Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama

Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama As Wales’ national conservatoire, we train actors, musicians, designers, technicians & arts managers.

The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the National Conservatoire of Wales, and part of the University of South Wales Group, competes alongside an international peer group of conservatoires and specialist arts colleges for the best students globally, enabling students to enter and influence the world of music, theatre and related professions. Artistic Voice - The College educates some of the mo

st talented students from around the world, aiming to give them not just the technical and craft skills they’ll need to succeed at the top levels of the profession, but also to help them to develop their individual artistic ‘voice.’

Creative Diversity - The College’s events calendar encompasses over 300 public performances every year including orchestral concerts, recitals, drama, opera and musical theatre. The creative diversity of the college ensures a stimulating environment and broad experience for students of all disciplines. Pushing Boundaries - Our dedicated teachers have a wealth of professional and industry experience and the college collaborates with a number of high-profile arts organisations, including Welsh National Opera, BBC NOW, visiting artists and directors, to ensure that the unique vocational nature of our training programmes reflect the current practices and conditions of the professional world. The College is constantly pushing boundaries with innovative and exciting programmes of study tailored to the demands of contemporary arts and creative industries. In 2009, its 60th anniversary year, the College became the UK’s first All-Steinway Conservatoire. The focus is always on the future and we take immense pride in the world-class talent of our students.

The College will be closed to the public for graduation ceremonies on July 4 and 5, 2024. We apologise for any inconveni...

The College will be closed to the public for graduation ceremonies on July 4 and 5, 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Bydd y Coleg ar gau i'r cyhoedd ar gyfer seremonïau graddio ar 4 a 5 Gorffennaf 2024. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleuster.

Update: Unfortunately tonight's performance (1 Jul) of Little Women has been cancelled due to illness within the cast. W...

Update: Unfortunately tonight's performance (1 Jul) of Little Women has been cancelled due to illness within the cast. We’re sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause. Sherman Theatre will be in touch with ticket holders to arrange a refund or exchange.

Follow the adventures of sisters, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March in the smash hit musical Little Women.
Tonight (7.15pm) and tomorrow (2pm & 7.15pm) at Sherman Theatre

Tickets still available
Diweddariad: Yn anffodus mae perfformiad heno (1 Gorff) o Little Women wedi'i chanslo oherwydd salwch yn y cast. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra mae hwn yn achosi. Mae Theatr Sherman yn cysylltu â phawb sydd hefo tocyn ar gyfer y sioe i drefnu ad-daliad neu gyfnewid.

Dilyn anturiaethau’r chwiorydd, Jo, Meg, Beth ac Amy March yn y sioe gerdd hynod lwyddiannus Little Women.
Heno (7.15pm) ac yfory (2pm & 7.15pm) yn Theatr Sherman

Tocynnau dal ar gael


‘Creative captions are like having subtitles in real life. They help D/deaf audiences to understand things they might miss that a hearing audience would hear… Our show would be nowhere near as good without them - they make it.’

Our students talk you through the process of using creative captions, working on non-verbal sound effects and how they bring them to life in their puppetry show 'Spawn!'🕹️


‘Mae capsiynau creadigol fel cael is-deitlau bywyd go iawn. Maent yn helpu cynulleidfaoedd B/byddar i ddeall pethau y gallent o bosibl eu colli ond y byddai cynulleidfa sy’n clywed yn eu deall… Ni fyddai ein sioe hanner cystal hebddynt – nhw sy’n gwneud y sioe.’

Mae ein myfyrwyr yn mynd â chi drwy'r broses o ddefnyddio capsiynau creadigol, gweithio ar effeithiau sain di-eiriau a sut maent yn dod â hwy’n fyw yn eu sioe bypedau 'Spawn!'🕹️

Rachel graduated from RWCMD in 2023 with an MMus Piano.‘The Royal Welsh College has prepared me not just technically, bu...

Rachel graduated from RWCMD in 2023 with an MMus Piano.

‘The Royal Welsh College has prepared me not just technically, but also collaboratively. It’s instilled in me the value of open-mindedness, flexibility, and the ability to inspire others through music. The training is not just classical but it appreciates all types of music. Nowadays, being a musician isn’t just about having amazing technical skills, but also about how you get on with others. And it's important to be able to transmit your technique into inspiration so that others can be inspired by you.

