GLOW queer film night 🍿
13/4/24 - 6pm - 7.30pm
BOOK by emailing Deri - [email protected]. (Deri will send a link nearer the time).
Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It's a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves.
Noson ffilm cwiar GLOW 🍿
13/4/24 - 6pm - 7.30pm
ARCHEBU drwy e-bostio Deri - [email protected]
Requiem ym 1605, yn erbyn cefndir y treialon gwrach. Mae'n stori sy'n dod i oed, yn dilyn Evelyn wrth iddi gymryd rhan mewn gêm o gath a llygoden yn erbyn ei thad, y Gweinidog Gilbert, er mwyn bod gyda Mary, y fenyw y mae'n ei charu.
GLOW queer film night 🍿
13/4/24 - 6pm - 7.30pm
BOOK by emailing Deri - [email protected]. (Deri will send a link nearer the time).
When Tess learns of her estranged father’s death, she travels to the funeral hoping for nothing more than some closure and the chance to meet the woman who stole him from her. Immediately blindsided by the revelation that her father was a transgender woman, Tess starts to wonder what else has been kept from her, turning to her mother for answers.
Noson ffilm cwiar GLOW 🍿
13/4/24 - 6pm - 7.30pm
ARCHEBU drwy e-bostio Deri - [email protected]
Pan fydd Tess yn dysgu am farwolaeth ei thad, mae'n teithio i'r angladd gan obeithio am ddim mwy na chau peth a'r cyfle i gwrdd â'r ddynes a'i lladratodd oddi arni. Ar unwaith ddall gan y datguddiad bod ei thad yn fenyw drawsryweddol, mae Tess yn dechrau meddwl tybed beth arall sydd wedi'i gadw ganddi hi, gan droi at ei mam am atebion.
#glowbydbach #smallworldtheatre #queerfilmnight
GLOW Film Night // GLOW Noson Ffilm
Ted & Noal - For over 50 years, iconic activist Ted Brown has fought for queer and black identities. But after losing his partner, Noel, under heart-breaking circumstances, a devastated Ted questions the impact of his activism and struggles to mount a new campaign. Can Ted find the strength for one last fight for LGBTQ+ rights?
Event page:
The poll will close MIDNIGHT on February 27th.
Happy voting!
Ted & Noel – Am dros 50 mlynedd, bu’r ymgyrchydd eiconig Ted Brown yn ymladd dros hunaniaethau cwiar a du. Ond ar ôl iddo golli ei bartner, Noel, o dan amgylchiadau torcalonnus, mae Ted drylliedig yn cwestiynu effaith ei weithredu ac mae’n brwydro i gychwyn ar ymgyrch newydd. A fedr Ted ganfod y nerth ar gyfer un frwydr hawliau LHDTC+ olaf?
Tudalen digwyddiad:
Bydd y pôl yn cau am GANOL NOS ar 27 Chwefror.
Mwynhewch y pleidleisio!
GLOW Film Night // GLOW Noson Ffilm
Stone - When Tess learns of her estranged father’s death, she travels to the funeral hoping for nothing more than some closure and the chance to meet the woman who stole him from her. Immediately blindsided by the revelation that her father was a transgender woman, Tess starts to wonder what else has been kept from her, turning to her mother for answers.
Event page:
The poll will close MIDNIGHT on February 27th.
Happy voting!
Stone - Pan fod Tess yn dysgu am farwolaeth y tad y mae hi wedi’i hymddieithrio wrtho, mae hi’n teithio i’r angladd gan obeithio am ddim mwy na chau pen y mwdwl ar bethau a chyfle i gwrdd â’r fenyw a gipiodd ef oddi wrthi. Caiff ei llorio’n syth gan y datguddiad mai menyw drawsryw oedd ei thad, dechreuodd Tess feddwl beth arall a gadwyd rhagddi, gan droi at ei mam am atebion.
Tudalen digwyddiad:
Bydd y pôl yn cau am GANOL NOS ar 27 Chwefror.
Mwynhewch y pleidleisio!
GLOW Film Night // GLOW Noson Ffilm
Requiem - Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It's a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves.
Event page:
The poll will close MIDNIGHT on February 27th.
Happy voting!
Requiem - Mae Requiem yn digwydd yn 1605, yn erbyn cefnlen yr achosion yn erbyn gwrachod. Mae’n stori prifiant, gan ddilyn Evelyn wrth iddi ymgymryd â gêm o gath a llygoden yn erbyn ei thad, y pregethwr Minister Gilbert, er mwyn medru bod gyda Mary, y fenyw y mae hi’n ei charu.
Tudalen digwyddiad:
Bydd y pôl yn cau am GANOL NOS ar 27 Chwefror.
Mwynhewch y pleidleisio!
GLOW Film Night // GLOW Noson Fflim
Fortune Favours the Fantabulous - Queer fortune teller, conjurer and runaway Fei Liu lives and performs out of a tent in the middle of the marshes. Over the course of three days, figures and phantoms of present and past penetrate Fei's tent and plague their subconscious, threatening to unravel their way of life and throwing their own future - and grip on reality - into turmoil.
Event page:
The poll will close MIDNIGHT on February 27th.
Happy voting!
Fortune Favours the Fantabulous - Mae Fei Liu, rhywun cwiar sy’n dweud ffortiwn, yn consurio, ac yn rhywun a redodd i ffwrdd, yn byw a pherfformio allan o babell yng nghanol y gors. Dros gyfnod o dridiau, mae ffigurau ac ysbrydion o’r presennol a’r gorffennol yn ymrithio ym mhabell Fei a phlagio eu hisymwybod, bygwth eu ffordd o fyw a bwrw eu dyfodol - a’u gafael ar realaeth - i ganol trybini.
Tudalen digwyddiad:
Bydd y pôl yn cau am GANOL NOS ar 27 Chwefror.
Mwynhewch y pleidleisio!