Ar Teine - Our Fire

Ar Teine - Our Fire Taking inspiration from Edinburgh’s Beltaine Fire Society and Shetland’s Up Helly Aa; Ar Teine -

The Salvo Highlands & Islands hub is launching on 10 April 2023, visit to learn more and be part of histo...

The Salvo Highlands & Islands hub is launching on 10 April 2023, visit to learn more and be part of history.
Please also sign the Edinburgh Proclamation at, once we have 100K signatures we can appeal directly to the United Nations


We’re still here! As you can imagine COVID-19 put all plans back with regards the festival and trying to get things started up. Hopefully now we are on a route out of the pandemic and life can start returning to normal.

It hasn’t all been bad though, the time off has given a much needed break from the intensity of trying to organise something so grandiose and allowed for some learning and reflection as to where things were going wrong.

I’m hoping to start work back on this project following the Scottish elections, likely the most important ballot since 2014 and one which will have huge implications for Scotland’s future.

I myself am currently engaged trying to promote the opportunity of working towards Independence urgently using the Supermajority parliament strategy to show London and the rest of the World that independence is the will of the Scottish people.

- Luke Morrison


Sorry things have been quiet lately; I haven’t been in the greatest health and the weight of the world has been bearing down a bit but things are still progressing.

At the moment we are unsure if the festival will go ahead as planned for next year, it may need to be scaled back or postponed and the situation is pretty fluid owing to the pandemic so we are not making any decisions quite yet. Hopefully the latest restrictions will put things back in the right path for live events to return soon. We are monitoring the situation and will keep you guys updated to any decisions as they are made!

But this isn’t just a festival; we are creating a Crafts, Skills and Performers Cooperative. The aim is to bring together those involved Witchy, Pagan and Living History arts and crafts including re-enactment; tribal, circus and flow arts and performance art, theatre and dance to form a community, share knowledge, pool resources, showcase and market our work and promote alternative nature based lifestyles. The festival will be a reflection of the community, something for us by us but open to the public to see how we roll!

The Ar Teine Community Tree will include:

• An online marketplace similar to Etsy but much simpler lower fees and discounts for members buying from other members
• Showcasing members arts and crafts on our website and social media channels
• A wiki knowledgebase curated by members giving information, ideas and tutorials on various handcrafts, traditional skills, the natural world and Pagan/Heathen god forms, beliefs and practices.
• A forum and Facebook group for members to communicate and discuss different things, swap or barter goods and arrange local meet-ups or groups
• Pooled bulk buying of supplies/materials on behalf of members and redistribution their share to them
• Collaboration with other members on crafts or performances including acting as booking agent
• Equal voting rights for every member on all major business decisions and a members charter made by members setting out rights, expected conduct and responsibilities
• Any other suggestions and ideas from members that we can feasibly do to help within the scope of the organisation, we are here for you because we are you

Let us know what you think in the comments and join the community and get involved, big things are on the way!

Ar Teine - Our Fire is building a new kind of community; bringing early history, nature and spirituality into the modern...

Ar Teine - Our Fire is building a new kind of community; bringing early history, nature and spirituality into the modern age by connecting people together locally and through the internet to tell their stories, share their skills, make friends and trade their crafts or services in a cooperative marketplace and community knowledge base. Sometimes to go forward, you have to take a couple steps back to follow the right path and Ar Teine is here to help reconnect people with their heritage and the natural world around them by sharing resources, dividends and discounts, organising events and promoting folk culture, arts and crafts.

We need your input to help us achieve our mission and are asking you to complete this short survey, like the post, share if you’re able and comment after completing to be entered in a draw for a free T-shirt when we get them printed. If we get over 100 responses by Wednesday 16th September we’ll draw for 3 Winners, if we get 1000 we’ll draw 10!!

**Updated with new link for new respondents due to SurveyMonkey restrictions**

Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

Ar Teine - Our Fire is building a new kind of community; bringing early history, nature and mysticism into the modern ag...

