2 maestro Sibiri Konaté & Villou Laye are ready to come to Jkl for making you travelling in Africa 🌍with them experience of African dance and drumming
Remember to sign up before 6.10.
[email protected]
Happy Sunday Fam🤩
Third artists @ Waaw Africa Festival Onstage @ Ilokivi 28.8.Door open 19.30
-Mama Africa Junior 👏👏
Mama Africa Junior is a group of Senegalese professional musicians and dancers active in Finland, whose rhythmic music strikes Finnish hearts and hips. The group's name suggests that its founding members, as young juniors, left the sandy streets of Dakar to spread the good news of African music to the cold North. Later, the band has been influenced by their music from other parts of the world than Finland.
These six men deliver a jubilant blast of hot Afro-Caribbean dance and rhythms. The music consists of the following instruments: kora (traditional West African string instrument), bass, guitar, drum set, conga drums, sabar drums and vocals.
Along with the music, we also offer an eye-catching West African sabar-dance show. Sabar is a traditional Senegalese dance based on breathtakingly demanding jumps and basic steps that the audience can join.
The group has previously appeared in e.g. Helsinki Faces Festival, Jyväskylä Waaw Africa Festival, Tampere Fest in Africa and Trondheim World Music Festival.
Second Artist Onstage at Waaw Africa festival 28.8.Ilokivi,Tickets sales start 19.30 @ the door.
-Papa Zai & The Soul Blenders ✌🏾
He has performed far and wide in Finland including in some of the major festivals like Ilosaari Rock, Provinssi Rock, Ruis Rock, Fest Afrika, Maailma Kylässä, Reggae Snow Splash, Uppsala Reggae Festival in Sweden, and many others. He has also been a regular feature at Selecta Andor’s Reggae Stomp and other Sound System events. He has curtain-raised for major reggae artists from Jamaica like Burning Spear, Sizzla and Luciano.👏👏
More information check out our Fb event:
J-17. When you hear 👂 there’s the first time black and white party also a dancehall workshop special with one of the famous female dancer from Jamaica in the Jkl city so this the move you will do 😉
@tunupjkl @blackbabyofficial @riddim_queens @dj_shaka @ganzenius @bkmazan @haidar_16_ @pape_cisse_waawafrica @pape.cisse25 #waawafricaproductions #waawafrica #jyväskylä #visitjyväskylä #visitkuopio #kuopio #lahti #tampere #visittampere #visitlahti #korpilahti @mara_jackhammer #dancehallmusic #dancehallworkshop #visitäänekoski #äänekoski @sophiawekesa #blackandwhite #afrobeats #reggae #naija #fridayvibes #fridayparty #perjantai @ilokivionstage #goodvibes #linkup #friends #party #partytime #suolahti #helsinki #visithelsinki
Much thanks for everyone who attended yesterday Afrobeat Night at Ravintola Myöhä and the next time will be much fun from 11-13.10. Unforgettable weekend 🙏#waawafrica #multicultural #ainamyöhässä #jyväskylä #lutakko #kuokkala #visitlahti #kuopio #tampere #mamaafricajunior
Fam, Afrobeat Night#5 is called 13.9 @ ravintola myöhä. Mark the date and see you my party people and without you we cannot make it 💚💛❤️ #ravintolamyöhä #jyväskylä #visitjyväskylä #kuokkalansilta #kuokkala #partypeople #fridaymood @souleymane_ngom @ganzenius @koshaib_99 @blackbabyofficial @dj_shaka @sunkissedguombi @pape.cisse25 #waawafrica #rastaman #kuopio #visitlahti #lahti #tampere #helsinki
Tällä viikolla perjantaina 16.8 taas Afrobeat Night at ravintola myöhä!💚💛❤️
Showtime 22:00-04. K18+
liput ovelta 5€ (klubikortilla 2€) Älä missaa 🔥🔥😉😉 @sunkissed.guombi @crew_alertaroja @dj_shaka @blackbabyofficial @koshaib_99 @khaled_sheikh77 @ravintolamyoha @salsastudiotanssikoulu @salsastudiohelsinki @pape_cisse_waawafrica @pape.cisse25 #jyväskylä #visitjyväskylä #visitkuopio #kuopio #tampere #visittampere #visitlahti #lahti #kuokkala #kuokkalansilta #afrobeats #fridaymood #fridayparty
Only one place to be for the best Friday party in JKL called Afrobeat night 16.8 at ravintola myöhä from 22-04. K18. Bring your friends friend 👬 @ravintolamyoha @crew_alertaroja @rumblesquad @riddim_queens @ganzenius @blackbabyofficial @shongololoband @kurdo_._ @koshaib_99 @khaled_sheikh77 @hommahaltuun @pape.cisse25 @muhisjafari @zayn.alazawi @dj_shaka @club_afro_boogie @afrobeatnights @afrobeat360 #salsastudiojyväskylä #visitjyväskylä #lutakko #kuokkala #kuokkalansilta #friday #fridaymood #fridayparty #lahti #visitlahti #tampere #visittampere #korpilahti #äänekoski #visitäänekoski #multicultural #battledance #dancebattle #naija #afrobeat #goodvibes #visitkuopio #kuopio #suolahti #muurame #happydance #musicconnection
Afrobeat night is calling this Friday 12.7 @ravintolamyoha The best place to got to know new ppl so guys don’t miss it from 22-04. Age 18+ 🔥🔥😉😉
@waawafricaproductions @mama_africa_junior @bkmazan @ganzenius @dj_shaka @blackbabyofficial @zeinab.mohammadi_ @koshaib_99 @visitjyvaskyla @hommahaltuun #kuokkala #afrobeat #afrobeatnights #afrobeats #partyfriday #fridayparty #meetpeople #multicultural #goodvibes #happy #coupedecale #kuopio #tampere #helsinki #korpilahti #äänekoski #muurame
Shameless shongololo band sound check 👊🏾