Lazy AI video from last night. Thank you for coming out and joining in. Was surprised so many came out even with the horrible weather. If anyone has photos or videos please share. See you next full moon and hopefully some nicer weather.
It’s finally time for iced coffeee!!
Doing a Roast delivery to the Cellar this evening at 5pm. If anyone would like a roast delivered to Lyme for pick up from the cellar give us a call or pop in to see us at the Inn today
Remember that gross time I got a tonsure haha well done Georgia Wellman for having a full chop as well. Sarah Lammas you brought discussion to a hard subject and never shied away from openly discussing your process. Thank you all who have donated and joined our quiz nights. Incase no one has heard Mother is well and better and has the curliest hair again. Georgia is continuing her feats of charity and is doing a skydive. Her page is below in the comments. Thank you all again.