It's about self-belief, believing in yourself and where you want to go with your instrument, and being as involved in as many different things as possible, because you never know what opportunities that will bring for you in the future.’


Graddiodd Rachel Starritt o CBCDC yn 2023 gyda MMus Piano.

‘Mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru wedi fy mharatoi i’n dechnegol ac ar y cyd hefyd. Mae wedi gwneud i mi werthfawrogi meddwl yn agored, bod yn hyblyg a’r gallu i ysbrydoli pobl eraill drwy gerddoriaeth. Mae’r hyfforddiant yn glasurol ond mae hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi pob math o gerddoriaeth. Yn yr oes sydd ohoni, mae bod yn gerddor yn golygu mwy na dim ond meddu ar sgiliau technegol anhygoel, mae sut rydych chi’n cyd-dynnu ag eraill yn bwysig hefyd. Ac mae’n bwysig gallu trosglwyddo eich techneg i fod yn ysbrydoliaeth er mwyn i bobl eraill gael eu hysbrydoli gennych chi.

Mae’n ymwneud â hunan-gred, credu ynoch chi’ch hun a ble rydych chi eisiau mynd gyda’ch offeryn, a bod mor gysylltiedig â chymaint o bethau gwahanol â phosibl, oherwydd dydych chi byth yn gwybod pa gyfleoedd fydd yn dod i’ch rhan yn y dyfodol.’

Balance is in London! Pob lwc to our   students who're adding the finishing touches to Balance at the Bargehouse Oxo Tow...

Balance is in London!

Pob lwc to our students who're adding the finishing touches to Balance at the Bargehouse Oxo Tower Wharf.

Balance is open to the public from 28-30 June 11:30am-7pm, so if you're in London, head on over!

More info here 👉


Mae'r Balance yn Llundain!

Pob lwc i'n myfyrwyr sy'n ychwanegu'r cyffyrddiadau pesgi at Balance yn y Bargehouse Oxo Tower Wharf.

Mae Balance ar agor i'r cyhoedd o 28-30 Mehefin 11:30am-7pm, felly os ydych chi yn Llundain, ewch draw!

Mwy yma👉

We’re honoured that Welsh composer Rhian Samuel came along to the rehearsal of her piece ‘Tirluniau’ yesterday. Don’t mi...

We’re honoured that Welsh composer Rhian Samuel came along to the rehearsal of her piece ‘Tirluniau’ yesterday. Don’t miss our musicians performing side by side with the brilliant Welsh National Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru Orchestra, tonight!

Mae’n anrhydedd i ni fod Rhian Samuel, y gyfansoddwraig o Gymru, wedi dod draw i rihyrsal ei darn ‘Tirluniau’ ddoe. Peidiwch â cholli cyfle i weld ein cerddorion yn perfformio ochr yn ochr â cherddorfa wych WNO, heno!

Find out more | Rhagor o wybodaeth:

This  , we're highlighting the importance of music and its positive impact on our well-being.    Director of Music, Tim ...

This , we're highlighting the importance of music and its positive impact on our well-being.

Director of Music, Tim Rhys-Evans spoke with Music Teacher Magazine about his personal relationship between music and mental health.


Mae hyn yn , rydym yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd cerddoriaeth a'i effaith gadarnhaol ar ein lles.

Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd, Tim Rhys-Evans fu'n siarad ag MusicTeacher Magazine am ei berthynas bersonol rhwng cerddoriaeth a iechyd meddwl.


Highlighting the importance of music and its positive impact on our wellbeing, Director of Music Tim Rhys-Evans wrote for Music Teacher magazine about his…

Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the opera opens here in the Richard Burton Theatre next week! Join us for midsummer ...

Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the opera opens here in the Richard Burton Theatre next week!

Join us for midsummer madness as Shakespeare’s magical worlds mingle and collide in this comedy of errors featuring a special version of Britten’s score for piano, percussion and celeste.


Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, mae’r opera’n agor yma yn Theatr Richard Burton wythnos nesaf!

Ymunwch â ni am wallgofrwydd canol haf wrth i fydoedd hudolus Shakespeare gymysgu a gwrthdaro yn y gomedi llawn gwallau hon sy’n cynnwys fersiwn arbennig o sgôr Britten ar gyfer y piano, offerynnau taro a celeste.

