Orchard Garden Flowers

Orchard Garden Flowers Florist growing flowers alongside nature for wildly romantic arrangements

Swooning over every one of these dreamy photos! I'm sure you'll see them again 😍 (whenever I get round to posting!) Thes...

Swooning over every one of these dreamy photos! I'm sure you'll see them again 😍 (whenever I get round to posting!)

These beautiful people had the most glorious day shine upon them ; after nearly a full month of rain they must have felt the universe was giving their blessing through sunshine and warmth

All the love and congratulations to you both!

Venue Dodford Manor Exclusive Use Wedding Venue
Photographer natandlizzyweddings

Rex and I just want to say a big old thanks to everyone who brought some flowers for their loved ones this Valentine's (...

Rex and I just want to say a big old thanks to everyone who brought some flowers for their loved ones this Valentine's (and anytime really!)
Means alot!
Much love to all!!

If you want to treat yourself to some good grub and beautiful blooms, you can grab yourself a tulip wrap at Cranford's The Old Forge 😋

Blossom ..Whether it be cherry, plum or apple (pictured here) they're so wonderfully simple - a bit like me 😅. Their del...

Blossom ..

Whether it be cherry, plum or apple (pictured here) they're so wonderfully simple - a bit like me 😅.
Their delicate flowers bunched together make the most charming display. All be it short lived. Whether this adds to their charm?
As quickly as they burst into a beautiful display, they're dropping confetti on the ground.

Because of this I avoid mentioning it to clients, I don't promise specific flowers but these especially. Very difficult if someone's planning a spring event, I think of blossom and hope come the time it'll be the best surprise.

Luckily though! It was in the perfect stage for cutting this weekend so I used some for a styled shoot I was involved with! Hurrah!
Which was a great day collaborating with some superb folk - I'll be sharing all soon

Spring is officially here! The days are getting longer and warmer; wildlife is waking up and getting randy and the green...

Spring is officially here!
The days are getting longer and warmer; wildlife is waking up and getting randy and the greenhouses are quickly filling up with seeds!

There's a few tips when it comes to using spring flowers in arrangements. Don't worry it sounds a lot but it's easy when you know how..

Certain plants need to be conditioned separately like your Narcissi (daffodils) and hyacinths as they release a sap when cut which can affect the vase life of other flowers. If you only want a vase of just those stems then no need to worry!
They're best plucked rather than cut from the ground as low as possible when the flowers aren't quite open yet, then put in their own bucket of water.
If you want to cut them down to a certain size do this and leave them in their own water for at least half an hour before mixing with others (don't recut or repeat the process if you do)
If you're not worried about keeping the hyacinth bulb for next year then pull the whole thing up and cut the sides of the bulb off around the stem leaving the base attached at the bottom. Keeping a 'heel' will help keep the stem straight and extend the vase life.
If you want them shorter then again condition separately before mixing, also think about using foliage or branches to support them stem.

Tulips are best cut when the flowers are in bud showing colour. They'll continue to grow after being cut so wrap them in paper and leave in water overnight to keep the stems straight. Think about placing them lower in the arrangement to compensate for the few inches they'll gain in the vase or just enjoy watching them reach new heights!
You can stunt the growth by making a small slit in the stem underneath the flower head.

Ranunculus and woody stems like tree blossoms like to go straight into warm water overnight as soon as they're cut.
Blossom should be cut while the flower buds are quite tight. They're short lived but absolutely worth it! And make great confetti if you collect the fallen petals

Hellebores should be cut when the flowers start to form seed pods, too early and they're likely to wilt.
.. Easy! 😜

Keeping it simple ..I was going to add lots of photos of beautiful mummas with their mummas and babies but to be honest ...

Keeping it simple ..

I was going to add lots of photos of beautiful mummas with their mummas and babies but to be honest it's been a busy weekend and I'm not very organised when it comes to social media and I wanted to go see my Mum instead of sorting through photos..
I also know it can be a hard time for some for many reasons so instead here's a lovely little wrap and a chance to say a huge thanks to everyone who made an order and I hope you've all had a lovely sunny Sunday!


♡ Mother's  Day ♡The tulips in the orchard are just poking through the surface so I'll be using a selection of Lincolnsh...

