Intentionally Wed

Intentionally Wed A boutique wedding and relationship coaching service for couples planning an intimate wedding themselves and also wanting to invest in their future marriage!

Last year I decided to make a pivot in my business because it no longer felt aligned with who I was becoming and the tra...

Last year I decided to make a pivot in my business because it no longer felt aligned with who I was becoming and the transition that I could feel happening.

When I decided to switch it up from the traditional wedding planner format to wedding coaching, blending wedding planning, relationship wellness and well-being I didn’t know what to expect.

I just knew that with Intentionally Wed I wanted to help couples understand how to create an intentional, holistic and sustainable experience that aligns with their individuality, relationship, lifestyle and values. 
Creating a meaningful wedding day, an easeful and joyful engagement season that has a lasting effect beyond the wedding day.

Family, friends and society can create a lot of noise about your wedding, that you lose the connection with self and not have the space to hear your own voice and what you really want.

So, practices that help you to look within can help balance this. Connecting with your inner self will help you stay true to your vision, so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by decisions. I offer a unique approach that has the right balance of structure, ease and flow allowing you to ground your decisions in meaning and intuition. You can expect oracle card readings, meditations, journal prompts, crystals and movement guiding you to find the balance that you need.

I hold space for you and your vision whilst holding your hand as you travel through the adventure of your engagement season.

All this to say, I’ve had some highs and lows as I’ve pivoted and I am grateful for the learnings, the people I’ve connected with and the celebrations, big and small. 

Much Love
Edna x


I turned 50 on Saturday. 🥳Up until about two months ago I thought I wanted to have a big celebration, but as the time dr...

I turned 50 on Saturday. 🥳

Up until about two months ago I thought I wanted to have a big celebration, but as the time drew closer and people were asking “how you celebrating?” A big do didn’t feel aligned.

So I asked myself what do you really want to do Edna? Answer; to wake up by the sea. I wanted to nurture my mind, body and spirit.

My bliss place is by the sea. Maybe it’s me having lots of water signs in my natal chart, but wherever I go I seek out some body of water.

It felt weird initially because this was the first time that I’d be taking myself away solo for my Earthday. It felt like I was letting the fam and friends down who wanted to celebrate with me.
I had a chat with myself and said “listen big woman tings, do you.” So, I booked myself a little airbnb. No one was upset.

Ain’t that always the way. It’s the story we tell ourselves that the “sh*ts gonna hit the fan” and it doesn’t.

Anyhoo, I woke up on my Earthday and enjoyed my own company.
I explored and discovered not only an area I’ve never been to, I also found out more about what I want for the next 50+ years to feel like.

I am so grateful and appreciative for the journey that I’ve been on these last 50 years that have brought me to this point.
The people, places and situations that have supported that journey whether I actively went for it or Spirit said “here you go”.

As I step into my new era, I embrace the deep dive into more. More remembering who I am, deeper connection with my spiritual journey, more self awareness, self acceptance, growth and wisdom so that I can be the best version of myself and elder for the next generation.

Lean into more of what nourishes you this week. Have a fab one!
Much Love, Edna x

We’re in a new month, July, my birthday month!And today’s a new moon, so I’m a reflecting too. Reflecting on the last 6 ...

We’re in a new month, July, my birthday month!
And today’s a new moon, so I’m a reflecting too. Reflecting on the last 6 months and also what I want for my new year.

One of my intentions this year is to be more intentional with doing things that bring me joy. Big and little things.

What I know is, it’s the simple pleasures I enjoy the most like:
* Taking time to make myself a lovely breakfast

* My first sip of tea

* Spending time with my granddaughter

* Connecting with a body of water; river, sea, lake

* Giving myself at least 15 mins per day to move my body

* I really love the juicy-ness of cantaloupe melon.

Putting our happiness first is one of the best things we can do for our spirit.

Have you taken time out this week to bring yourself some joy?

Have a fab weekend!
Edna x

My happy spot. 🌊 ♋️

My happy spot. 🌊 ♋️

What would you want to talk about?When it begins to feel like it’s all a bit too much carving out dedicated time and spa...

What would you want to talk about?

When it begins to feel like it’s all a bit too much carving out dedicated time and space to delve into a pressing matter can provide a much-needed grounding experience.