Tickets | Tocynnau:


⭐Our new brand film is officially live!⭐

As Wales’ national conservatoire, we fire imagination and drive innovation. Our students’ extraordinary talent and potential is fused with exceptional teaching and unrivalled industry links, to bring dreams to life. Creative ambition and collaboration are central to our excellence.


⭐Mae ein ffilm brand newydd yn fyw yn swyddogol!⭐

Fel conservatoire cenedlaethol Cymru, rydyn ni’n tanio’r dychymyg ac yn sbarduno arloesedd. Mae doniau a photensial aruthrol ein myfyrwyr, ac addysgu rhagorol a chysylltiadau heb eu tebyg yn y diwydiant, yn dod ynghyd i wireddu breuddwydion. Mae uchelgais greadigol a chydweithio’n ganolog i’n rhagoriaeth.

On  , why not check out our range of free music events here at the College, ranging from our very own Friday jazz club, ...

On , why not check out our range of free music events here at the College, ranging from our very own Friday jazz club, to electronic music performances.

Check out what’s on here:


Ar Ddiwrnod Cerddoriaeth y Byd, beth am edrych ar yr ystod o ddigwyddiadau rhad ac am ddim sydd ymlaen yma yn y Coleg; yn amrywio o'n clwb jazz dydd Gwener, i berfformiadau cerddoriaeth electronig.

Sbïwch ar beth sydd ymlaen yma:

Bydd e-bost yn cael ei anfon yn gofyn i chi gadarnhau eich cyfeiriad. Edrychwch yn eich ffolder sbam / sothach os nad yw'r e-bost yn cyrraedd o fewn ychydig funudau.


🌈 Mis Pride Hapus | Happy Pride Month 🌈
We asked some of our students what pride means to them… take a look!


🌈 Mis Pride Hapus | Happy Pride Month 🌈
Gofynnon ni i rai o'n myfyrwyr beth mae balchder yn ei olygu iddyn nhw... Edrycha!

As we celebrate our 75th birthday, we welcome ten exceptional artists into our community as Honorary Fellows - ‘Each of ...

As we celebrate our 75th birthday, we welcome ten exceptional artists into our community as Honorary Fellows - ‘Each of them artistically ground-breaking and transformative for Wales’:


David Adams, leader of the Welsh National Opera Orchestra.

Julia Barry, Chief Executive Officer at Sherman Theatre.

David Childs, Distinguished Research Professor of Euphonium, University of North Texas.

Grahame Davies, award-winning poet, librettist and lyricist.

Mererid Hopwood, award-winning author, poet and arts practitioner.

Deborah Keyser, Director of Tŷ Cerdd / Music Centre Wales.

Sean Mathias, actor, director and writer.

Shubhra Nayar, graduate and the Artist behind the Real Elephant Collective.

Gabriella Slade - Tony award-winning costume designer.

Lisa Tregale, Director of BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales.

✨ Croeso a llongyfarchiadau to you all! ✨


Wrth i ni ddathlu ein pen-blwydd yn 75 oed, rydym yn croesawu deg artist eithriadol i’n cymuned fel Cymrodyr er Anrhydedd.

Mae pob un ohonynt yn artistig arloesol a thrawsnewidiol i Gymru:


David Adams, blaenwr Cerddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Julia Barry, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, Theatr y Sherman yng Nghaerdydd.

David Childs, Tiwtor Gwadd Rhyngwladol CBCDC ac Athro Ymchwil Nodedig yr Ewffoniwm, Prifysgol Gogledd Texas.

Grahame Davies, bardd gwobrwyedig, libretydd ac awdur geiriau.

Mererid Hopwood, awdur a bardd gwobrwyedig, ac ymarferydd celfyddydol.

Deborah Keyser, Cyfarwyddwr Tŷ Cerdd.

Sean Mathias, actor, cyfarwyddwr ac awdur.

Shubhra Nayar, artist sy’n gyfrifol am y Real Elephant Collective.

Gabriella Slade - cynllunydd theatr ac enillydd gwobr Tony.

Lisa Tregale, Cyfarwyddwr Cerddorfa a Chorws Cenedlaethol Cymreig y BBC.

✨ Croeso a llongyfarchiadau i bawb ohonoch! ✨

How do you encapsulate the essence of the College through music?🤔🎵  With six years at  , composition grad and Student Un...

