Kingsdown Village Hall

Kingsdown Village Hall A community village hall with 2 halls and a forecourt for hire. A kitchen, WiFi and a projector mak

Kingsdown Village Hall is situated at the centre of the village and forms an essential base for local groups, public events and private functions for the community of Kingsdown, Kent. The main hall has recently been refurbished and fundraising is ongoing for further improvements. The hall, the lower hall and forecourt are all available for private hire at competitive rates. For hiring information, please visit our website - www.Kingsdownvillagehall


The consultation is open for your views.
We are continuing to face the challenge of significant spending demands and cost increases, largely in adult and children’s social care, and home-to-school transport. We need to manage this within the funding available, which mainly comes from Council Tax and Government grants. This means that we need to make tough choices about our priorities for the future.
As we plan our spending for the year ahead, we'd like to hear the views of our residents, businesses and community groups on:
• our Council Tax proposals for 2025-26,
• how comfortable you would be with reductions in spending across our different service areas, and
• your suggestions for how to make further savings and increase income.

Visit to take part in the consultation.


Kingsdown Village Hall is looking forward to seeing everyone at the Garage Safari starting from 9:00 AM on Sunday May 12th .
At our location we have 8 separate sellers including a local author selling books, an artisan card maker, as well as a TROPIC skin care Ambassador display makeup and amazing skin care products.

Refreshments will be available from 9:00am.

For those of you still looking for a place to sell your wares;
We have 3 plots available in the front yard, one table left inside please e-mail [email protected] to book these final places £5.00 donation in cash required on the day.

Thanks to all the green thumbs helping make the Village Hall garden and courtyard pretty

Thanks to all the green thumbs helping make the Village Hall garden and courtyard pretty

(trying again) Just been asked to post this for the Yoga group.  They have kindly moved the slot to 11.30....

(trying again) Just been asked to post this for the Yoga group. They have kindly moved the slot to 11.30....

Many thanks to the individuals who volunteered their time to do a bit of weeding tidying and planting here at Kingsdown ...

Many thanks to the individuals who volunteered their time to do a bit of weeding tidying and planting here at Kingsdown Village hall 


Garage Safari Sunday 12th May 2024- with the blessing of the organiser, the Kingsdown Village Hall Trustees are pleased to announce they are offering a number of “Plots” at £5.00 each, inside the Village hall both upper and lower floors.
Booking is required - All plots are £5.00
These indoor tables can occur regardless of weather conditions; and weather permitting the Forecourt will also have a further 9 plots available for folks to sell their wares.
All proceeds go to the KVH as a charity.
Bookings must be made for all Plots in advance – Please email the KVH [email protected] Funds would be payable in cash on the day.
These slots will be advertised on other networking forums – so be in quick …
Are you also a charity? Do you wish to host teas/cake sales out of the kitchen in the village hall on the garage safari Sunday? If so - get in touch for the opportunity for you to make sales for your own charity for a small donation to the village hall. Please contact the chairman at [email protected]


Kingsdown Village Hall would like all villagers to fill in a survey - here is the link

Know anyone who may need a paper copy ?
There are some paper copies available at Del's shop in Upper Street for those who may not have access to a computer.
Completed survey forms can be dropped off in a dedicated box in Del's shop.
please email [email protected] if you want to print your own paper copy.
Otherwise please just fill in online ....
Results will be shared at the AGM on 19.30 Wednesday March 13th at the Village Hall ....all welcome at the AGM

Wednesday 13th March 7.30 pm Kingsdown Village AGM 2024

Wednesday 13th March 7.30 pm
Kingsdown Village AGM 2024


This is tonight - agenda on our page.

Join us tonight......Village Hall EGM 7.30

Join us tonight......Village Hall EGM 7.30


The Trustees of Kingsdown Village Hall (KVH) are going to conduct a public consultation by an Extraordinary General Meeting on WEDNESDAY 13th September 2023 7.30 PM.
You are invited to come to this consultation meeting where we will hear your ideas and your opinions of what you would like to see in your Village Hall.
The meeting is open to all comers.
There will be no decisions made at this meeting, we will simply hear and listen and understand what people would like to see and what might be possible with the Hall. From this, may come a comprehensive survey to all residents.
With the unfortunate departure of the Kingsdown pre-school KVH have lost half of its annual income and no longer have enough committee members to make quorum decisions. Greater reliance on public funds such as grants from various public bodies will be important going forward and having multiple trustees who have the time to support this activity along with other maintenance will be critical.
The Hall cannot carry on without support from its local community.
For the first time in many years a community activity was organised at the hall and around 60 people came to the BIG Lunch on the King's Coronation weekend. This was hosted by the Trustees of this Hall to ensure community spirit.
Please note it is not the Trustee's obligation to organise all community events, user groups or activities within the Hall, but to provide the facility for such groups and others to book and use the venue.
Moving forward we need to have more community activities in this Hall.
Hence we are consulting with the community.
The rates are good value for money and the forecourt can also be rented.
Please come along to this meeting where we look and hear and understand what you want from and what you'd like to see with your Village Hall.