I understand the importance of being able to talk through something with someone who gets it and isn’t judging. A neutral sounding board for your thoughts, ideas, feelings and goals.

These 2 hour 1:1 sessions are a deep dive and you’ll leave with a plan or what you can do to move to the next step for you, whatever that next step gets to be.
They’re intended to be super focused on one core thing that’s been bubbling for a while.

We will move you forward and you’ll feel grounded.

I’ve opened up some slots for the next three months - if you’d like a one off deep dive with your situation and with email support after. DM me Pit Stop and I’ll send you the link.

Let’s get you sorted.
Edna x

What are the core values you and your partner are creating for your life together and for your wedding day?Yeah, you can...

What are the core values you and your partner are creating for your life together and for your wedding day?

Yeah, you can set core values for your wedding day.

The most memorable wedding days are the ones created based on what’s important to you, the couple.  

Part of my role is to help you get to those important matters- your values.
My style is through conversation and connecting with you. Listening to what you have to say and working through thoughtful questions that help you to deep dive.

These values will guide you in your decisions and help you live with intention and connect with yourselves and each other.

If you want some support with figuring out your values together, so that you’re able to have an easeful and joyful engagement season. You can download my free guide. Comment ‘Ease’ and I’ll send you the link.

Much Love
Edna x


Over the weekend my daughter was working on a project. I could see on her face that she was overthinking what she was do...

Over the weekend my daughter was working on a project. I could see on her face that she was overthinking what she was doing. She was asking our opinions on what she was writing and as the time went she became increasingly frustrated because she couldn’t figure it out.

As a person who used to overthink A LOT! I get it.

I suggested to her to take a break and come back to it in a little while.
She said, “ That ain’t gonna help.”
I left her because it was a suggestion AND she’ll move when she’s ready to or not.

When there’s a problem to solve, a decision or choice to make.
We go to the logical, we may outsource by getting others opinions which then leads to more overthinking. Sometimes thinking isn’t what’s needed.

We really do know how to make hard work out of a thing!

I’ve found over the years that taking a step back. Trying not to think harder to figure it all out and actually letting go, going into the body and feeling into it can be the key.

Taking a moment to get quiet, let the energy dissipate and the answer will come to you. Probably when you pop to the bathroom to go for a wee. 😂

The next time you’re overthinking, give it a go.

If you can relate and feel that having a convo about your on your wedding planning journey with someone who gets it, drop me a DM/voicenote and let's chat about how I can support you.

Much Love
Edna xx

I’m an optimistic person, maybe because I'm quite a good problem solver and I know that most challenges have a solution ...

I’m an optimistic person, maybe because I'm quite a good problem solver and I know that most challenges have a solution and is an opportunity to learn and grow.

When I have those moments that can be challenging and make you say “What the Fxxk” I allow myself a max of 48 hours. Why? Because I can go into overthinking. So, I have to put a time limit on it, and change up my vibe.
I also understand the importance of sitting with what you’re feeling, reflecting and letting it pass through you.

My belief is that things that don’t work out as planned are because we’re being protected from something that may not be for us or isn’t ready for us. There’s a better opportunity coming for us. Yep, at the time we may not be able to see it.

But have a think… has there been a time in your life when the thing you wanted to happen, didn’t and then what did come was far better than you could’ve imagined?

This is why wasting too much energy on lamenting and beating yourself up doesn’t serve you. You’ll only be giving energy to the problem.

Redirect your focus to the outcome that you want and trust that it’ll all work out.

If you’re feeling stuck, frustrated or overthinking a problem. Drop me a DM and we can chat about my new offering to be released soon that’ll help you get out of the cycle of worry and into a place of resolution; feeling calmer and clearer.

Much Love
Edna xx

A few years ago I found the gift of prioritising my self care. It was a game changer for me in order to have the easeful...

A few years ago I found the gift of prioritising my self care. It was a game changer for me in order to have the easeful, peaceful, healthy and joy-filled life I desire.

The change was mostly in the way that I thought and then choosing to act on those thoughts little by little. Building the belief that I deserved more professionally and personally.

Your engagement is a good time to start a practice of prioritising your pleasure.
What rituals do you have in your life that help you feel content and grounded?
What’s one thing you’d love to do for yourself as a treat everyday this week?

