Georgina's got great tips
Just a lil tip for a Sunday afternoon
Wedding party
Are you an early leaver or there till the end?
There is nothing worse than kicking everyone out at the end of the night 🙈 but I am absolutely that person - just one more song!
#weddinghumour #weddingplanninggloucester #ukbride #marriedlife #weddingday #weddingband #weddingreels #planningmywedding #ukwedding #alternativebride #bridaltips #weddingparty #weddingband #weddingdancefloor #dancefloorvibes #nightowl #lastgueststanding #onemoresong
OVER 18s only ⚠️
Yes, I'm 28 and on Tik Tok...
Sorry but how cool is this...
A little tease from Tuesdays Styled shoot 😍
Don't forget to add some badass personality to your wedding.
Video - @mediaguysuk
Styling - @etiquetteeventstyling
Signage - @junie_poonie
Makeup - @genevieveturleymua
Hair - @laurengoslinghair
Venue - @eastingtonpark
Flowers - @driedandtiedbouquets
Suits - @countrymastertailor
Furniture - @bisleymarquees
Dress - @willoughbyandwolf
Jewellery - @hollyrobinsonjewellery
#blackweddings #darkweddings #gothicwedding #georginaroseevents #eastingtonpark #driedflowers #darkwedding #itstartedwithakiss #weddingtips #alternativebride #alternativewedding #groomsofinstagram #kissingvideo #planningmywedding #bespokejewellery
#mensweddingrings #candleinspo #bride2022 #weddingcoordinator
A reel a day keeps the algorithms at bay 😉
Just a quickie for you this morning.
#weddingdressgoals #morningprep #weddingreels #bridalstyle #bridetobe #georginaroseevents #weddingplanner #weddingdresses #jesuspeiro #dressup #bridalprep #reelsfordays #reelsinstagram #reelgame #weddingideas
To postpone or not to postpone, that is the question!
Well here is the answer 👌🏻
Sometimes you just need to be given an answer to understand how you feel about it.
We are all so different, and what someone would do in this situation is totally different to another- So you do you babe! ✌🏼
#covidbride #coronavirusandweddings #2020brides #postponedwedding #postponeornottopostpone #coronajokes #weddingtips #touchchoices #decisionstomake #myweddingjourney #planmywedding #myfuturewedding #brideadvice #toptipsforplanningawedding
Dumb comments people say to 2020 brides! ☆ Tik Tok Style
This is for you covid brides to have a laugh at ... because if you don't laugh, you cry 😂
It's also a bit of a F-You 🖕🏼 to anyone who has said any of these comments!... especially the last one!
Hang in their guys!
#weddingplanning #tiktok #weddingtiktok #ukbride #coronabride #2020brides #2020weddings #weddingstyling #eveningwedding #alternativebride #fyou #georginasgotgreattips #georginaroseevents #coronacouple #bespokebride #thingsthatdumbpeoplesay #weddingtips #weddingideas
Tik Tok - Wedding planner edition 😂
I feel like this could have a few episodes! Feel free to comment with an idea below!
*please note, any confessions made during this video cannot be held against me 🤭
#tiktok #myfirsttiktok #weddingplanners #bride2020 #weddingplans #planningmywedding #gloucesterbusiness #wedmin #2022weddings #weddingcoordinator #feelingold #putafingerdown #coordinatingweddings #coordinatorconfessions #wedmintask #imgettingmarried #imengaged #engagedlife #weddingtips
Well, this is a funny summer 🌻
I was meant to be on wedding number 6 of my first year self employed in the wedding industry, but never mind...
That being said, lots has been happening in the meantime- more bookings, collaborations with some great suppliers, time to get gaining lots of new clients and also styled shoots, open days, vlogs etc!
Let's hear what you were meant to be doing? And also if anything you werent expecting has popped up?
#summerisntcancelled #coronabride #coronavirusandweddings #weddingplanner #sunflowers #confettifields #planningmywedding #wedmin #ukbride #ukweddings #sunflowers🌻 #gloucesterbusiness #glosbiz #mumboss #bossbabe #weddingindustry
The very first episode is here - and it's banger!
This macrame feather/leaf is a bit bloody beautiful if you ask me!
My video includes a bit of how to, cost, time, difficulty rating and most importantly - FLOG, MARRY OR AVOID!
I obviously forgot to say a goodbye 😂 #firstvideoproblems but I hope you all enjoyed, and let me know if you have a go!
#macrame #macramemakes #instagramdiy #diybride #diygroom #weddingplanning #myweddingjourney #weddingtips #wedmin #2020brides #2021wedding #macramefeather #macrameleaf #diywedding
This episode is all about styled shoots and how to take inspiration rather than repeat!
Just remember, styled shoots don't have to think about the food options, the guest numbers, the weather, the colour scheme, the venue restrictions, to name a few! Use these images to inspire and talk to your suppliers about the reality of them 🙌🏻
#georginasgotgreattips #styledshoots #whatisastyledshoot #weddingplanneruk #bride2020 #bride2021 #planningmywedding #myweddingjourney #groomsofinstagram #imengaged #engagedlife #engaged💍 #ukweddingideas #weddingtips #weddingideas