♡ Mother's Day ♡

The tulips in the orchard are just poking through the surface so I'll be using a selection of Lincolnshire grown beauties to create beautifully scented bouquets that are sure to put a smile on anyone's face! Especially your Mummas!
Whether you want to celebrate your Mum - The motherly figure in your life - Your children's Mum - Or if you know someone missing their Mum..
The webshop is open to make your order or just drop me a message.
I'll be delivering Sunday morning for you all before going to see my own Mum! Or if you'd prefer to hand them over yourself with a big hug you can arrange collection from Friday onwards

Flower availability this Weekend! Bouquet's bursting with Spring Vibes Tulip bunches of 10 or 20 stems Blossom Pink / Sc...

Flower availability this Weekend!

Bouquet's bursting with Spring Vibes

Tulip bunches of 10 or 20 stems
Blossom Pink / Scarlet / Violet / Double White

Pink / Lavender / White

Alstromeria bunches of 6 stems

Speciality scented Daffodils - Super Long stems! Bundles of 10
'Cheerfulness' doubles & 'Scilly White'

Short stemmed yellow Daffs bundles of 10

Get in touch for delivery or collection

♡ ꪜ ꪖ ꪶ ꫀ ꪀ 𝓽 𝓲 ꪀ ꫀ ' 𝘴    ᦔ ꪖ ꪗ  ♡Yes it's a cliché! Yes it is just another day! But why wouldn't you take every day an...

♡ ꪜ ꪖ ꪶ ꫀ ꪀ 𝓽 𝓲 ꪀ ꫀ ' 𝘴 ᦔ ꪖ ꪗ ♡

Yes it's a cliché! Yes it is just another day! But why wouldn't you take every day and any opportunity to tell your loved ones you love them?!
So as always I'll be wrapping up some of the finest tulips and mixing them with other spring beauties to create scented bundles of love! ♡♡♡ Who doesn't love love?
So whether you want to put a smile on your partners, your family, your friends, or even your own face this Valentine's day (self love is also very important!) then order up!
I'm taking pre orders now for collections on Saturday 11th / Sunday 12th / Monday 13th
Local Delivery on Tuesday 14th

Head straight to the website

Or Message the gram, FB or WhatsApp. Possibilities are endless!

Or tag someone who needs a nudge in the right direction 😘



Who's on your team?
Well you know what they say, if you want something done right..
I am the head of all things concerning Orchard Garden Flowers and do take the credit for all things artistry and important, I'm not shy of grabbing some help and advice wherever I can though! And it's usually from one very handy, slightly camera shy man!
His help comes in many forms, moral support being the utmost and constant. Where I just need a few spare hands or want to construct something he's my go to. He's invaluable on weddings being my run around and loader/unloader - which takes up far more time than expected and also saves me turning into a sweaty out of breath mess before I've even picked up a flower.
And of course there's nothing compared to the delighted feeling when looking across the garden and spotting this smiling gentleman heading your way with a cup of tea and sandwich in hand!!
Don't get me wrong, empty handed is fine, but if you really want to make me happy.. bring food.

Who do I like to work with? Everyone and anyone! no matter how grand or cosy your request, if you want one stem or a tho...

Who do I like to work with?
Everyone and anyone! no matter how grand or cosy your request, if you want one stem or a thousand!
As long as you appreciate true seasonality and the uniqueness naturally grown flowers have to offer (..with a little guidance, what kind of gardener would I be otherwise).
If you find the excitement in waiting to see what the final piece will bring based on colour schemes and styles we discuss. Knowing that your design doesn't come from a brochure but what the garden provides at the time!
Growing on a small holding means I don't have swathes of each variety (just yet! maybe in the future the garden will stretch it's legs) this means there's less of a guarantee on specific varieties at a certain time.
I can do all I can to protect, nurture and support plants but sometimes they just don't want to grow as planned..or at all; or those hungry rabbits might find their way past the fence and to a particularly tasty row; or there'll be a freak storm tear through the field without warning!
✓ to all of the above
Working with nature is great and sometimes a little inconvenient! But working with those who understand and appreciate is the best!