Could you…

Take yourself out to your fave coffee shop and enjoy a great cup of coffee.
Have a bubble bath every night as your night time ritual.
Read a chapter of that book that’s been sitting on your shelf waiting to be picked up.
Have that piece of fruit everyday, because it makes you feel like you’re nourishing yourself.
Get to bed 10 mins earlier than you normally do.
Meditate/sit in silence for 5/10 mins
Go for a walk around the block after dinner
Bake some muffins

We’re in Ta**us season and a part of the energy of this season is loving yourself, feeling good and taking your time. You’ll be fully supported at this time to create new habits.

When we’re not used to making our pleasure a priority it can feel ‘wrong’ at first. So the more you do it, the more you tell your mind that you are deserving of it until it feels natural. .

By prioritising your pleasure and doing things that make you feel good, in the process you also figure out what brings you a deeper sense of satisfaction that’s beyond the material.

Give it a go and pls do come back and let me know how you feel at the end of the period.

You deserve it!

If you’re looking for a bit more support in this area, drop me a DM and we can have a chat about how I can support you.

Much Love
Edna xx

Last week we celebrated my son’s 30th! That Saturn return be returning! IYKYK 😬He’s my first born and I am so grateful h...

Last week we celebrated my son’s 30th!
That Saturn return be returning! IYKYK 😬

He’s my first born and I am so grateful he chose me to be his Mama. The lessons that he has taught me… many.

The one that got me and made me check myself, was when he was about 8/9 yrs old and he said “ mum, why are you so strict with me? give me a break”

My childhood felt limiting at times and I wanted to break that cycle, so him checking me was my moment to pause and be intentional about learning how to parent differently, than what I knew, what I’d seen demonstrated to me.

All that to say that his presence in my life brings me immense joy, and I am grateful for the person he is.
His unique personality, loving nature, and infectious spirit make my life so much richer. Love you. 💕😘

You’re craving clarity and purpose. You’re feeling like you “should be on this”.The information overload from varying pl...

You’re craving clarity and purpose. You’re feeling like you “should be on this”.
The information overload from varying places and people isn’t helping you to get clear.

Together we will clarify what you want, giving you a motivational kick start and support as you progress through the process.

We will  minimise the emotional energy you’ll use getting to the wedding day through mindful practices to keep you grounded, dealing with any personal issues or decisions that may be causing you stress, so you enjoy the process of planning your wedding.

Simply put, through intentionality I help you navigate this short and transitional season in your life with mindfulness, confidence, ease, joy and connection. 

If you’re planning your wedding yourself or with a planner and feel you want more support to work on the details of your vision and how you travel through your wedding planning journey. I’d love to be a part of creating your day!

Drop me a DM and let’s have a chat about how I can support you.

Much Love,
Edna x

You deserve to enjoy and have fun on this journey, not “just get through it”!Together we’ll deep dive into the details o...

You deserve to enjoy and have fun on this journey, not “just get through it”!

Together we’ll deep dive into the details of your engagement season and how you want the whole experience to feel from start to finish.

I’ll provide a steady centre to guide you through this season with honesty, wisdom and love.

Much Love
Edna xx

You can download my free guide ‘3 steps to an easeful and joyful engagement season’ 👆🏿or if you’d like to have a chat about how we can work together, drop me a DM.

When we are intentional about the vision and how we want to approach anything we can work towards the desired feeling wh...

When we are intentional about the vision and how we want to approach anything we can work towards the desired feeling which generally is ease, enjoyment and connection.

This doesn’t mean that there won’t be challenges, but what it can mean is that when they  show up, clarity on the vision and the desired feeling will enable discernment towards what works or doesn’t work. The need to gather opinions from others minimises and when we choose to listen, we can filter through the information.

You get to spend time focusing on the people and things that matter the most to you. 

This is what I desire for you.

Through intentionality you set the foundation that will guide, support and hold you during this short but intense season of your chapter and beyond, so that you feel present to this experience, flow with ease and enjoy this time.

If you want a taste of what I do grab my free guide in the link above or you can DM me.
It’ll guide  you to begin to create your foundation for this season in your life and embrace it with ease, joy and confidence. Making decisions that are aligned with what you desire.

Enjoy the JourneyYes, you wanna enjoy the process, but… you’ve heard the stories or witnessed the stress from decision m...