Ar Teine - Our Fire is building a new kind of community; bringing early history, nature and mysticism into the modern age by connecting people together locally and through the internet to tell their stories, share their skills, make friends and trade their crafts or services in a cooperative marketplace and community knowledge base. Sometimes to go forward, you have to take a couple steps back to follow the right path and Ar Teine is here to help reconnect people with their heritage and the natural world around them by sharing resources, dividends and discounts, organising events and promoting folk culture, arts and crafts.

We need your input to help us achieve our mission and are asking you to complete this short survey, like the post, share if you’re able and comment after completing to be entered in a draw for a free T-shirt when we get them printed. If we get over 100 responses by Wednesday 16th September we’ll draw for 3 Winners, if we get 1000 we’ll draw 10!!

Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

Always 🔥

Always 🔥

Did you know that you get a £1000 per year trading allowance?This means you can sell items you’ve made as hobby and it w...

Did you know that you get a £1000 per year trading allowance?

This means you can sell items you’ve made as hobby and it won’t affect your PAYE tax contributions.

Who wouldn’t want to increase their income by £1000 per year while having fun?

We aim to build a community marketplace of creators, crafters and hobbiests along with businesses, clubs and other organisations to share what we love and hopefully help everyone out 🔥

Please check if you are eligible and if any questions contact HMRC or financial advisor.

Find out about annual tax-free allowances for property or trading income and if you qualify.


As we have written this is going to be a cooperative model business. As such all members have to pay a membership fee and this forms a significant part of the funding for the business.

The proposed fee will be £20 per year, this will be included in the festival ticket price, but early joining members will entitled to discounted tickets (at least £40 off the full price) and other benefits. These will include a members only section of the website giving exclusive content and an app to connect with other members with similar interests to form clubs, groups or covens; and discounts with business partner members.

Does this seem a good price that you would be willing to pay? Tell us what you think in comments 🔥

Interesting account of the formation of Alba 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ⚔️ 🔥

Interesting account of the formation of Alba 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ⚔️ 🔥

- Watch my latest history documentary:- Support My Channel! Download Free ⚔️ Vikings War Of Clans Here ➤ IOS:

Perhaps controversial for some but we know Pagan belief systems tended to be more open minded and based on happenings in...

Perhaps controversial for some but we know Pagan belief systems tended to be more open minded and based on happenings in the natural world. These days such displays of public dominance are not necessary or part of modern culture but whatever sexual acts consenting adults choose to do with each other out of the sight of children should be of no interest to anyone else. Likewise whatever gender choice an adult wishes to known and accepted as should be of no concern to those who do not want to explore the intimacies of their body 🔥

If you were gay back during the time of the Nordic Vikings, it was completely cool. In fact, ancient legend tells us that man on man action was celebrated!


We are just getting the final few on the organising team together and will do a meet the team post once we’ve got everyone but you’ll start to notice some new names with the moderator tag and posting in here or on the page!

Still looking for someone to cover overall Health and Safety if any you guys have relevant qualifications and experience.

Still looking for experienced circus skills performers, flow artists, actors/actresses and re-enactors for to be teachers and performance team leaders. Hit me up or comment if this is you!

I’m currently working on the business plan which is a lot of work but hopefully will be getting some good help from an economics guru 😉

If you know of any available arts, events or Gaelic funding let me know in them comments; the more we can apply for, the more we will get and the greater success this will be!


One of the main things we have to decide on is the venue or location for the festival. This should be in the Scottish Highlands as one of the main aims is to benefit the Highland economy by showcasing our history and heritage, natural beauty and community spirit to the world, thus attracting tourists and locals alike.

It should be somewhere somewhat remote to allow the festival to take place without unwanted disturbance to neighbouring properties or the festival itself. However it should have good transport links by road at least. I’m thinking a festival shuttlebus to take visitors particularly without their own transport to the festival site from Inverness and that this should be encouraged where possible to ease congestion on local roads and to be more environmentally responsible.