My biggest compliment of 2022Is the same answer every year. Having return customers and new customers steered my way fro...

My biggest compliment of 2022
Is the same answer every year. Having return customers and new customers steered my way from recommendations speaks volumes.
Every kind word is amazing and really helps to grow my business and my confidence so if you're happy and you know it, let me know!! You can clap your hands but honestly I get bashful at just a quick compliment so a round of applause might be a bit awkward.
Customer reviews and reaching others through word of mouth is where it's at!


Going to take a quick break from me and Throwback to this winter wedding that will make you dizzy it's so cute.
Set in a cosy Tudor building in a market town with candlelit aisles and mistletoe chandeliers! 😍
You need to be as laid-back as these two are if your going to throw a wedding and move house in the same month all with a newborn AND around Christmas time! Squeezing it all in ready for a fresh new year together!

How did I get here? From humble beginnings plodding my way through life, not sure which path to bounce down next, I came...

How did I get here?
From humble beginnings plodding my way through life, not sure which path to bounce down next, I came across some top notch humans who guided me to this one!
I've always been 'outdoorsy' and fancied myself as a Disney princess talking to animals. I haven't quite mastered that one yet, they misunderstand me when I come running over... So creating a business that allows me to be outside amongst wildlife that dares to join me seems suited! And therapeutic at times. There's nothing like a bird perching next to you to calm the soul.

Back in 2019 I was given a wonderful opportunity to 'give it a go' on a patch of land. So I ordered myself a few heavy boxes of bulbs and got planting (on probably the wettest autumn I've ever seen - typical, I gained a couple of inches in height though from all the soil I collected on my soles. Swings and roundabouts! - thinking about it, probably the only time since I've managed to plant them in autumn too! 😅) Along with some seed sowing and gentle landscaping, come spring of 2020 I had flowers! And voila! Orchard Garden Flowers was born!
From starting out with bouquets, mainly from family and friends (I love you all) and getting in on the odd market here and there, it's grown - no pun intended - to much much more!!
It's also helped tremendously that a few friends decided to get married too! Not only meaning I could play a part in their day but showcase some flowers doing it!
It's both exciting and a little nerving still for people to trust you to create arrangements for events, funerals and weddings and I'm absolutely honoured to do it. Even a little bouquet means a lot when ordered so thank you all for helping me get started, get to where I am now and allowing us to grow more!
🌟This excellent shot captured by

A day in my life .. doesn't really have an easy answer. The short one is, Just like the garden it changes from day to da...

A day in my life .. doesn't really have an easy answer. The short one is, Just like the garden it changes from day to day and with each new customer.
The long answer for those with a bit of time to kill; It can be more generalised into seasons.
~Winter time is mainly spent with Christmas madness at the forefront, between that trying to keep up with getting all my bulbs in for the spring, which I'm always 'late' doing (I've never managed to make the November target!) I still have some desperately looking at the soil, if only they could plant themselves! And then there's all the admin side. Book keeping, seed sorting, garden planning, working through event quotes. It's also a good time to start prepping the garden for the new year, tidying, mulching etc and if I get time a 'spring clean' in the workshop before Spring!
~Spring is probably the most full on season, with the longer days and warmer air it's all systems go for seed sowing! (Try not to start too early! stick to the plan!! Don't sow too many!!! - best laid plans and all that) Hardening off and planting autumn started plants. Succession sowing, pricking out seedlings, potting on, planting out, making sure nothing is too dry/too wet/being eaten
~Summer is generally a lot of watering, dead heading, still seed sowing and planting out
~Autumnn is probably my favourite season, the air is a bit cooler there's an abundance of flowers and the changing colours of foliage makes for great arrangements! (It's also my birthday month which might play a factor)
It's also a good time for getting new bulbs in if you can find the time!
And above all this, fulfilling orders and creating wedding decorations for you wonderful people!!! Which means extra early mornings spent harvesting and delivering; alotttt of cleaning buckets and conditioning flowers; all the fun arranging and sometimes a lot of late nights too to make sure everything is prepped.
Not all dancing around the garden smelling flowers unfortunately

I'm going to jump on the   again this year because I'm sure you're all dying to know more about The Orchard Garden and t...