Enjoy the Journey

Yes, you wanna enjoy the process, but… 
you’ve heard the stories or witnessed the stress from decision making, tears over a lack of money, struggling to work through relationships with friends and family and all the gamut of feelings that come with this process of planning your wedding. 

In order to enjoy the process, you need to set yourself up from the beginning and get intentional with your thoughts and behaviours so that you can enjoy it.

In my guide I help you through the process of identifying what you want and how you want to feel before you start the planning or as a reset. 
It’s based around the holistic framework that I use with all my clients to approach your wedding and engagement season. 

Visioning - Set the foundation for the engagement season and wedding planning journey aligned with your values and lifestyles.
Relationship Wellness - The heartbeat and health of your relationship
Well-being - Centering your self care for you, your sanity and health, so that you can enjoy this season.

When you implement the guidance within this guide you’ll set your foundation and embrace this season with ease, joy and confidence, making decisions that are aligned with what you desire.

Link is in my bio or you can DM me for it.
Edna x

The first week of April’s done, how’re you feeling?Last month for me was a mix of spending time in reflection, staying g...

The first week of April’s done, how’re you feeling?

Last month for me was a mix of spending time in reflection, staying grounded and present, listening to my inner voice through meditation, spending lots of time with my granddaughter, working on projects and meeting some new people. I took time away on the weekends from social media and I feel better for it.

If you’re into astrology or maybe a bit curious about it, we are in eclipse season which means there’s a lot of change happening for us all. For example, things may gain clarity on something or decide to move in a new direction. Until things settle it can feel disorientating.

My emotions and feelings have been up and down from happiness to tears. From frustration to motivation + focused with bouts of self doubt then switching back to confidence.

So, as we move further into April I’m continuing to get clear on what I want to grow and taking aligned action towards that.

All of that to say, if you’re feeling a similar kind of energy, you’re not alone.
Listen to your body and where you can take some time for yourself, even if it’s 5 mins locked away in the bathroom, if you have to.

What about you, what are you feeling the ni**le to do to kick start your spring season?

Have a glorious month!
Edna x

How do you want to remember your engagement?Do you want to remember your engagement as a season filled with ease, joy, r...

How do you want to remember your engagement?

Do you want to remember your engagement as a season filled with ease, joy, romance and a heart-centred celebration?

You can have that!

It’s important that you set the intention for it to be that way and then have a plan in place for this to happen, so you have that memorable engagement season you desire.

In my free guide you’ll start the process of creating an experience that’s easeful, joyful, intentional and mindful engagement season.

This guide will ease you through thoughtful conversations and activities between you and your partner through three key areas.

Wedding Planning
help you to identify what’s important to you both for your wedding vision and planning. You’ll also create a wedding statement to keep you focused as you journey.

Relationship Wellness
During your engagement season it’s easy to get caught up in focusing all your efforts into planning this one event - perhaps becoming disconnected from each other en route and your adventure beyond wedding day.

Self Care
How can you manage your energy as you journey? What ways are you gonna look after yourself? This section allows you to have some ideas and plans in place to prepare you.

This mini guide will set your foundation and help you embrace this season with ease, joy and confidence, making decisions that are aligned with what you desire.

Get the guide via the link in the bio

Subheading: Create an engagement season that feels aligned and supportive of your lifestyles, values and the growth of your partnership.

Hey! How’s things? I haven’t done this in a while, so I thought i’d share a few random things about myself. 🪷 I left hom...


How’s things? I haven’t done this in a while, so I thought i’d share a few random things about myself. 

🪷 I left home at 15, due to teenage rebellion, a boy and I had this sense of not being able to be myself. I had to grow up quickly and learn how to look after myself whilst studying, earning an income and working towards what I wanted to do with my life. Figuring out what independence meant for me.
I look back now and think, what a fabulous learning curve with all the gusto of a teenager and I’ve continued to grow and learn. 

🎂The best time of year for me is my birthday. As a recovering people pleaser in the past it was the day I gave myself permission to be selfish and do what I wanted and it’s now a tradition minus the guilt. This year I turn 50 and I’m planning to celebrate for a month. 

🙎🏾‍♀️I’ve recently separated from my partner of 30+ years and it’s been an adjustment. I’ve been getting to know myself a bit more without the attachments. We have two adult children.  

