Wise words from my grandfather…
When I was doing my celebrant training, I had to do a bit of writing on what marriage is. At this point I wasn’t even engaged, so although I had my own thoughts about it, I asked the most qualified person I know for their opinion.
My Nanny and Pappy enjoyed 56 years of marriage together and I always looked to them as an example of how a vibrant and loving lifelong partnership can work. My Pappy shared these words with me on his view of marriage, and it gives a beautiful insight into the work they put into their marriage and the joy they experienced being together.
I’ll be taking these words of wisdom into my own marriage and hope I’m lucky enough to share 56 happy years with my love.
Have you any words of wisdom passed on from family or friends you’ll be holding close? I think adding in a personal quote like this to your wedding ceremony would be a beautiful touch…
What does marriage mean to you? Soppy/meaningful/hilarious answers below, I dare you! 😊🤍
Ruby x