Today 26th April is DJ George’s Birthday.
As many of you know Ian Dalton has been keeping alive George’s memory for 5 years usually on memorable dates.
"George had many talents and also wrote poetry, one poignant poem was read at his funeral.
George describes his feelings as an adult looking back at the tender age of eight years, lost and alone.
He and other siblings were taken into care and abandoned by his parents who only visited him once before they left him in a care home for good.
This is one of George’s many life stories of which he has many.
I have for some time been piecing together his history, his story, his friend’s, leading up to him becoming a very talented artist and beyond.
Many of you have lots of memories which form part of his life story and may want to share this, if so please feel free to DM me, Ian.
Some have already reached out and the response has been heartfelt, thank you.
Today I will share drinks with all of George’s genuinely great Friends and remember today and 27.10.17."
“A legend, long May he be remembered”