🎴In the last year I’ve been reading tarot cards and I love it!
I’m gonna pluck up the courage and read for others. 

Well… that’s a little about me.
Let’s connect, I’d love to know a little about you in the comments.

Much Love
Edna xx

I used to be a big coffee lover, I’d have a large cup of coffee as part of my morning ritual until a couple years ago an...

I used to be a big coffee lover, I’d have a large cup of coffee as part of my morning ritual until a couple years ago and I had to give up caffeine because of acid reflux. 

I now enjoy a nice big mug of tea; rooibos, lemon + ginger, turmeric etc. I actually enjoy selecting what tea to drink in the morning and then sitting and enjoying it in silence.

Having things that we enjoy and intentionally making it a part of our day/week/month is important to our well-being.

So, as we begin the new week, ask yourself… 
What do you enjoy most about being a nearlywed?
What do you enjoy doing that makes you feel good, like you’re a priority, calm…?

Now, how are you gonna make room for more of this during your engagement season?

It may mean that you have to let go of some things or move things around. 

I see too many people on their wedding journey choosing stress over joy and I’m on a mission to change this.

You won’t remember all the parts of your engagement but you WILL remember how you felt for most of it.

Do what brings you joy. 

If you need some help with finding out how you can bring more ease and enjoyment to your engagement season comment ‘FREEBIE’ and I’ll send you over my new freebie. 

You’re feeling stuck!You’re putting a smile on your face and saying it’ll all be ok but that’s not how you feel.You’re s...

You’re feeling stuck!

You’re putting a smile on your face and saying it’ll all be ok 
but that’s not how you feel.

You’re struggling with where to begin and the overall vision for your wedding.

There’s so much! 
I mean so many resources of information and this overload of info is beginning to make you feel overwhelmed and confused.


Every conversation with your partner is turning into wedding talk, you’re both becoming frustrated and it’s causing some disconnection.

Everybody’s asking questions, you haven’t got the answers 
People are giving advice that you haven’t asked for.

You’re feeling sad because you just wasn’t expecting it to be like this, but you feel like you can’t really share that because ‘this is supposed to be the happiest time of your life’

If this is how you’re feeling. I see you lovely. Here’s a big virtual hug from me. (insert emoji)

I know this planning malarky can make you feel like a right mess, it can be stressful and painful.

Honestly, you’re good. 
You and it are not crumbling.

You’re just in a season that you’ve not been in before. It’s new, it’s different. 

You don’t have to accept the overwhelm or the confusion. 
It CAN be a beautiful and easeful journey.

Lovely, you have to set yourself up for success, by being intentional about it.

Finding the way that works for you, that’s aligned with your life.

When you do this, your engagement season, your wedding planning journey becomes one that flows.

There’ll definitely be lots of steps that need to be taken, but when it’s all aligned, it doesn’t feel like a struggle. 

Much Love
Edna x



🟤Phases of Wedding Planning🟤Breaking down the wedding planning journey into phases creates logical manageable chunks for...

🟤Phases of Wedding Planning🟤

Breaking down the wedding planning journey into phases creates logical manageable chunks for you to work with. This works well for couples who want a more spacious planning experience.

It allows for decisions to be built on one another so that the planning unfolds in a natural way. 

1st Phase - Discovery
2nd Phase - Planning + Design
3rd Phase - Details
4th Phase - Almost Down The Aisle
5th Phase - Say I Do! 

How much time you give to each phase will be dependent on the length of time of your engagement season and you get to choose the pace based on your lifestyle. 

This simple phase based process allows you to create your solid foundation, alongside creating a design and plan aligned with your values, lifestyle and giving you a smoother and more joyful planning experience for everyone involved.

Hi Lovelies,It’s a new year lovelies so some new convos coming in for 2024!For the first one of the year I’m on the road...

Hi Lovelies,

It’s a new year lovelies so some new convos coming in for 2024!

For the first one of the year I’m on the road with the fab photographer book launch, for his new book CELEBRATED!

Intentional Conversations or convos as I say is to help guide you through the emotional, planning and relationship stuff that comes up in your engagement season.

Your engagement season is more than budgets, guest lists, colour palettes, and a party. It’s also about the emotions that come to the surface, insecurities, families and relationships.