Useful info for community

Useful info for community


KVH are still looking for the following roles to join our small team of Trustee volunteers......
- Treasurer - monthly and annual accounts, pays invoices and Charity Commission Annual Return
- Secretary - mins of meetings, maintain page.

Meetings are once a month in the hall and we host an AGM in March.
Currently we are short on committee by 3 general support trustees.
We need these extra pair of hands for assistance with:
Grant/funding applications,
assessment of utility costs and change of providers where appropriate,
removal waste from any site work that would otherwise be charged for by Trades,
being on site to meet and greet where needed.
Obtaining quotes for works, alterations and/or assistance with gardening
Updates to Website
Organising events (like the Big lunch or other community get togethers)
Can you support us ?
We would love to hear your ideas about what you want from your community hall
Come and join a great bunch of people who want to help the local community 👍


Kingsdown Coronation Big Lunch 7th May 2023

Seen the green posters around the Village…….

Neighbours and communities across the United Kingdom are invited to share food and fun together at Coronation Big Lunches on Sunday 7th May 2023, in a nationwide act of celebration and friendship. From a cup of tea with a neighbour to a street party, a Coronation Big Lunch brings the celebrations to your neighbourhood and is a great way to get to know your community a little better.

The Village Hall committee are happy to host The Big Lunch event on Sunday 7th May from the Hall premises as a great opportunity for all to come together with friends and neighbours.

The Hall is hosting from 11.30am - 3pm to host the Big Lunch for the residents of Kingsdown and Ringwould. The trustees will provide all facilities, waste removal, the clear up, teas and coffee and bunting.

We would like to coordinate a communal menu for the day with volunteers providing dishes (e,g. quiches, sandwiches, cakes). We call upon you, the residents, to come together attend and bring a plate of food to share. Or perhaps you could help out on the day ?– We need a crew of 6 – 8 people to assist with logistics please text or call the Village Hall Chair at 07976 600 392.

It's been some time since the last Street Party in the Village - The Queen's Diamond Jubilee back in 2012 - so this is a long overdue opportunity to all come together as a Community.

We are still looking for the following roles to join our small team of volunteers......- Treasurer - monthly and annual ...

We are still looking for the following roles to join our small team of volunteers......
- Treasurer - monthly and annual accounts, pays invoices and Charity Commission Annual Return
- Secretary - mins of meetings, maintain page

Meetings are once a month in the hall and we host an AGM in March.

Come and join a great bunch of people who want to help the local community 👍

If you're interested or would like to find out more, come along to the AGM or if you know the current trustees, stop us for a chat ☺️

Your Village Hall needs you!!!We are currently looking for the following roles to join our small team of volunteers........

Your Village Hall needs you!!!

We are currently looking for the following roles to join our small team of volunteers......

- Treasurer - monthly and annual accounts, pays invoices and Charity Commission Annual Return
- Secretary - mins of meetings, maintain page
- Booking Officer - virtual front-of-house, sending invoices, responding to email enquiries, management of online calendar/website

Meetings are once a month in the hall and we host an AGM in March.

Come and join a great bunch of people who want to help the local community 👍

If you're interested or would like to find out more, drop this page a PM or if you know the current trustees, stop us for a chat ☺️

Here is the zoom link for tonight's AGM. 7pm start. Come along in person or via zoom and hear what we have been up to. A...

Here is the zoom link for tonight's AGM.
7pm start.
Come along in person or via zoom and hear what we have been up to.

Amy Bridges is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Village hall AGM
Time: Apr 11, 2022 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 0195 0525
Passcode: 178360

Zoom's secure, reliable video platform powers all of your communication needs, including meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.



Unfortunately, due to work conflicts, illness (the dreaded Covid) and travel, we are unable to achieve quorum for the Kingsdown Village Hall AGM that was scheduled for tomorrow.

It has now been postponed to Monday 11th April 2022 in the Main Hall.

We apologise for having to move this date again and appreciate your patience and understanding.

The Trustees


Hi everyone - due to a clash with the Parish Council, we have moved our AGM to Monday 21st March (one week later).

We are also looking out for new members to join the team. If you would like to support your community and can spare a couple of hours a month, please get in touch ☺️

Some fab feedback from both our party bookings last weekend.....particularly for our fab new cleaner!If you would like t...

Some fab feedback from both our party bookings last weekend.....particularly for our fab new cleaner!

