Event promoters - the trashy side
There is evidence that the wheel was in existence cira 3000 BC in the Indus valley. However, there is no evidence of the wheel being used in Yorkshire until 1000 BC. Over the years Yorkshire has still remained behind the times. You can quite easily imagine a cave man saying something like, “I’m not using that cuffing wheel, I’ve been dragging me stuff around for 20 years and I’m not about to change to these new fangled ways.” And so it remains in Yorkshire, out dated, resilient to change and backward thinking.
Although some may see this as part of its charm, it’s can however have its draw backs. In the events organisation or promotion industry it can be especially difficult when dealing with these stuck in the mud, backward thinking troglodytes. Not only do they not give new bands the chance to shine, they fail to embrace modern technology in their day to day business, often neglecting to answer messages on time and sometimes they never see them or answer them at all. This has meant that audience numbers have dwindled, growing bored of watching the same acts over and over, for pricing reflecting how things were some 30 years ago.
This in itself is possibly excusable, being generally useless is not a crime. However, the way in which these apathetic Luddite’s treat those who are new comers to the industry is tantamount to hate crime, which is defined by the Metropolitan Police as:
A hate crime is defined as 'Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.'
I have always been very upfront about my mental health issues; psychotic depression, chronic anxiety and autism. There are however, a number of other promoters who shown hostility to and prejudice against me whilst I have sought to improve the local music scene. These people have actively bullied me, sought to undermine me, trolled me through my own personal messages and I suspect have colluded with others to bring negative publicity against me on social media platforms.
These pernicious social deviants have gone a cut above the other useless promotions such as [REDACTED], who advertise they are looking for new bands then ignore you for months at a time or tell you they now have a full roster within minutes of having posted something to the contrary on line. They also go beyond [REDACTED], who similarly useless to [REDACTED], don’t answer messages and also threaten those who dare question their way of working with an absolute ban from any of their promotions.
These spineless miscreants are [REDACTED] off [REDACTED]. Who despite me repeatedly asking him to stop sending me negative messages. Despite me explaining that these messages were causing me to have panic attacks (which, by the way often make me want to end my own life). Despite all this continued to single me out with a torrent of negativity until I had to block him. Other equally vile persons include [REDACTED] from [REDACTED], who on seeing a comment he disagreed with online tried to shut down one of my business ventures by snitching, like a filthy little rat, to the owner of an establishment I work with closely. As many of you know I always do my best to by kind, respectful as well as helpful. Had this snivelling twerp reached out to me I’d have been only too happy to come to some resolution with him. But instead, like a spoiled little brat he chose to walk the snitching path.
At this point I need to point out, I have screenshoted many of these pernicious attacks and am very capable of proving these allegations.
I do not expect people to change their way of working. Being in a band and getting gigs is hard. However, if you are dealing with these people please be aware they are committing hate crimes, they are bullying, attempting to ostracise and generally unpleasant to people with disabilities. My band is gigging every week, sometimes twice has a rapidly rising online following and is doing quite well without these cretinous stalwarts of the promotion industry, yours can do.
So there you have it, my side of the story. You can choose to do with this information what you wish. They will also have their side. However, mine can be backed up with screenshots and evidence.