It should be a fairly large site as the festival will include several stages/tents and lots of smaller activity areas as well requiring a large central open area for the ritual show which will possibly host a bonfire, an area for camping/glamping and car parking space. Ideally there should an electrical and water supply going to a property on the site which we can adapt.

With all that in mind we are open to any site suggestions and offers from supportive landowners.


Update from the Group 23/7/20

Today’s plan I hope to talk to the guy that organises the GGI festival after a friend made introductions and see what help and advice he can give ☺️

I need to catch up with some of you who I think could have some key skills and knowledge to bring to the project. I’ve sent out a few messages already but not had replies back, if I’m not in your friends list already please check your message requests, but I’ll fire off a friend request where I can to prompt you, you don’t need to add me, some people like to keep their fb just friends and family and that’s totally cool with me!

We’re putting together a great team to start organising everything and will soon be doing introductions but there’s a few key skills/areas I would like to find people to represent. If you are somewhat knowledgeable in any of the following areas and are able to commit to working to organise the festival in your spare time anyway, eventually some key positions will become paid roles once we have funding etc in place, make yourself known or check your messages as there’s good chance I may have messaged you already!

The skills and areas we are looking for:

• Fluent Gaelic speakers - this is absolutely essential to using and promoting Gaelic in the festival

• History experts or enthusiasts with good knowledge of Picts, Celts and Vikings

• A theatre director/choreographer or someone with some experience writing and directing shows. The festival is going to be almost like an immersive reality game and the whole thing a show with performer interactions/events to witness amongst the crowd so to speak. I want someone to work closely with me to build a story that will play out over the course of the festival and choreograph the ritual and dance elements. This is a fairly new thing so we’re all learning as we go, I have the vision and idea in my head, just need someone to help make it work!

• Health and Safety Coordinator - This is very important, probably the most important single thing overall if we are going to make this happen! This will become a paid position but before any outside job advertising it would be preferable to find someone from within our ranks who has been there from early on so understands and believes in what we are trying to do. This should be someone with relevant qualifications and experience who is happy to lend some of their time to helping us work out the requirements and procedures necessary to fulfil the legal obligations. Closer to the time of the festival as I’ve said this will become a paid job but if we can find someone internally early on they will also be a member of the cooperative with shares, voting rights and a stake in our success. It will also make the planning so much easier!

• Marketing and Media Relations - once this takes off properly this is no doubt going to cause a stir in the media. We need someone who is confident, bubbly/enthusiastic and good at presenting accurate information. I’ve dealt with the press before and know how they work; you have to be smart and think about exactly what you say as they can and will misquote you for their own agenda. You have to be able to stand up to them. Think Malcolm Tucker but maybe dialled down slightly 😉

• A Videographer amateur or professional, we need to start making video adverts/interviews and documenting the story so anyone that’s handy with a camera and has some experience and the professional tools to edit high quality video please get in touch! This would be perfect for a student or someone just starting out in the industry to make stuff to showcase their abilities! I have a variety of ideas along these lines and would be happy to work with a few people to do different parts of it

• I am also very keen to talk to someone with metallurgy/blacksmithing skills about an activity idea I have for the festival.

Promotion has been going good with returns from the groups I’ve posted in and from the paid Facebook advertising but could always be better! If you guys would take a moment to either copy the promotion/recruitment text from the post in announcements or write your own and share as far and wide as you can I would be most grateful!

A note on sharing posts from the page: I’m not sure if this is a general Facebook issue or just one when you are the page admin but say you want to share a post with an attached YouTube link or picture, instead of sharing the whole post including the page header Facebook has started copying the picture/video and posting it as if uploaded/linked by yourself usually omitting any written text. This means there’s no click back to the original page for gaining likes or finding further info etc. The way round this I’ve found is to copy the post link and pasting that into your post, on my iPhone what I have to do is Share>More options>Copy, I’m not sure if it’s the same on android etc perhaps one of you guys can comment if you know!