If you would like to book a lovely clean and friendly space for your weekend event, visit our webpage and use the calendar to book or drop the team a line on [email protected]


To clarify......
As per our calendar available on, the current "long-term" hirers of the hall are:
Tai Chi - Thursday evenings
Martial Arts - various
Beaver/Cubs/Scouts - Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings
Table Tennis - Tuesday (after Beavers) and Thursday evenings (after tai chi)
11+ Summer School - 2 1/2 weeks during the summer holidays
and of course Preschool - week days during term time 8.15 - 3.45

We also have some interest in Monday evenings but we are just working that through with the prospective groups.

All bookings still have 15 mins after their slot to clean as they did during the Covid restrictions.

The Preschool have been advised by Ofsted that due to child safeguarding requirements, they are not able to share the venue with other bookings. They now book the whole venue during the week, term time only.

Singing for Pleasure has not returned yet but we are hopeful that this will start again once the lady returns to the UK in the Autumn.

Yoga has not contacted us to return yet but as per my previous comment, we would love for this to continue at the hall. We understand that the lack of venue hire overheads has been attractive during Covid but we are hopeful that as the autumn draws in, classes will retreat inside rather than outside venues.

The Scout Association has confirmed that they now wish to continue with us until at least December. This will hopefully give the District time to work out their next move in terms of leader recruitment. We do however understand that all their groups expect to return to the school as soon as the restrictions there are lifted.

Our cleaner has sadly chosen to step down from her position. We think that we may have found a replacement and expect to be able to update you very soon.

Finally, the entrance hall is being redecorated at the end of the month and the forecourt fence and gate are being replaced this week.

This is a very strong position post-Covid which we are very grateful for and long may it continue.

Huge thanks to Sarah Gleave, Ian & Jane Jobey, Julie Reynaert, Simon Rowley, Stuart Butler and of course Elsie and Fallo...

Huge thanks to Sarah Gleave, Ian & Jane Jobey, Julie Reynaert, Simon Rowley, Stuart Butler and of course Elsie and Fallon for coming down and helping the committee to give the hall some tlc this afternoon!

Despite having to pause due to the nutty weather, we managed to clear the weeds, tame the hedges, clear out the store cupboard, make some repairs and run some H&S checks.

It looks fabulous but didn't get the chance to take many pics........

Thank you so much everyone - also to our kind flower donor for the front baskets 🌻🌻🌻



Kingsdown Village Hall trustees are hosting a Working Bee at the hall on Saturday 31st July from 1pm 🐝

We will be clearing the weeds, repainting the gate, getting the tables and furniture out for a good clean and damage check...etc....and just giving the "old gal" a good spruce after sitting dormant for so long.

If anyone has some time to spare, we would love for you to join us and we will offer refreshments(tea/coffee/water) and yummy cake!

Even if you just want to pop down and say hi and meet the new committee......we would love to see you.

If you are unable to donate your time but want to help, any donations of plants would be VERY gratefully received 🌸🌼🌹

Everyone start doing their sun-dances please!!


Hi everyone - just a little note to kindly ask users of the hall to be a bit gentle with the old, brown fence across the forecourt.

Its on the last of its legs and at the start of the summer hols is going to be completely replaced but we just need to nurse it through the next couple of weeks.

Not sure this windy weather will help however 💨💨💨

Thank you 😊

Thank you to all that joined us for the Village Hall AGM on Monday....(our first!).The minutes, finance report and sanit...

Thank you to all that joined us for the Village Hall AGM on Monday....(our first!).

The minutes, finance report and sanitised statement are now available on the webpage and then click on "Documentation"

Any questions, please drop the team a line on [email protected]

Book your event at Kingsdown Village Hall with our easy to use reservation system.


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the AGM will now take place on Zoom.

Please join us by clicking the link below and the passcode is 516959

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


Just to confirm as there seem to be some rumours doing the rounds.....we have continued our membership to Action for Communities in Rural Kent

This membership is very important to the current committee and we are as commited as previous years in maintaining this.

See you at the AGM.


Annual General Meeting
Monday 28th June 2021
8pm - Village Hall

The Committee would like to invite you to the AGM 2021 for Kingsdown Village Hall.

We are looking for new Committee members in particular, a new Secretary.

If you would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you.

Please email [email protected] with any questions or nominations.


Upper Street, Kings


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Contact The Business

Send a message to Kingsdown Village Hall:


Our Story

Kingsdown Village Hall was opened as a village hall in 1952, converted from the village school which taught local children from 1843.

The hall belongs to the village community. It is situated at the centre of the village in a conservation area, and forms an essential base for local groups, public events and private functions for the local community.

The main hall has been refurbished with a new kitchen and toilet facilities, and further improvements are planed.

The main hall (above), lower hall (below), and the forecourt are available for private hire at competitive rates.

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