A small but fun dedicated crowd of quizzers assembled for "Check Your Knollige with Good King Hal" week 218 this evening. A few of our lovely regulars were missing, Quizlamic State, Ragnarok Ravers, Nutmeg & The Miaowists, Debz Doez Dubz, Damp Squib (though she came along and watched the final round), Dr Poorly (tried to sign in from Canada but sounded like a Dalek with a stutter), Don't Expect Much, One Brian, and probably others I've forgotten to mention. But we few, we happy few, we band of nutters, had a splendid evening. It was incredibly close scoring throughout and the lead swapped hands many times, but in the end Old Yorkshire Gold stole through for a famous and well deserved victory.
Final scores: 1st Old Yorkshire Gold 84 2nd That F-ing Drive 80 3rd Same as Last Week 79.5 4th Mr & Mrs Judas 76 5th Meatballs 67 6th New Dog on the Block 66
Next week our theme is GAME SHOWS!
Amanda Farley Chris Langdon Debz Ellis Debbie Weston Susan Farley Ian Bessell Trisha Farley Anne Edwards Simon Runagall Emma Turk Mark Francis Brian Riches Cathy Martin Lindsey Hardenberg Rik Hardenberg Ron Janko Carol Troup Russ Allen Debbie Allen Alison Barling Michelle Rentell Matt Rentell