I'm going to jump on the again this year because I'm sure you're all dying to know more about The Orchard Garden and the faces behind it!
So I'll be spending January letting you in on all the ins and outs of this business and the first week is all about me (..great 😅)
So here I am! Francesca, Hello!
It's mainly me you'll see and talk to when contacting 'us' as the garden is a one woman band most of the time. I won't take all the credit though as I've had a lot of wonderful help getting to where I am. But for now, this is me.
I started this business at the beginning of 2020 when I was approaching my thirties, I'd spent all my twenties thinking about what I wanted to do with my life and thought if I'm going to do anything then I'd better get on with it! I don't think age should limit us but when you spend 10 years thinking, it's probably about time to kick yourself into action! (It felt equally scary as it was exciting!)
Now here we are approaching our third year! There's still a long way to go but we've really come a long way too!

Happy Anniversary! ♡♡Pausing the wreath spam to wish these two beautiful people the happiest first anniversary! Amazing ...

Happy Anniversary! ♡

Pausing the wreath spam to wish these two beautiful people the happiest first anniversary!
Amazing day, had the best time celebrating two friends joining families and absolutely Loved doing the flowers for you
Hope you're celebrating in style 🥂

𝓽 ꫝ ꫀ   ᭙ ꫀ ꫀ 𝘬 ꫀ ꪀ ᦔ Was great to see lots of smiling faces this weekend doing my first round of deliveries! Perfect re...

𝓽 ꫝ ꫀ ᭙ ꫀ ꫀ 𝘬 ꫀ ꪀ ᦔ
Was great to see lots of smiling faces this weekend doing my first round of deliveries! Perfect reactions to keep me grinning for the week!
Also kicked off December with the first workshop for this season!
Making wreaths by the fire in the dark, not intentional to be doing it in the dark but we made it work! (Extension lead and large lamp) 😂
Looking forward to weds workshop, indoors so hopefully plenty of light!
There's still a bit of time to book on for Fridays.
Won't be long now for those of you who haven't received your wreath yet, hang in there!

𝘴 ρ 𝓲 ᥴ ꫀ ᦔ     ꪮ ꪖ 𝘬 Warming rusty blends to make your door invitingly eye catching. Rich green foliage mixed with Oran...

𝘴 ρ 𝓲 ᥴ ꫀ ᦔ ꪮ ꪖ 𝘬

Warming rusty blends to make your door invitingly eye catching.
Rich green foliage mixed with Orange hues. This will send you dizzy keeping you out in the cold to grab another look while reminding you of the embers glowing in your fireplace

Order a snug size perfect for slender doors or placing a candle in the middle for a cosy festive centerpiece!

**Want to have a go at making one for yourself? There's still time to grab some spaces on our wreath making evening.
Get in touch for details or head over to our webshop - www.orchardgardenflowers.co.uk

𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 ✗


ꪑ ꪊ ꪶ ꪶ ꫀ ᦔ  ᭙ 𝓲 ꪀ ꫀ This juicy festive filling has all the sensations you get when holding a warm cup of wine. The swee...

ꪑ ꪊ ꪶ ꪶ ꫀ ᦔ ᭙ 𝓲 ꪀ ꫀ
This juicy festive filling has all the sensations you get when holding a warm cup of wine. The sweetly spiced steam breathed in through red noses.
Your wreath won't be steaming but it will make you smile with the same comforting feeling.
Go for something a little different with this 'North Star' shape while keeping that tradition wreath vibe
Photography skills

᭙ ꫝ 𝓲 𝓽 ꫀ   ᭙ 𝓲 ꪀ 𝓽 ꫀ 𝘳We can't depend on snow to make it a white Christmas so this crescent moon is mixed with all the ...

᭙ ꫝ 𝓲 𝓽 ꫀ ᭙ 𝓲 ꪀ 𝓽 ꫀ 𝘳
We can't depend on snow to make it a white Christmas so this crescent moon is mixed with all the greens, greys and whites for an elegant frosty vibe.

If you can't resist click the link in bio to order yours or get in touch
Captured by the wonderful

It's time to get festive! I'm hosting another workshop this year, We'll be getting all Christmassy in Cranford Village H...

