Hariprasad Chaurasia - bansuri
Vijay Ghate - tabla
Krista Citra Joonas - bansuri
Jaak Johanson - tanpura
Sündinud 1938. aastal Allahabadis maadleja pojana, ootas Hariprasad Chaurasiat ees hoopis üks teine saatus. Tänaseks on ta maailmas kuulsaim ja tunnustatuim India muusik, keda riik on austanud kõrgeima kunstniku tiitliga - Padma Vibhushan. Hariprasad Chaurasia annab kontserte üle terve maailm
a ja rõõmustab publikut oma bambusflöödi helidega, seades neid meisterlikult iidseteks raagadeks. Raagad on India klassikalise muusika vorm, mis on pärimuslikult katkematult kestnud aastatuhandeid, esimesed kirjalikud allikad aga on 5000 aastat vanad. Tegemist on modaalse muusika vormiga, kus peamine osa põhineb improvisatsioonil traditsioonilistes kindlalt ette antud raamides. Erinevatele päeva- ja aastaaegadele vastavad erinevad meeleolud ja värvid mis kehastuvad raagadeks. On suur au jagada seda rõõmu ja kutsuda teid osa saama ainukordsest võimalusest kuulata suurmeister Hariprasad Chaurasiat kontserdil Eestis. Eesti Kontserdi kassades
Piletimaailmas: https://www.piletimaailm.com/performances/45416-india-klassikalise-muusika-suursaadiku-pt-hariprasad-chaurasia-kontsert
Piletilevis: http://www.piletilevi.ee/est/piletid/muusika/muu/?concert=142570
Embassador of classical Indian music in Estonia Concert Hall:
24 May 2014
9:00 pm
Estonia Concert Hall, Estonia puiestee 4, Tallinn, Estonia
Hariprasad Chaurasia - bansuri
Vijay Ghate - tabla
Krista Citra Joonas - bansuri
Jaak Johanson - tanpura
Hariprasad Chaurasia was born in 1938 in Allahabad as the son of a wrestler, but destiny had its own plans in store for him. Today he is the most distinguished Indian musician in the world. The government of India has honoured him with the Padma Vibhushan, one of the highest civilian award in the Republic of India. Hariprasad Chaurasia is known to give enchanting concerts all around the world, masterfully threading notes into ancient ragas on his bamboo flute. Raga is a classical form of Indian music that has been, for thousands of years, handed down from teacher to student, from guru to shishya. It is a form of modal music that mostly relies on improvisation according to a strict, traditional framework. The different times of the day and seasons are accompanied by different colours and moods – ragas are the embodiment of these colors and moods. It is a great honour to share this happiness with you, and to invite you to the concert of maestro Pundit Hariprasad Chaurasia in Tallinn, Estonia. TICKETS AVAILABLE: