teisel päeval turgutasid osaliste energiataset ForMe naturaalse kofeiiniga joogid. 🤩
Selleks, et meie mentorite päeva veel boosti lisada, panime nad proovile ForMe jookide väljakutses, kus oli vaja seada pudelid õigesse järjekorda pimesi! 👀
Vaata videost, kuidas nad sellega hakkama said. 👆
Aitäh A. Le Coq & ForMe Eesti! 🫶
On the second day of the hackathon, the participants' energy levels were boosted by ForMe natural caffeine drinks. 🤩
To give our mentors' day an extra boost, we challenged them with the ForMe drink challenge, where they had to arrange the bottles correctly without seeing! 👀
Watch the video to see how it went. 👆
Big thanks to A. Le Coq & ForMe Eesti 🫶
💡 Build-a-Thon Award Ceremony! ⚒️
💡 Build-a-Thon Award Ceremony! ⚒️
⚙️ 6 best ideas have been chosen and pitched – who will get in the top three?
💥 And who will be given out the special prizes?
💡 Build-a-Thon Finals! ⚒️
💡 Build-a-Thon Finals! ⚒️
⚙️ Only 6 teams out of 18 get chosen to pitch their ideas straight to the judges.
Who will get the opportunity to do so?
☀ Info about that and all of the prizes will be announced soon – stay tuned!
⚒️ Inseneeria valdkonna müüdid ❌
⚒️ Inseneeria valdkonna müüdid ❌
Build-a-Thonil saavad sõna oma ala eksperdid, et koostöös Inseneriakadeemiaga murda inseneeriaga seotud müüte. 💥
MÜÜT 1: Inseneeria valdkonda oodatakse vaid insenere.
Esimest müüti murrab Kristjan Maruste – mehhatroonikainsener ja ettevõtja.
💚 Build-a-Thon 2024 opening ceremony 💥
Build-a-Thon is a hackathon aimed at creative people. We welcome anyone who wants to create and develop exciting new hardware projects. This time we also open the doors to marketing and finance people to support a comprehensive approach where ideas develop into realistic and implementable solutions.