This is my Will and my Work 🔥Doing what is Love🔥

This is my Will and my Work 🔥
Doing what is Love🔥

From Haiti to the Hebrides! The use of dolls and figures is common in most witchcraft or old magickal traditions and not...

From Haiti to the Hebrides! The use of dolls and figures is common in most witchcraft or old magickal traditions and not just for curses.


Dr Robert Craig Maclagan was a Scottish folklorist with a passionate interest in the ancient history of the Scottish people and their folk-beliefs. He was a regular contributor in the early days of the Folklore Society and also wrote several great books including, his best known work, "Evil Eye in the Western Highlands" (1902). Today's small extract is from an earlier paper; one that he presented to the the Folklore Society in June 1895 about "Folklore Objects Collected in Argyleshire". This is what he said about the "Corp Chre, or Corp Chreadh (Clay Body, or Co**se);

"When a person had conceived an ill will to another the Corp Chre was used as a means of effecting the destruction of the person disliked, without injury to the user. The following is the description of it by a firm believer in its efficacy, who died not long ago in the island of Islay. It was made of clay, like (in form) to the human body. Pins were put into it, and with every pin put in an incantation was said. When it was desired that the person to be injured should die a lingering death, care was taken that the pins should not touch where the heart was supposed to be, but when a speedy death was desired the pins were stuck over the region of the heart.

A. M., a native of Bernera, agrees in the above, but adds the information that the Corp had to be placed in a running stream where it would be acted on by the water. It was made as hard as possible at first, but when placed in the water it began to melt away, and in proportion as it crumbled under the influence of the force of the water so did the person represented waste away and turn to clay.

Another informant states that where each pin is put in the figure a pain will be felt in the corresponding part of the body of the person represented by the image.

A. M. relates the following. In one of the Western Islands two young women set their affections on the same young man. He preferred the prettier of the girls, but the other loved him so much that she determined to destroy her rival. Being a bad girl, she made a Corp Chre and filled it as full as possible with pins. She put it in a running stream, and by-and-by the water began to wear it away. At the same time her rival began to become weak and lean, and at last became so ill that she had to keep her bed. The attentions of the lover, her friends, or the doctor failed to restore her to health. About this time a shepherd in the locality, crossing a stream in search of a strayed sheep, noticed the Corp Chre in the water. He said to himself, " This is nothing but the work of Satan;" so taking it out of the water he destroyed it. On reaching home he informed his mother of what he had seen and done. The old woman at once remarked, "It is just the work of Satan; some wicked person has done that to destroy our neighbour's beautiful daughter. Say nothing to anyone about it and you will see she will soon recover."The mother of the shepherd then went to see the sick girl and told her what had been done. The girl had become very weak and was considered to be near her end, but from the day the shepherd had destroyed the clay figure she improved in health steadily. The jealous girl, at a loss to understand how her scheme had failed, went to ask for the sick one. On entering the house she said, "You are getting better?" "Yes," was the answer, "in His name, I am." The wicked girl went away, and on going to the stream where she had placed the figure she saw that it had been destroyed. She set about making another, but, suspicion having been awakened,she was watched, and being caught making it, was seized and punished.

The following is from a Jura man. The grandfather of the present laird of _____ was on one occasion on a visit to Inverary and was returning home accompanied by his servant.

