Praca nad projektem trwa, zaczyna się naparwdę intensywny czas przy montażu prawie 400GB materiału! Piszcie i dzielcie się przemyśleniami na temat koncepcji tego filmu -co chcielibyście zobaczyć, usłyszeć, na jakie pytania uzyskać odpowiedź. Edycja filmu to wędrówka przez gigabajty materiału z którego tak naprawdę można zrealizować kilka filmów, dlatego każda wskazówka jest pożądana:) Bądźcie częscią tego projektu😄😄😁 #camino #drogadodomu #thewayhome #pielgżymka #mamanatrasie #przyjaźń @jankaphotography @adam.klis.films
Work on the project continues, and the time begins to be intense with assembling almost 400GB of material! Write and share your thoughts about the concept of this film - what you would like to hear and what questions you would like answered. Editing a film is a journey through gigabytes of material that can actually be used to make several films, so every tip is welcome :) Be part of this project😄😄😁
For those of you still searching for the perfect film crew to capture your special day, we warmly invite you to check out the trailers we'll be sharing here from time to time. Remember, while your big day may come to an end, for us, the work is just beginning! Post-production is a meticulous and time-consuming process, but it's one we approach with passion and dedication.
We are a flexible and creative couple who truly love what we do. With a commitment to delivering the highest standards in filmmaking, we approach each project with the artistry and care of a true director and cameraman team. We can't wait to work with you and help bring your story to life! For those of you still searching for the perfect film crew to capture your special day, we warmly invite you to check out the trailers we'll be sharing here from time to time. Remember, while your big day may come to an end, for us, the work is just beginning! Post-production is a meticulous and time-consuming process, but it's one we approach with passion and dedication.
We are a flexible and creative couple who truly love what we do. With a commitment to delivering the highest standards in filmmaking, we approach each project with the artistry and care of a true director and cameraman team. We can't wait to work with you and help bring your story to life!