How do you encapsulate the essence of the College through music?🤔🎵

With six years at , composition grad and Student Union President Natalie Roe has become an expert on the College, and was the obvious choice to compose the theme for our new brand film...


Su mae crynhoi hanfod y Coleg drwy gerddoriaeth? 🤔🎵

Ar ôl chwe blynedd yn , mae Llywydd Undeb y Myfyrwyr Natalie Roe a raddiodd mewn Cyfansoddi, wedi dod yn arbenigwr ar y Coleg, ac yn ddewis amlwg i gyfansoddi’r thema ar gyfer ein ffilm brand...

Guitarist, Jonathan graduated from RWCMD in 2015 with a BMus Hons Music.‘From the moment I set foot in the building, I k...

Guitarist, Jonathan graduated from RWCMD in 2015 with a BMus Hons Music.

‘From the moment I set foot in the building, I knew it was something special. The audition panel's genuine interest in me, both as an individual and a musician, created a welcoming atmosphere that set the tone for my entire learning experience. The course gave me quality time with my instrument, allowing me to explore all its expressive capacities.

Collaboration is central to a musician's life, whether working with composers, sound engineers, dancers, or multi-instrumentalists. The emphasis on collaboration at the Royal Welsh College has been instrumental in moving forward in my musical journey. Meeting and working alongside fantastic musicians, actors, stage managers and theatre designers created an inspiring atmosphere to study in.

The performing opportunities at College were a highlight of my time there. Performing in the Anthony Hopkins Centre and as well in the Dora Stoutzker Hall and having these amazing performing experiences is one of my favourite memories.

Since graduating from the Royal Welsh College, I moved to London for my postgrad before moving to Valencia, Spain where, ten years after graduating, I am now proud to be a professor at their conservatoire.’


Gitarydd, graddiodd Jonathan o yn 2015 gyda BMus Anrh Cerddoriaeth.

‘O’r eiliad y cyrhaeddais i’r adeilad, roeddwn i’n gwybod fod rhywbeth arbennig yma. Roedd diddordeb gwirioneddol y panel clyweliadau ynof i, fel unigolyn ac fel cerddor, yn creu awyrgylch croesawgar a oedd yn gosod y naws ar gyfer fy mhrofiad dysgu drwyddo draw. Rhoddodd y cwrs amser gwerthfawr i mi gyda’m hofferyn, gan fy ngalluogi i archwilio ei holl alluoedd mynegiannol.

Mae cydweithio yn ganolog i fywyd cerddor, boed yn gweithio gyda chyfansoddwyr, peirianwyr sain, dawnswyr neu aml-offerynwyr. Mae’r pwyslais ar gydweithio yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cymru wedi bod yn allweddol wrth symud ymlaen ar fy nhaith gerddorol. Roedd cwrdd a gweithio ochr yn ochr â cherddorion, actorion, rheolwyr llwyfan a dylunwyr theatr gwych yn creu awyrgylch ysbrydoledig i astudio ynddo.

Roedd y cyfleoedd perfformio yn y Coleg yn uchafbwynt yn fy amser yno. Mae perfformio yng Nghanolfan Anthony Hopkins a hefyd yn Neuadd Dora Stoutzker a chael y profiadau perfformio anhygoel hyn yn un o fy hoff atgofion.

Ers graddio o Goleg Brenhinol Cymru, symudais i Lundain ar gyfer fy ngradd ôl-raddedig cyn symud i Valencia, Sbaen lle, ddeng mlynedd ar ôl graddio, rwyf bellach yn falch o fod yn athro yn eu conservatoire.’

Guitarist Jonathan graduated from RWCMD in 2015 with a BMus (Hons) Music.

🎉 Students and alumni re-united in College to celebrate 50 years of inspirational, award-winning design for performance ...

🎉 Students and alumni re-united in College to celebrate 50 years of inspirational, award-winning design for performance at RWCMD!

Discover what makes a leader in design education:


🎉 Myfyrwyr a chyn-fyfyrwyr yn dod ynghyd i ddathlu 50 mlynedd o waith cynllunio ar gyfer perfformio sy’n ysbrydoli ac sydd wedi ennill gwobrau yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru.