He landed on a Saturday night at a point nearly twenty miles from his house. As he was not expected, no conveyance had been sent to meet him, and he and his servant had to travel the distance on foot. On the way the laird fell sick and began to lag. At last he said to his lad "I do not know what is wrong with me; I feel sick and am growing weak." The lad, who came of a stock that had "Eolas " (knowledge, magical) connections, and knowing some of their secrets, at once suspected some secret mischief, and said, " Oh! I believe the people of K____ are trying to do you harm. Likely they have some grudge against you for something you may have done to them. Never mind, we are coming near the place, and I will see and put it right." The laird continued to get worse, and at last the lad had actually to carry him on his back for a quarter of a mile. Having reached the point on the main road nearest to the township, which was half a mile distant from it, the lad left the laird at the roadside and went down to the place. Having reached the suspected house, he saw through a window (or through a hole in the wall) several old women he knew busy finishing a Corp Chre, and sticking pins into it.

The lad shouted out, "Tigh ri theine air a chaillach an K____" (the house of the old woman K____ is on fire). Thinking the house was on fire, the old women rushed out, and under cover of the night the lad went in, got possession of the Corp Chre, and having destroyed it, went back to his master, whom he found already improving, and who soon became quite well.

Not long ago the late laird of ______ said to one of the people of that township, " Are you one of the K ____s who tried to injure my grandfather by a Corp Chre? " The man replied, "l am a K____, but have no connection with those K____s. That was an affair that happened long ago."

There is evidently nothing peculiar to the Highlands in the belief of the power of the Corp Chre, except the fact of its survival. In Poland, however, we still find the same idea slightly modified, the part of the person in which the injury is to be — say, the head — being drawn with human blood on a wall. Into this a needle is stuck. The person represented will suffer from severe headache till the needle is removed. If the whole body were represented, it is evident that this would be identical with the practice of the Corp Chre. Nothing is said about the action of rain on the figure drawn, but the situation is well adapted for the gradual washing away of the representation.

The Corp Chre sent with this (shown in the photo going with this post) was made in Islay; but the woman who made it will not permit her name to appear, as she is desirous of concealing from her neighbours that she knows how to make them.

When the Corp Chre is made ready for receiving the pins, the operator addresses it in this manner: '"S cosmhal thu o d' chulaobh ri reithe air am bitheadh sean ruisg " (from behind you are like a ram with an old fleece). As the pins are being put in, a long incantation is used, the beginning of which is something to this effect: "Mar a cnamhas thusa, gu cnamhadh ise: mar leonas so thusa, gu leonadh ise" (as you waste away may she waste away, as this wounds you may it wound her)."

I’ve just been turned onto House of the Holy festival in Austria by a guy who helps organise it and it definitely is alo...

I’ve just been turned onto House of the Holy festival in Austria by a guy who helps organise it and it definitely is along the same lines to what I want to create. It looks awesome too, I want to go!! Hopefully he’ll be joining the group and can tell us a bit about it but in the meantime here’s a video!

Danke an alle, die dieses Ereignis organisiert und möglich gemacht haben.

Another one from Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Society. If you haven’t seen what they do, please watch this, it’s absolutely ...

Another one from Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Society. If you haven’t seen what they do, please watch this, it’s absolutely brilliant and gives you an idea of what we want to do!

Beltane Fire Festival 2015 - Calton Hill, Edinburgh - short document from Beltane fire celebration. Hope you enjoy it.

The plan is to create a festival combining elements of Pagan and Druid nature based religious ceremonies like this one f...

The plan is to create a festival combining elements of Pagan and Druid nature based religious ceremonies like this one from Ireland with a historical interactive experience about the old cultures and civilisations of our land with musical and spectacle entertainment. It’s about being proud of who we are, where we’ve come from and the land around us and showcasing that to the world.

The Beltaine Festival, an ancient pagan fire ceremony and celebration at another sacred site in Ireland. A Druid earth Magick ritual from over 5000 years ago...



I’ve focussed on fire dance, such as using fire sticks and fire poi, as it is so cool, exciting and impressive but the idea is actually for more a kinda theatrical/circus skills/performance art ritual/reenactment group who make fun and interactive learning experiences.


