Check out Arun Entwistle’s New EP 🌌
Here it is...
The waiting is over, for me anyway.
I'm bloody proud of this E.P. These songs are all very personal to me in one way or another. It is a real stamp in time and a massive achievement that I couldn't really do had I not had some of the support I've had over the last few years.
For me, music is about connection and discovery and wellbeing.
I'd be really grateful for anyone who shares this. As an independent solo artist, it can be quite the uphill walk in this day and age.
I will be promoting this over the coming weeks in some way or another. Maybe not in the form of a launch gig as I'm not there yet...
I have my first post release gig at The Fox and Hounds in Stony Stratford on 16th July.
Thanks, and I love you all.
And to all those who are struggling in any way at all...
It won't be like this forever!!!
Arun X