Dysgwch sut mae ar flaen y gad o ran addysg cynllunio:

Photography / Ffotograffiaeth
📷 Robert Workman (2)
📷 Kirsten McTernan (3-7)
📷 Marc Arkless (8)

🎭Production / Cynhyrchiad
2. Street Scenes (Director/ Cyfarwyddwr: Martin Constantine, Set Designer: Emily Bates)
3. Sunday in the Park with George Sunday in the Park with George (Director: Sarah Tipple, Set Designer/ Cynllunydd Set: Meggie Settle, Costume Designer/ Cynllunydd Gwisg: Celia Favorite)
4. Mary Stuart (Cyfarwyddwr/Director: Daniel Raggett, Set & Costume Designer/Cynllunydd Set a Gwisg: Vada Baldwin)
5. Wearable Art 2024 (Misc.)
6. The Book of Dust (Director/ Cyfarwyddwr: Zoë Templeman Young, Set & Costume Designer/ Cynllunydd Set a Gwisg: Amy Maguire Lewis)
7. Anna Karenina Director/ Cyfarwyddwr: Daniel Raggett, Set and Costume Designer/ Cynllunydd Set a Gwisg: Constance Canavarro)
8. Balance 2022 (Misc.)


From music, acting, design, stage management, scenic construction, and beyond, each student's journey is uniquely their own.

Be part of the experience and join us on an inspiring journey.


O gerddoriaeth, actio, dylunio, rheoli llwyfan, adeiladu golygfeydd, a thu hwnt, mae taith pob myfyriwr yn unigryw.

Byddwch yn rhan o’r profiad ac ymuno â ni ar daith ysbrydoledig.


In readiness for a summer of concerts in Cardiff, students Chloe and Jason have been serenading the city performing on Transport for Wales Trafnidiaeth Cymru's new piano at Cardiff Central train station 🎶 🎹

Can you hear some of your favourite tunes?


Er mwyn bod yn barod ar gyfer haf o gyngherddau yng Nghaerdydd, mae myfyrwyr Chloe a Jason wedi bod yn serenadu’r ddinas yn perfformio ar biano newydd Transport for Wales Trafnidiaeth Cymru yng ngorsaf drenau Caerdydd Canolog 🎶 🎹

Allwch chi glywed rhai o’ch hoff alawon?


Our new brand film is here, capturing the heart of the College and the incredible journeys our students take.

Are you ready to start yours? 👀


Mae ein ffilm brand newydd yma, sy’n rhoi cipolwg ar galon y Coleg a’r teithiau anhygoel y mae ein myfyrwyr yn mynd arnynt.

Ydych chi’n barod i ddechrau eich taith chi? 👀


Little Women: The Broadway Musical opens at the end of this month at the Sherman Theatre!

This timeless story, based on Louisa May Alcott’s life, is brought to life in this smash hit musical which follows the adventures of sisters, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March.

Get a glimpse of rehearsals for this award-winning, smash-hit musical with a powerful score.

Tickets here:


Little Women: The Broadway Musical yn agor ddiwedd y mis hwn!

Daw’r stori oesol hon, sy’n seiliedig ar fywyd Louisa May Alcott, yn fyw yn y sioe gerdd hynod lwyddiannus hon sy’n dilyn anturiaethau’r chwiorydd, Jo, Meg, Beth ac Amy March. Mae’r sioe gerdd arobryn hon yn cynnwys sgôr bwerus sy’n esgyn â synau darganfyddiad personol, torcalon a gobaith.

Dewch i gael cipolwg ar ymarferion ar gyfer y sioe gerdd arobryn hon gyda sgôr bwerus.


It starts here… it starts at  Tenor/Bass Trombonist, Anna-Louise Loy graduated from RWCMD in 2023 with Bmus Brass.'The a...

It starts here… it starts at

Tenor/Bass Trombonist, Anna-Louise Loy graduated from RWCMD in 2023 with Bmus Brass.

'The atmosphere at the College is incredibly welcoming, I really feel I can be myself without being judged by anyone. My training here has been instrumental in my career journey so far. Graduating last year, I now work as a learning project coordinator with the Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Company, overseeing the very orchestra I played in as a young musician, and working with young people of all ages. It's really rewarding to be a part of that crucial work, and to follow their progress.

My time at the Royal Welsh College gave me the essential skills, from ensemble playing to effective time management, that I use every day in my new role.'


Mae’n dechrau yma... mae’n dechrau yn

Trombonydd Tenor/Bas Graddiodd Anna-Louise Loy o CBCDC yn 2023 gyda BMus Pres.

