Another great adition to your party package at oscars is a magic selfie mirror style photo boorh hire that gives photos out on the night to your guests and the party organiser also gets a usb memory stick after the party with all the pictures taken at the party as a keep sake and keeping the memories from a great party had by all enabling them to share and post the pictures too ! ! #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #photoboothhire #magicmirrorphotobooth #functionsuite #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #18thbirthdayparty #birthdayparty #selfiemirror #event
Another weekend upon us and another great 18th birthday party celebration #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #18thbirthdayparty #18th #18thbirthday
First impressions means everything at Oscars, and we are glad to say our front entrance twinkle porch area is finally complete and ready to welcome guests, bot doesnt it look good ! #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #leebutler #birthdaycelebration #birthdayparty #birthday #weddingvenueliverpool #weddingcelebrations #weddingvenue #venuehireliverpool
Loving the latest addition to the LED "Neon style" sign arrived today to go on the front entrance to enhance the guests arrival and add even more WOW to the new led twinkle entrance nearing completion ! #neonsign #ledsign #ledsignage #welcometooscars #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire
#oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #dancing
All we are waiting for with the new entrance is a new LED "Welcome to OSCARS" on the front them a few planters and effect lighting to add the WOW factor when your guests arrive to your party plus the adition of the red carpet and vip barrier ropes to finish it off,.. watch this space !
Loving how out new entrance is coming along, not finished yet but just had to share how its looking #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #venuehire #venuehireliverpool
scan our QR code to go straight to our website !
#oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire
Well we did say out with the old and in with the new at new years eve and here at oscars its all go January with the removal of all the old and worn decking and frames from our entrace to the all new twinkle lighting entrance frame, as today its all going to plan as the main new frame gets welded together, cant wait to see the finished job when all the twinkle led lighting gets fitted ! whatch this space for a completion video shortly. #oscarsvenue #functionsuite #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #eventspace #party
A great day today with the installation of a brand new entrance mobility friendly ramp, its all about continually improving the venue for all guests and this will of course help giving easy access for anybody with mobility issues #mobilityrampinstallation #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #functionsuitehire #functionrooms #party #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #partyroomhire #mobilityramp
into the newyear of 2025 thats looking to be another great year for Oscars, we never stop trying to improve the venue whereever we can and today we have decided to get rid of the old decking and frame at the entrance of the venue and totally modenise it with a trendy twinkle led light entrance arch and better mobility access ramp, watch this space over the next few weeks as we transform the entrance ! #oscarsvenue #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuitehireliverpool #functionsuite #functionsuitehire #party #functionrooms #eventspace #oscarsfunctionsuite #oscarsfunctionsuite #mobilityramp mobilityaccess #improvements #modernisation
Another lovely food option for your next party is a grazing table offering a great selection of nibbles for your guests