My next flower club workshop - A Valentines Special - “Beer and Bouquets” on Thursday 13 th February 2025 from 6 - 8 pm in our kitchen at Sherridge to include beers and nibbles. Earn lots of brownie points from your partner on Valentines Day! Bookings on my website under Events! Limited places so book quickly or subtly share with your partner and suggest they might like to join me!
#flowersfromthefarm #grownnotflown #valentinesflowers#valentinesbeerandbouquets #valentinesworkshops#britishflowersrock # floristryworkshops
10 min job to create this beauty! I had a mix of hyacinths and amaryllis about to flower but looking a bit lonely on their own so I have repotted them all with Fridays snowdrops into a big terrine to come inside. Hopefully this will flower for weeks and bring me lots of joy! #grownnotflown #flowersfromthefarm #floristryworkshops #malvernflorist #malvernflowers #malvernworkshops #worcestershireflorist
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Join me next Thursday 7 th March at @katsflowerclub and spend a couple of hours making a beautiful bouquet for a wonderful mum out there.. using locally sourced tulips and narcissi along with a few other spring surprises from my garden..
I’m running 2 workshops - one from 10am 12 midday and another from 7-9 pm all from my cosy kitchen. delicious cake and refreshments included.
A fun opportunity to make some new friends and to create something unique and beautiful using all British grown flowers with lots grown by me. What better to give a bunch of flowers lovingly curated by yourself.
Book on my website and link in bio.
Please share and bring your friends!
Dates for “Kat’s Flower Club” are now live on my website (link in bio) and the first workshop is on Thursday 7 th March 2024 where I ll show you how to make a beautiful hand-tied bouquet for Mother’s Day with gorgeous spring flowers all from my garden hopefully. I’m running 2 sessions - morning and evening. A lovely way to spend a few hours making new friends having fun and you will take away a beautiful bouquet to give to a loved one on Mother’s Day! There will teas/coffee/wine and cake! All bookings through my website. Spread the word! #katsflowerclub#flowerworkshops#flowersonmothersday #flowerfun
#flowersfromthefarm #britishspringflowers
Had a wonderful workshop last night with the gorgeous team at @morganapssalesandlettings. Lots of chat, cheer and creativity! 8 amazing wreaths. All so different.. and the team were not at all competitive.. Which one will win the place in the office door?
#teamchristmasfun #teamchristmaswreaths #teamchristmasparty #christmaswreathsmalvern
Goodbye dahlias.. a busy day today cutting back dahlias ready for mulching tomorrow.. and hello tulips.. hoping to get lots of my tulips in now it is a bit cooler.. managed to cut 2 buckets of gorgeous flowers before they go.. .. not bad for 7 th November! And I still have some beautiful chrysanths.. #goodbyedahlias#hellotulips #autumnbouquets