‘Mae’r awyrgylch yn y Coleg yn groesawgar iawn. Dwi’n teimlo fy mod i’n gallu bod yn fi fy hun heb i neb fy marnu. Mae fy hyfforddiant yma wedi bod yn allweddol i fy ngyrfa hyd yn hyn. Fe wnes i raddio’r llynedd a dwi nawr yn gweithio fel cydlynydd prosiectau dysgu gyda Chwmni Ieuenctid Ffilharmonig Lerpwl, yn goruchwylio’r union gerddorfa roeddwn i’n aelod ohoni pan oeddwn i’n gerddor ifanc, ac yn gweithio gyda phobl ifanc o bob oed. Mae bod yn rhan o’r gwaith hollbwysig hwnnw, a dilyn eu datblygiad, yn werthfawr iawn.

Yn sgil fy nghyfnod yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, mae gen i’r sgiliau hanfodol dwi’n eu defnyddio bob dydd yn fy swydd newydd, o chwarae mewn ensemble i reoli amser yn effeithiol.’

Cardiff’s National Open Youth Orchestra partnership with   and BBC National Orchestra of Wales brings talented young dis...

Cardiff’s National Open Youth Orchestra partnership with and BBC National Orchestra of Wales brings talented young disabled and non-disabled musicians together to rehearse and perform.

Find out more about inclusive music in Wales in the BBC Radio Wales documentary Music for All:


Mae partneriaeth National Open Youth Orchestra Caerdydd gyda CBCDC a BBC National Orchestra of Wales yn dod â cherddorion ifanc dawnus anabl a rhai nad ydynt yn anabl ynghyd i rihyrsio a pherfformio.

Ddysgu rhagor am gerddoriaeth gynhwysol yng Nghymru yn rhaglen ddogfen Music for All BBC Radio Wales:

The people making music accessible for all.

Our 2024/25 Steinway International Piano Series is on sale now!With it comes an outstanding array of rising stars and em...

Our 2024/25 Steinway International Piano Series is on sale now!

With it comes an outstanding array of rising stars and eminent figures of the piano sphere - Katya Apekisheva, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Peter Donohoe, Mishka Rushdie Momen - Pianist and Charles Owen.

Tickets here:


Mae ein Cyfres Piano Rhyngwladol Steinway 2024/25 yma ac ynddi ceir amrywiaeth eithriadol o sêr y dyfodol a ffigurau amlwg y byd piano - Katya Apekisheva, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Peter Donohoe, Mishka Rushdie Momen a Charles Owen.

Tocynnau yma:

Read the book? Now see the musical. This month, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama present the Broadway musical ve...

Read the book? Now see the musical. This month, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama present the Broadway musical version of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.

This award-winning smash hit musical version features a powerful score that soars with the sounds of personal discovery, heartache and hope. Performed by the talented RWCMD Musical Theatre students at the Sherman Theatre

Thurs 27 Jun – Tues 2 July


Wedi darllen y llyfr? Nawr gallwch weld y sioe gerdd. Yr mis hwn bydd Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn cyflwyno fersiwn sioe gerdd Broadway o Little Women gan Louisa May Alcott yn ogystal.

Mae’r fersiwn sioe gerdd lwyddiannus a gwobrwyedig hon yn cynnwys sgôr bwerus sy’n esgyn â seiniau darganfyddiad personol, torcalon a gobaith.

Fe’i perfformir gan fyfyrwyr dawnus Theatr Gerddorol CBCDC yn Theatr y Sherman.

Iau 27 June - Maw 2 July.

Cardiff Library Service
Canton Public Library
Waterstones Cardiff


A glitch in a video game spawns a whole new world for Cerys! Bugs in her fridge, tadpoles in the bath and a froglet feeding frenzy!

You're invited to a birthday party you'll never forget with a host of amazing animal puppets, designed and made by the theatre designers of RWCMD.

Visual and musical story telling made for 4- 9 years but suitable for all.

Step into the rehearsal room – we can’t wait to see the final show!

Tickets and dates:


Mae gwall mewn gêm fideo yn epilio byd hollol newydd i Cerys! Pryfed yn ei hoergell, penbyliaid yn y bath a llyffantod yn bwydo'n wyllt!

