Just can’t get enough of the tractor pulling!! Crazy!!😳👏🏼😬
So, bus fans!! Check this out. Tractor pulling!!😳👏🏼
Souped up tractors that pull incredible weights, made heavier by the guy in the box on the trailer winding the weight up till flames can end up shooting out the exhaust. Crazy but incredible to behold!! . . . 😳😱😬
One and a half Routemasters!!
RM66 off back to Swansea. Hopefully see you again soon guys. . . 😊🍻🍻🍻👍🏼
Just a few of the fabulous buses at RM70 this weekend folks!! My favourite is the last one!!👏🏼😂🍻🍻
Off in convoy from Usk to Chiswick this weekend folks!! 👏🏼😊
Nothing like being showered with pine cones and leaves!! I wish the trees were kept trimmed back a bit more. . . 😬
So bus fans! Have you ever wondered how you get a 14ft 6 bus under a 11ft 6 bridge?😬
You remove the roof, hold your breath and get someone else to drive it for you, while you duck!!😳🫢😂. . .
This is some of what you’re missing folks at this years @Vintageforvictory festival in Whitchurch. Fantastic music, lots of smiles and great dancing. And the rain held off. . . 👏🏼😂🍻🍻
Good effort Team Sport for trying to drink the bar dry. You nearly managed it!!🤪😉🍻🍻🍻😂
Yes bus fans!! That’s me driving half a bus round the arena at the Abergavenny Steam Fair.👏🏼😳😂
Having SO much fun, thanks to Doug and Co letting me loose on their bus RM66. Thanks guys and see you again at the Routemaster Association Routemaster 70 on 20th July!! 👏🏼😬