Make sure your plans in the lead up to the big day include a game of #XmasSearchParty!
Through a trail of puzzles, clues and games, can you help Rudolph track down his shy wee cousin Rabbie? 🦌
Head to searchpartyedinburgh.co.uk to play today - it's totally outdoors, COVID safe and just £10.50 per team 🎄
It's officially the first day of Summer! ☀️🎉
Why not make the most of it by planning a Search Party day out? Register today at the click of a button and play anytime that suits over the next few months!
👉 searchpartyedinburgh.co.uk
The sun'll come out tomorrow ☀️♪ (Really, it's set to be an absolute scorcher in the capital!)
An ideal day to head out onto the streets to play the brand new Summer edition of Search Party!
Register now and play any time that suits you and your teammates 🥳
🎥 by @jocquasrepublic 😍
We're back for Summer 2021 with our most exciting outdoor adventure yet!
Tour the breathtaking streets of Edinburgh whilst finding clues, playing games and solving puzzles as you attempt to track down the city's long lost spirit animal, known affectionately as The Reekie Beastie! 🧐 Race against the clock and uncover some of Edinburgh's lesser-known landmarks and locations as you complete the task at hand!
Love escape rooms but also love the Summer sun? ☀️ This one's for you! All you need is a fully charged phone and your smarty pants on 🤓
🖊 Register your team today
📱 Play from Mon 14th June
👉 searchpartyedinburgh.co.uk 👈
Where is Rabbie?
Edinburgh! Can you help Rudolph track down his shy wee cousin, Rabbie the Tartan Nosed Reindeer to help him spread some Christmas cheer?
All you need is a mobile phone and your smarty pants on 🤓
No time or date commitments - sign up today and play anytime 'til 8th January!
👉 searchpartyedinburgh.co.uk 👈
😱 In just 10 days #XmasSearchParty goes live! Have you recruited your team of elves yet?
Sign up today at searchpartyedinburgh.co.uk