This week's retrospective look back is hands down the Farthest From's contribution I am most proud of.
Back in the summer of 2020 the UK was in lockdown and a very different place to what it was, and is today.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Empire Stikes Back, the original plan was to host three events, but when it became clear that public events were not possible, the decision was made to look into the viability of creating an online streaming event. An initial "test" event was created, which ended up being a 3-part livestream that lasted for 9 hours. Understanding what we could do (and software has come a long way since then) we pushed the platform beyond its limits and produced Empire40, a 12-hour marathon dedicated to the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back.
So many collectors came together to contribute their time with panels, presentations and messages from all over the world. We had exclusive interviews with Gareth Edwards, Peter MacDonald, Paul Hirsch, JW Rinzler, Walt Simonson and Kim Simmons, Podcasts, Tours and much more.
This epic quest would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of Mark Mulcaster, Mark Newbold, Martin Keeler and Simon Downes, each going above and beyond with a hand in creating something truly special. A huge thank you to them and everyone who contributed to the project.
You can still watch the livestream on the Farthest From page:
Join us on Saturday 7th of December for the next Farthest From, The UK Star Wars Vintage Toy and Retro Show.
#allthecoolstuff #farthestfrom #toyshow #toyfair #Fordingbridge #NewForest #starwars #starwarsvintage #vintagestarwars #vintagestarwarstoys #vintagestarwarsfigures #starwarstoys #starwarscollector #Empire40 #TESB #theempirestrikesback #EmpireStriksBack #40thanniversary #anniversary #livestream #garethedwards #rogueone
Farthest From teamed up with No More Heroes to produce 4 sets of amazing limited edition vintage custom hand painted action figures.
There are 5 exclusive upcycled figures available in each set, each carefully customised and hand-painted by Luke at No More Heroes.
Book your Farthest From early bird ticket now:
#allthecoolstuff #farthestfrom #NoMoreHeroes #Fordingbridge #NewForest #starwars #starwarsvintage #starwarscollector #returnofthejedi #rotj #rotj40 #FarthestFromiverse #upcycle #upcycling #recycle #recycling #handpainted #ShorePatrol #RebelPathfinder #PrivateKappehl #jynerso #scarif #melshi #SergeantMelshi #CoastalOutrider #bikerscout #CassianAndor #andor
The Farthest From X No More Heroes exclusive Custom Vintage Action Figure Sets are now available for pre-order
To help celebrate the 40th anniversary of Return Of The Jedi, Farthest From have teamed up with No More Heroes to produce an amazing limited edition vintage custom action figure set.
In this first set, there are 5 exclusive figures each carefully customised and hand-painted by No More Heroes.
Included within the set is an incredible print by David Rabbitte, inspired by the UK Marvel Star Wars Weekly Comic, featuring the Rogue Squadron Pilots Scrambling for their next mission.
In addition, every purchase of Set #1 will automatically grant first refusal opportunity to purchase Set #2, another set of 5 characters that will be available at Farthest From on the weekend of 29th and 30th of July.
There are only a limited number of sets left, pre-order your now:
#allthecoolstuff #farthestfrom #Bowmansgreen #NoMoreHeroes #Fordingbridge #NewForest #starwars #starwarsvintage #starwarscollector #returnofthejedi #rotj #rotj40 #RogueSquadron #Vizam #XWingPilot #BWingPilot #RebelCodeSlicer #Weequay #SkiffMaster #Endor #RebelCommando
A long time ago in a town far, far away ...
Farthest From December 2021
Pre-order your Early Bird for Farthest From, The UK Star Wars Retro Toy Show on Sunday 12th of December 2021 NOW!!!
Join Star Wars vintage toy collectors, fans and enthusiasts for an All The Cool Stuff event at The Town Hall in Fordingbridge, Hampshire on 12th of December 2021.
PLEASE NOTE: This video was recorded before the announcement that sadly Ross and Chris from Collector Archive Services will no longer be able to make the show this year, but fear not, the team hope to reschedule for 2022, watch this space for an announcement 🙂
In addition, you can also pre-order some of the awesome announced event exclusives too:
Empire40, a Farthest From Live-Stream Event, Sunday 2nd of August
Fantha Tracks YouTube Channel
Farthest From XVI Coming December 2016
Farthest From Star Wars Weekender August 2017