It's time to get festive!
I'm hosting another workshop this year,
We'll be getting all Christmassy in Cranford Village Hall this time on 9th Dec
Come along for a jolly evening of Mulled wine and spiced apple juice to warm the soul (and more importantly hands) so you can get creative and take home a fully compostable, locally sourced, home made wreath!!

Spaces Limited to make it the most enjoyable evening for all
First come first serve so no reserving I'm afraid

DM here
Email: [email protected]
Or give us a call: 07432282421

Look forward to seeing you there!


🅁🄴🄲🄷🄰🅁🄶🄸🄽🄶We're disappearing into the sun for a little while! It's been a full on season thanks to all you lovely folk. ...

We're disappearing into the sun for a little while!
It's been a full on season thanks to all you lovely folk. The support is great! but now we're taking a little break to recharge before we nose dive into the festive season!
Apologies to anyone who's desperate for flowers between now and 13th, I can't fulfill any orders but you can still place orders and enquiries for after this date.

The garden is in nature's hands until we're back
See you soon!

It's been wonderfully busy here I haven't posted for a while but I thought the passing of the Queen, a woman who devoted...

It's been wonderfully busy here I haven't posted for a while but I thought the passing of the Queen, a woman who devoted most of her life to her post, the nation and the commonwealth, deserved a moment of my time.
Like many The Queen has always been at her post throughout my life. So I spent a while creating this little arrangement with her in mind.

You may have mixed feelings about the monarchy but you cannot deny what a magnificent, majestic and humble being she was.
It's strange to think a lady who most have never met or if they have was only a brief encounter; can hold so much love and respect not only from the nation but across the world.
Way to go Queenie!

The transition from Queen to King coincides with the noticeable change from summer to autumn so I thought I'd make a piece that feels both summery and autumnal; grand with flowers but modest in size

♔ 𝘙𝘦𝘥 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦 & 𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘦 ♔I'm leaving the garden to the birds and the bees and everything between this weekend. My part...

♔ 𝘙𝘦𝘥 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦 & 𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘦 ♔

I'm leaving the garden to the birds and the bees and everything between this weekend.
My partner is trained up to keep everything alive while I'm gone but other than that the wildlife can enjoy it in peace!
We're still open for enquiries and orders for after these dates.
I'll leave you with this red, white and blue arrangement to commemorate the Queen's platinum Jubilee!
Have a smashing weekend all


᭙ ꫀ ᦔ ᦔ 𝓲 ꪀ ᧁ 𝘴First wedding of the season done! The weather was absolutely perfect for them and the set up looked amazi...

᭙ ꫀ ᦔ ᦔ 𝓲 ꪀ ᧁ 𝘴

First wedding of the season done!
The weather was absolutely perfect for them and the set up looked amazing. It was all hands on deck for these guys as they planned and set it up themselves so hats off to them for a smashing job!
I didn't get a chance to catch the party all dressed up so I'm very much looking forward to seeing some pictures! Especially with some Scottish heritage in the mix - who doesn't love a kilt! And I found out that traditionally the boutonnieres are round! So I got to play with something a little different which is always good!

Wishing them both a lifetime of happiness together!

Looking forward to the next weddings coming this year


It's Friday again and we're set for a super sunny weekend, and week ahead here! ♡(hoping for a bit of rain in the night ...

It's Friday again and we're set for a super sunny weekend, and week ahead here! ♡
(hoping for a bit of rain in the night too for the perfect combination!)
As much as I'm a sun worshipper, all the extra watering is a teeeeeny tiny bit of a nuisance - but Im not complaining, honest! no harm in wanting the best..
I find watering one of those jobs you feel is taking up your time, although it's one of the most important things to do! A bit like remembering to keep myself watered I guess!

Have a wonderful scorcher of a weekend, here's some peony type tulips doing their thing for you to enjoy!

Ƭ Ц L I P  Ƭ Ц Σ S D Λ ΨI'm afraid I'm going to be spamming you all with tulips! They're just too blooming gorgeous! And...


I'm afraid I'm going to be spamming you all with tulips! They're just too blooming gorgeous!
And in a few weeks they'll be gone! They seem to take so long to get here and then all of a sudden they're over, so it would be selfish not to share them!




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