In the wake of recent correspondence, the organisers of Kineton Classic Vehicle Gathering would like to provide some clarity on its position.
Until very recently KCVG has had no Facebook presence and has depended solely on its email register and the Kineton Sports & Social Club website to disseminate information to its visitors. We were blissfully unaware of the FB page, now named 'Kineton Classic Vehicle Evening Visitors Group (unofficial)'. We were, though, very aware of messages we were receiving from people who claimed our page had provided inaccurate information about meeting dates. This was very odd because we didn’t then have one! Anyway, it became increasingly clear to us that the Kineton Gathering needed a FB page and we duly set up 'Kineton Classic Vehicle Gathering'. Only then did we become aware of the existing ‘unofficial’ FB page when the administrator of that page posted a message to say he didn’t recommend our new page.
We’d like to make it clear that we have no concerns about a FB page that provides images of our meetings provided that these do not infringe the Club’s or our visitors’ preferences. The fact is, we are generally too busy in our organisational roles to stroll round the site and capture the pics as we would like and those provided on the ‘unofficial’ page are generally excellent and help to promote our events. The fact is that we could easily have come to an amicable arrangement with the manager of a ‘parallel’ FB page if they had approached us to discuss their plans - and we still can.
However, KCVG cannot condone an ‘alternative’ FB Page which gives the impression that it is the official version, posting schedules of meeting dates and other official information unless these items have been agreed with the organisers of KCVG.
Respect and cooperation will benefit all of us!
Clive, Ian & Flo