I have been doing a lot of thinking though about what I want to do and how to do it. Some things have changed from the original idea and I will be taking it down a slightly different direction in ways. It’s now a two-fold plan; one part is essentially the original idea of starting a fire & dance ritual performance group focussing on our Highland Pictish, Celtic and Viking heritage and nature based religious ideas, drawing influence from modern paganism, mythology, witchcraft and Wicca. It will also be our goal to use and promote Gaelic language, culture and Highland identity. This will be the core of the project and from within this group the organisation committee and applicants for paid roles in the second part of the project will be encouraged.

The second part is the creation of a yearly music, historical and cultural festival to take place in the Highlands. An event where attendees can learn about Pictish and Celtic history, nature based religion, take part in activities during the day and a more traditional music festival style gig at night but also with an interactive show by the performance group. This will be a commercial venture although my current thinking is more along the lines of a cooperative style business rather than a traditional one. I want it to make profits but I want those profits to be shared among the people that make it happen and also a percentage going to community and charitable organisations in the Highlands.

Thats the basic premise anyway so let’s get the ball rolling! To do this I’m going to start a private group here on Facebook for those interested to join and make a community working towards this goal. I will be asking particular people I know with relevant skills/experience or contacts if they would like to get involved and be part of the organising group but am also looking for volunteers who want to step up and take an active role in this ASAP. Please message the page if this appeals to you and we can chat!

I have an idea in mind for a micro initial fundraising version of the festival to take place ideally before the end of this year which will go into detail about this in the group. I will also be starting work on a business plan soon and could do with some help!

Very interesting..

Very interesting..


Anyone with a real interest in fairies will know the story of Robert Kirk, the Scottish minister who spent time with the Seelie Court and wrote a treatise called 'The Secret Commonwealth' in 1691 giving away their secrets.

The treatise was first published in 1815, more than one hundred years after Kirk's mysterious death (many say he was actually taken by the fairies for his transgressions against them). Sir Walter Scott published 100 copies and historians believe that it did not reach print again until 1893 when Andrew Lang published a 2nd edition of 550 copies. Both books shared the treatise in it's original archaic language.

What most academics don't realise is that 4 years before Andrew Lang published the '2nd edition' of the Secret Commonwealth, he was beaten to the punch by the folklorist Charles John Tibbits who included a modern English adaption of a large portion of the treatise in his book 'Legends and Folklore: Scotland', published in 1889.

Today's offering is from that book. Here is a small part of what Robert Kirk gave away about the Aberfoyle fairies:

"The Siths, or Fairies, they call Sluagh Maith, or the Goodpeople, it would seem, to prevent the dint of their ill attempts (for the Irish used to bless all they fear harm of), and are said to be of a middle nature betwixt man and angel, as were demons thought to be of old, of intelligent studious spirits, and light changeable bodies (like those called astral), somewhat of the nature of a condensed cloud, and best seen in twilight. These bodies be so pliable through the subtlety of the spirits that agitate them, that they can make them appear or disappear at pleasure. Some have bodies or vehicles so spongeous, thin, and defecat [pure] that they are fed by only sucking into some fine spirituous liquors, that pierce like pure air and oil ; others feed more gross on the foyson [abundance] or substance of corn and liquors, or corn itself that grows on the surface of the earth, which these fairies steal away, partly invisible, partly preying on the grain, as do crows and mice; wherefore in this same age they are sometimes heard to break bread, strike hammers, and to do such like services within the little hillocks they most do haunt ; some whereof of old, before the Gospel dispelled Paganism, and in some barbarous places as yet, enter houses after all are at rest, and set the kitchens in order, cleansing all the vessels. Such drags go under the name of Brownies. When we have plenty, they have scarcity at their homes ; and, on the contrary (for they are not empowered to catch as much prey everywhere as they please), their robberies, notwithstanding, ofttimes occasion great ricks of corn not to bleed so well (as they call it), or prove so copious by very far as was expected by the owner.

