Maybe I should start another page or web site just for funeral facts as I am not all about funerals.
This is from Coffin club: "So, driving home from choir last night my friend, asked me if I'd heard of a cooling bed you could hire to help you keep your dead person at home for a bit 🤔
I said that, yes, I knew all about such devices... They are called Flexmorts and are beds with a cooling blanket layer to keep a body nice and cold and slow down decomposition. They also have Cuddle Cots which do the same thing, but for babies 😞
I also advised that the best thing you can do is have a small, enclosed space, where the door and windows can stay shut as then you can also hire an air con unit to make the whole space chilly. Plus, you don't want open windows, as you don't want flies getting in 🪰😬
We had a very interesting chat about decomposition - the speed of which can be affected by how the person died, what drugs they were on, how much they have in their stomach. My friend is a nurse so pretty low on the squeamish scale and she said 'I knew you'd be the person to ask!' which very much gladdened my heart! ❤️🤣
Also, just FYI, as far as the law goes, in UK it is A-OK to keep your dead at home for a bit after they've died - you may just want to have an extra bit of time to say goodbye before the funeral wheels are set in motion, and that's just fine 💖"