Another cracking evening with 40K,kill team, magic the gathering and even some old world being played
And some awesome portable paint set ups
Thankyou to all who came down again
We also have 1 week left till our 1000pt 40K competition !!
#deathsavegaming #bloodbowlcommunity #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #killteam #oldworld #midlands #buildingacommunity
Death save gaming every Sunday at the arches Coventry !!! #deathsavegaming #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #midlands #miniaturepainting #MTGCommunity #tabletopgames #hobby #bloodbowlcommunity
We have merch !!! #deathsavegaming #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #midlands #miniaturepainting #mtgcommunity #tabletopgames #hobby #
Every Sunday Coventry gamers !!!! #deathsavegaming #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #midlands #miniaturepainting #hobby #tabletopgames #mtgcommunity
The death save community is growing !!!Thank you to everyone for the continued support 🤘 #deathsavegaming #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #midlands #miniaturepainting #tabletopgames #hobby #podcast?
Tonight we roll !!! If your in or around the Coventry area we’d love to see you , so if your a fan of tabletop gaming come get involved in a fast growing community of friendly gamers and geeks #coventrygeeks #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #miniaturepainting #tabletopgames #hobby #deathsavegaming #coventry #midlands
Brilliant start to 2025 Thankyou #deathsavegaming #warhammer40k #warhammer40kpainting #Gaming #Roadto500 #Coventry #mtgcommunity #killteam #geek #warhammer
Meet the crew day 4 (yes we skipped a day due to nurgles gifts) today is Steve James the necron overlord himself #warhammer40kpainting #warhammer40k #gaming #Roadto500 #Coventry #mtgcommunity #deathsavegaming
Today we introduce Ryan one of the nicest blokes you’ll ever meet and a thirst for kill team #warhammer40kpainting #warhammer40k #gaming #Roadto500 #coventry #killteam #mtgcommunity
Day 3 meet the crew
Today is the legendary Ryan Declan Finch
Who is working on a really cool kill team narrative event coming very soon to Sunday evenings
#warhammer40k #warhammer40kpainting #gaming #coventry #killteam #geek #Roadto500
Meet death saves own mr pants #warhammer40k #warhammer40kpainting #gaming #coventry #mtgcommunity #geek #warhammer