Review of the Rotherhurst Ensemble at St Lawrence's 22/07/23
Welcome to the Goldrush!
For those of you who enjoy Classical music, a gold nugget was to be found at the St Lawrence's Centre last Saturday evening, with a truly wonderful performance given by the Rotherhurst Ensemble!
It was a particularly gloomy evening and not easy to motivate oneself to brave the weather, leave the cosiness of home and a session infront of the telly. However, for the few who ventured out, the reward was an evening of listening to a magnificent performance given by six excellent musicians who had taken the time to visit our village from far away Hampshire. Perhaps we have all become less willing to take a gamble these days or risk being entertained by performers who are less well known? The playing was beautiful and the programme wonderfully balanced, travelling through time from the Baroque era to more contemporary times.
Beginning with three pieces by Handel, which were calming and sweetly played, which soothed the heart and were entrancing. The solo 'voice' expertly played on the oboe by Juliet Rickard. The second piece was more challenging, the less well know oboe quartet, written by Malcolm Arnold and which piqued the ear with its strange melodies and syncopated timing. The final piece, the Piano Quintet by Cesar Frank, was highly charged, full of excitement, pathos and passion and almost blew the roof off!
Not in the usual repertoire heard on the radio, but with the acoustics of St Lawrence’s, wad a thrilling musical experience. Judged by the applause at the end, one shared by all who were there. I am quite surprised that concerns from neighbours on The Street were not forthcoming, as the volume produced by the musicians must have been the equivalent of an ecclesiastical boom-box! Hard to believe that instruments that fit into small carrying cases, apart from the grand piano, can make such a huge sound.
Why not take a gamble and come to a concert at St Lawrence’s? Which compared to the price of three cappuccinos, is a bargain! What could be more stimulating than sitting on a comfortable chair, in a beautiful setting, enjoying an evening of music? As an added bonus, at most of these concerts, refreshments are available. How can you refuse!?
Tickets for performances: £10
Registered Friends of St Lawrence’s: £8
Under 18s: £4
Book online at: www.ticketsource.co.uk/stlawrencesconcertseries
Or pre-book via Sue Hitchcock:
📞 01603 270212
📧 [email protected]
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