Yes We Cook That Home Delivery
39 Leggate, New Cumnock 01290 332949
Hi Everyone
A wee heads-up:
This week's delivery will be on TUESDAY instead of Monday
to New Cumnock, Cumnock, Auchinleck, Mauchline and surrounding areas, then up to Glasgow - tasty homemade soups, main courses with fresh vegetables, and puddings.
Please note though that I am unable to take on any new customers for the next couple of weeks and the service will be restricted to existing customers. Hopefully, this will only be temporary, and I'll be back on track very soon.
Can I ask that orders are in as early as possible and no later than 5pm on Saturday, and as I cook freshly to order, I don't like to disappoint.
Many thanks. 😀 Leanora.