⭐️ A great reminder about what The Haslemere Youth Hub has to offer ⭐️
We have had a lot of new people join us this September and over the summer which is wonderful to see. We thought we’d put a little reminder here and hello as to who we are.
We are a registered charity and not funded by anyone. We see how it is confusing when we are in a council building but we pay rent to Waverley Borough Council and also have huge utilities and licenses to cover. This is a big ask even before we’ve thought about putting on community support, so when we ask you to buy a coffee before your class we really do mean that it makes all the difference to how we can continue to run.
We rely heavily on grants and donations. These are vital and gratefully received.
We know more than ever in recent months that this building is needed for the community and we thank you hugely for your support.
We really are trying hard to provide everything that you deserve. We currently have the following:
• 36 hours a week of youth counselling
• Youth worker on site
• Youth clubs (more coming..)
• Home education sessions & support
• School avoidance support
• Baby weighing scales
• 26 Hirers with their companies
• signposting children for counselling
• a wonderful lady baker for everyone’s lunch and cake needs!
• Hub activities - crafts, basketball, pizzas making etc
• Sensory room for babies and SEN children.
• Book corner free for anyone to sit or take books from toddler to 18.
• Free role play area in the cafe.
• An incredible family of volunteers we’ve created
• DofE volunteers
• starting young people into their working life.
We have so many more ideas, plans and amazing things we want to do and provide the community! We hope you’ll continue to support us. It’s meant the world.
Karen, Nadeana, Deeza & the rest of The Haslemere Youth Hub Volunteering Team x