My guests and I will be talking about how to deal with stress and overwhelm, practical wedding planning tips and guidance, relationship wellness both your own and with others, intentional self care and more. Don’t be surprised when I throw in some astrology and spirituality to support your journey too. All of this to help you develop your confidence, build strength, grow your relationships in a healthy way and self discovery with the intention of guiding you through so you have a more easeful, less stressful, memorable and joyful engagement season. 

So come join Ross and I as we talk about CELEBRATED, his new book which lovingly supports nearlyweds through this beautiful journey of your engagement season. 
We’ll be going live Thursday 22nd Feb at 1:30pm UK time. 

See ya there!
Edna x


You get to choose how you remember your engagement season.A season with…🧘🏾‍♀️ A sense of calm 🔗 Connection🎉 An event ali...

You get to choose how you remember your engagement season.

A season with…
🧘🏾‍♀️ A sense of calm
🔗 Connection
🎉 An event aligned with your values
📝 Space to reflect on transitioning into married life


Journaling is a great mindfulness activity to help you process your thoughts, emotions and ideas.If you’re looking for s...

Journaling is a great mindfulness activity to help you process your thoughts, emotions and ideas.

If you’re looking for some way to refresh your wellness routine, journaling is a great way.

You can process your day, relieve stress boosting your immune system and better understand yourself.

Personally, I started journaling as a way to clear my mind as I was a regular overthinker. Doing this alongside meditation I noticed a shift within as I reduced my hold on control and allowed things to unfold more. This is my go to self care tool. 

I love stationery so I make this a pleasurable experience for myself by buying lovely notebooks and pens. If this isn’t your jam, use your notes app or you can voicenote. 

Journaling does need a time commitment, however you don’t have to start with a daily practice if that isn’t realistic for you. You can start building your journaling ritual by taking some time at the beginning of each month and work up from there. 

Be intentional with this and schedule it in advance. Run a bath, play some chilled tunes, find a quiet space, make it a loving ritual for you. 

Journal Prompts for Feb:
If you could describe last month in one word or phrase, what would it be and why?

What am I grateful for about last month?
* What experiences, people you met or lessons you learned

What’s the energy I want to bring into this new month?
* Whenever you make a decision, ask yourself if it’s aligned with this energy.

What will bring me joy?
* What activities, self care activity or mini moments can you be adding to make each day better?

Over 150 members of the wedding industry and community, are speaking out to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefir...

Over 150 members of the wedding industry and community, are speaking out to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine. Here is an extract from the letter. If you’d like to read the rest and add your name, see the link in our bio or contact [email protected].

Image description: A series of text posts which read as follows:
This wedding business is in solidarity with Palestine.
Over 150 members of the wedding industry and community, are speaking out to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine. We call for an end to the occupation and its apartheid system in Palestine. We call for an end to the genocide of its people. We call out the Israeli government’s collective punishment and indiscriminate killing of civilians as war crimes and we demand an end to these war crimes.
In an industry which is all about love and connection, silence is directly at odds with our purpose. Let us join together at this crucial point in history to push for humanity, loudly, clearly and with strength in our numbers. Everyone has a part to play. You are not alone, we are here in solidarity, our voices unwavering and united.
What follows is a list of the letter’s authors and those signing in solidarity. This makes up pages 4-9 of the carousel. This list can be accessed in the full copy of the open letter - details of how to read this are below.
The final page of the carousel reads: we are inviting all wedding businesses to join us and add your name to the collective in solidarity with Palestine. You can read the open letter link in the bio or email [email protected]. Follow on Instagram.




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Individually Planned

Virtual Wedding Planning For Thoughtful Couples

Enjoy the Wedding, Love the Marriage.

You’re newly engaged and planning your wedding yourselves. Your wedding isn’t just about the one meaningful day, it’s also about preparing for all of the days after and enjoying your engagement season.

Individually Planned is not your traditional wedding planner, I’m a Wedding Planning Coach. I help engaged couples expertly navigate through the wedding planning with less stress, keeping your relationship a central focus so you can enjoy your engagement. You’re a DIY couple and you’d love support, guidance and accountability as you plan. Just think of me as your wedding planning partner, your confidant, your sounding board and your biggest encourager.