Estynnir gwahoddiad i chi i barti pen-blwydd na fyddwch byth yn ei anghofio gyda llu o bypedau rhyfeddol o anifeiliaid, wedi’u cynllunio a’u creu gan gynllunwyr theatr CBCDC.

Perfformiad o adrodd straeon gweledol a cherddorol wedi’i greu ar gyfer rhai 4-9 oed ond sy’n addas i bawb!

Camwch i mewn i'r ystafell ymarfer - 'da ni mor gyffrous ar gyfer y sioe olaf!

Tocynnau a dyddiadau yma:

Our new partnership with Urdd Gobaith Cymru will offer exciting opportunities for some of Wales’s most promising artisti...

Our new partnership with Urdd Gobaith Cymru will offer exciting opportunities for some of Wales’s most promising artistic talents 🎶🎭

Congratulations to the chosen Young Cultural International Ambassadors:
⭐ Tomos Heddwyn Griffiths
⭐ Owain Rowlands
⭐ Morus Caradog Jones
⭐ Eiriana Jones-Campbell
⭐ Nansi Rhys Adams
⭐ Owain Siôn


Mae CBCDC a Urdd Gobaith Cymru wedi dod ynghyd i gynnig cyfleoedd anhygoel i rai o dalentau artistig mwyaf addawol Cymru 🎶🎭

Llongyfarchiadu i'r Lysgenhadon Diwylliannol Rhyngwladol Ifanc:
⭐ Tomos Heddwyn Griffiths
⭐ Owain Rowlands
⭐ Morus Caradog Jones
⭐ Eiriana Jones-Campbell
⭐ Nansi Rhys Adams
⭐ Owain Siôn

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Urdd Gobaith Cymru to create new opportunities for some of Wales' most promising artistic talents. You…

It starts here… it starts at  Musician, composer, arranger and conductor, former student Patrick Rimes is now teaching i...

It starts here… it starts at

Musician, composer, arranger and conductor, former student Patrick Rimes is now teaching in the Strings department at RWCMD.

‘I really enjoy teaching here at the College because the students are so naturally curious and eager to absorb knowledge. What's remarkable is that each of them already possesses a strong musical identity. When I was their age, the hybrid path I envisioned, blending classical and non-classical music, wasn't readily available, but I now have what might be called a classic portfolio career. My goal at RWCMD is to help students explore their own unique musical identities and nurture their relationship with music.’


Mae’n dechrau yma... mae’n dechrau yn

Cerddor, cyfansoddwr, trefnydd ac arweinydd, mae’r cyn-fyfyriwr Patrick Rimes bellach yn addysgu’r adran Llinynnau yn CBCDC.

‘Dwi wir yn mwynhau addysgu yma yn y Coleg gan fod y myfyrwyr mor naturiol chwilfrydig ac yn awyddus i amsugno gwybodaeth. Yr hyn sy’n rhyfeddol yw bod gan bob un ohonynt hunaniaeth gerddorol gref yn barod. Pan oeddwn i’n iau, doedd y llwybr hybrid roeddwn i’n ei ragweld, sef cyfuno cerddoriaeth glasurol a cherddoriaeth nad yw’n glasurol, ddim ar gael yn rhwydd, ond nawr mae gen i’r hyn a allai gael ei alw’n yrfa bortffolio nodweddiadol. Fy nod yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yw helpu myfyrwyr i archwilio eu hunaniaeth gerddorol unigryw eu hunain a meithrin eu perthynas â cherddoriaeth.’

Llongyfarchiadau   student, flautist Katie Bartels, who won the Sir Ian Stoutzker Prize last night! 🥳🎼Congrats to all th...

Llongyfarchiadau student, flautist Katie Bartels, who won the Sir Ian Stoutzker Prize last night! 🥳🎼

Congrats to all the other finalists who all performed beautifully: Luke Bartlett, guitar, Meg Davies, clarinet and Rhys Herbert, cello.


Llongyfarchiadau myfyriwr Katie Bartels, ffliwt a enillodd Wobr Syr Ian Stoutzker neithiwr! 🥳🎼

Yn ymgynnull i'r holl gystadleuwyr eraill a oedd i gyd yn perfformio'n hyfryd: Luke Bartlett, gitâr, Meg Davies, clarinet a Rhys Herbert, soddgrwth.


Castle Grounds, Cathays Park


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