Hoy tenemos la Ceremonia de W&E en este precioso espacio en Finca La Huerta Jardín Nupcial Hotel Cañitas (Casas Ibañez - Albacete) Marcela Serendipity Ceremonias Serendipity Ceremonias #ceremoniasalbacete
The wedding of H & R from New York 🇺🇸🇪🇸💍🎶🎊💝
The amazing wedding venue @casasantonja is ready for the Weddings season 2024
Let’s start with this incredibly and happy couple coming from New York (EEUU) and their guest from Australia, Switzerland, France,Belgium and EEUU
Congrats !🎉🎊🍾
Catering from @elpobletevents
Wedding Planner
Wedding celebrant , me!!! Marcela Server
Felicidades Darling Aspiazu & Ana Perez Ochoa por vuestros 24 años de amor juntos ❤️💍❤️💍❤️💍❤️💍❤️
Felicidades a todos los Pepes, Pep, Pepita, José, Josefa, Josefina, Josito, Fina, Joselito, etc. que hoy celebran el gran día de su santo y a todos los PADRES del mundo 🌍🥂💝💥🥳🎈💫 #felizdiadesanjose
Celebrating enquiries coming in every day now! Whooooohoooo!So if you are engaged, I'm ready!Standing together with my handpicked Serendipity Ceremonias Marcela Serendipity Ceremonias TEAM.... on stand-by to save your date into the diary!👉 Link in bioPhoto #celebrantspain #celebrantsinspain #celebrantinspain #bilingualcelebrantspain #valencianweddingofficiant #costablancaweddingcelebrant #celebrantMarinaAlta #celebrantdenia #weddingcelebrantspain #Spainbeachwedding #engaged2024 #shesaidyes #hesaidyes #uniqueSpanishwedding #marriedinSpain #marryinSpain #getmarriedinSpain #loveislove #Spainelopement #Spainvowrenewal