Here it is! Our 2025 phase 2 music line up has landed! 🔥 To celebrate 10 years of Altitude, we've added some more old favorites to the mix for a bumper anniversary party: Tankus, Cut Capers, Pattern Pusher and The Barefoot Bandit. As well as Romeo Stodart (The Magic Numbers). Still more to come, including our family entertainment, traders and food stalls. This year is going to be massive 👊 Tix: altitudedevon.co.uk
Molotov Jukebox Tankus Cut Capers Leeroy Thornhill Utah Saints Deekline Dr Meaker Romeo Stodart (The Magic Numbers ) Land of the Giants Altern 8 DJ Hiphoppapotamus Filthy Dirty Disco Ozric Tentacles SONGØ Town Of Cats Year of the Dog Grandpapayellaman Wildb0y Filthy Mitts Heathen Apostles Popes of Chillitown The Beatles Dub Club Pattern Pusher Gabe Barker (DJ ARC) Wreckage dubs Alex Palmer The Barefoot Bandit The Velvet Hands Die Twice Band Fayble Lee H Michaels Jody Owen Henry Felton Babu Yaga Mark Madbeats Matthew Ward Clarke Smith Philip Duffy Charlie Says DISCO SHWBZ Dave Moore