Their bodies of congealed air are sometimes carried aloft, other whiles grovel in different shapes, and enter into any cranny or clift of the earth where air enters, to their ordinary dwellings; the earth being full of cavities and cells, and there being no place, no creature, but is supposed to have other animals (greater or lesser) living in or upon it as inhabitants ; and no such thing as a pure wilderness in the whole universe.

We then (the more terrestrial kind have now so numerously planted all countries) do labour for that abstruse people, as well as for ourselves. Albeit, when several countries were uninhabited by us, these had their easy tillage above ground, as we now. The print of those furrows do yet remain to be seen on the shoulders of very high hills, which was done when the campaign ground was wood and forest.

They remove to other lodgings at the beginning of each quarter of the year, so traversing till doomsday, being impotent of staying in one place, and finding some ease by so purning [journeying] and changing habitations. Their chameleon-like bodies swim in the air near the earth with bag and baggage ; and at such revolution of time, seers, or men of the second sight (females being seldom so qualified) have very terrifying encounters with them, even on highways; who, therefore, awfully shun to travel abroad at these four seasons of the year and thereby have made it a custom to this day among the Scottish-Irish to keep church duly every first Sunday of the quarter to seun or hallow themselves, their corn and cattle, from the shots and stealth of these wandering tribes; and many of these superstitious people will not be seen in church again till the next quarter begins, as if no duty were to be learnt or done by them, but all the use of worship and sermons were to save them from these arrows that fly in the dark.

They are distributed in tribes and orders, and have children, nurses, marriages, deaths, and burials in appearance, even as we (unless they so do for a mock-show, or to prognosticate some such things among us).

They are clearly seen by these men of the second sight to eat at funerals [and] banquets. Hence many of the Scottish- Irish will not taste meat at these meetings, lest they have communion with, or be poisoned by, them. So are they seen to carry the bier or coffin with the co**se among the middle- earth men to the grave. Some men of that exalted sight (whether by art or nature) have told me they have seen at these meetings a double man, or the shape of some man in two places ; that is a super-terranean and a subterranean inhabitant, perfectly resembling one another in all points, whom he, not-withstanding, could easily distinguish one from another by some secret tokens and operations, and so go and speak to the man, his neighbour and familiar, passing by the apparition or resemblance of him. They avouch that every element and different state of being has animals resembling those of another element; as there be fishes sometimes at sea resembling monks of late order in all their hoods and dresses ; so as the Eoman invention of good and bad demons, and guardian angels particularly assigned, is called by them an ignorant mistake, sprung only from this original. They call this reflex man a co-walker, every way like the man, as a twin brother and companion, haunting him as his shadow, as is oft seen and known among men (resembling the original), both before and after the original is dead ; and was often seen of old to enter a house, by which the people knew that the person of that likeness was to visit them within a few days. This copy, echo or living picture, goes at last to his own herd. It accompanied that person so long and frequently for ends best known to itself, whether to guard him from the secret assaults of some of its own folk, or only as a sportful ape to counterfeit all his actions. However, the stories of old witches prove beyond contradiction that all sorts of people, spirits which assume light airy bodies, or crazed bodies coacted by foreign spirits, seem to have some pleasure (at least to assuage some pain or melancholy) by frisking and capering like satyrs, or whistling and screeching (like unlucky birds) in their unhallowed synagogues and Sabbaths. If invited and earnestly required, these companions make themselves known and familiar to men ; otherwise, being in a different state and element, they neither can nor will easily converse with them. They avouch that a heluo or great eater has a voracious elve to be his attender, called a joint-eater or just-halver, feeding on the pith and quintessence of what the man eats ; and that, therefore, he continues lean like a hawk or heron, notwithstanding his devouring appetite ; yet it would seem they convey that substance elsewhere, for these subterraneans eat but little in their dwellings, their food being exactly clean, and served up by pleasant children, like enchanted puppets."


High Street



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