Neptune Project

Neptune Project Dan Willis and Jules Moyce. Listen to us on Spotify:

Dauerhaft geschlossen.

Passionately known for being at the top of their game in trance for Open to Close Journeys and extended sets, Neptune Project have carved their own unique brand identity by being true to the vintage trance sounds with not only their own productions but also in live performances.

Boldog nő, boldog család. Milyen?  Mindenki felteszi ezt a kérdést. Mi kell hozzá? Milyen hegyeket kell megmozgatni? Mit...

Boldog nő, boldog család.
Milyen? Mindenki felteszi ezt a kérdést. Mi kell hozzá? Milyen hegyeket kell megmozgatni? Mit csukd be a szemed? És megpróbálsz olyan lenni, mint ő, mert ha egy nő boldog - boldog család.

Minden gyermeknek kényelmes olyan házban élni, ahol az édesanyja boldog. Akkor a ház csendes, meghitt, meleg. Ez egy igazi otthon. Ha egy pár harmonikus kapcsolatban él, ahol mindketten jól érzik magukat, a család többi tagja is jól érzi magát. A férj egy nehéz munkanap után rohan haza. A gyerekek elszöknek az iskolából a jóság és a béke világába. És ez nem egy megszépített kitaláció, hanem nagyon is valós helyzet azokban a családokban, ahol az anya boldog... És tévedés azt gondolni, hogy a házasságban az élet csak a mindennapokról, a rutinról, a monotonitásról szól. Nem igaz. Sok olyan család van, akik már hosszú évek óta boldog házasságban élnek.

A női egészség a legértékesebb dolog, amivel minden nő rendelkezik. A lelki és fizikai egészség megőrzése minden modern ember számára a legfontosabb és létfontosságú prioritás. A nők számára az egészség egy lehetőség arra, hogy hosszú éveken át megőrizzék fiatalságukat.

Sajnos egy nő minden életkorban ki van téve különböző betegségeknek, amelyek nemcsak szorongást okozhatnak, hanem komoly, az életminőséget befolyásoló problémává is válhatnak.

A nők egészségét érintő egyik szempont a nőgyógyászati betegségek, amelyekkel minden nőnek meg kell küzdenie. Ezek lehetnek viszonylag ártalmatlan colpitisek és súlyos betegségek is, amelyek súlyos szövődmények kialakulásához vezethetnek, egészen a rákig és az anyaságra való képtelenségig. Ezért a lányoknak ismerniük kell a női nemi szervekkel kapcsolatos alapvető pontokat: a menstruáció normális időtartamát, az egészséges hormonális háttér mutatóit, a terhesség tervezését, a nőgyógyászati betegségek tüneteit és egyebeket.

Femeie fericită, familie fericită. Cum este?  Toată lumea își pune această întrebare. De ce este nevoie? Ce munți să mut...

Femeie fericită, familie fericită.
Cum este? Toată lumea își pune această întrebare. De ce este nevoie? Ce munți să mutați? Ce să închizi ochii? Încercați să deveniți una, pentru că atunci când o femeie este fericită, familia este fericită.

Orice copil se simte bine să trăiască într-o casă în care mama lui este fericită. Apoi, casa este liniștită, confortabilă, caldă. Este o casă adevărată. Atunci când un cuplu trăiește într-o relație armonioasă, în care ambii se simt bine, toți ceilalți membri ai familiei se simt la fel de bine. Soțul se grăbește acasă după o zi grea de muncă. Copiii fug de la școală spre lumea lor de bunătate și pace. Și aceasta nu este o ficțiune înfrumusețată, ci o situație foarte reală în familiile în care mama este fericită... Și este o greșeală să credem că viața în căsnicie înseamnă doar cotidian, rutină, monotonie. Nu este adevărat. Există multe familii care au trăit fericite în căsnicie timp de mulți ani.

Sănătatea femeii este cel mai valoros lucru pe care îl are fiecare femeie. Menținerea sănătății psihologice și fizice este cea mai importantă și vitală prioritate pentru orice persoană modernă. Pentru femei, sănătatea este o oportunitate de a-și păstra tinerețea timp de mulți ani.

Din păcate, la orice vârstă, o femeie este expusă la diverse boli care nu numai că pot provoca anxietate, dar se pot transforma și în probleme grave care afectează calitatea vieții.

Unul dintre aspectele care afectează sănătatea femeilor este reprezentat de bolile ginecologice, cu care fiecare femeie trebuie să se confrunte. Acestea pot fi atât colpite relativ inofensive, cât și boli grave care pot duce la apariția unor complicații serioase, până la cancer și imposibilitatea de a deveni mamă. De aceea, fetele ar trebui să cunoască punctele de bază legate de organele genitale feminine: durata normală a menstruației, indicatorii unui fond hormonal sănătos, planificarea sarcinii, simptomele bolilor ginecologice și altele.

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that is developed from and closely related to the Siamese cat. It main...

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that is developed from and closely related to the Siamese cat. It maintains the modern Siamese head and body type but appears in a wide range of coat colors and patterns. Like the Siamese, Orientals have almond-shaped eyes, a triangular head shape, large ears, and an elongated, slender, and muscular body. Their personalities are also very similar. Orientals are social, intelligent, and many are rather vocal. They often remain playful into adulthood, with many enjoying playing fetch. Despite their slender appearance, they are athletic and can leap into high places. They prefer to live in pairs or groups and also seek human interaction. Unlike the breed's blue-eyed forebear, Orientals are usually green-eyed. The Oriental Longhair differs only with respect to coat length.

While the breed's genetic roots are ultimately in Thailand, it was formally developed in the US by a number of New York area cat breeders, led by Vicky and Peter Markstein (PetMark cattery), who in 1971-72 were intrigued by lynx patterned and solid colored cats of a Siamese body type at Angela Sayers' Solitaire Cattery and at Patricia White's. These were based on solid-colored cats with the body of a Siamese, bred by Baroness von Ullmann over the 1950s. An "Oriental Shorthairs International" was formed in 1973, and Peter Markstein presented the breed to the 1976 Annual Cat Fanciers Association, at the same time as the Havana Brown was presented by Joe Bittaker. In 1977 the Oriental Shorthair was accepted by the Cat Fanciers' Association for championship competition. Since 1997, it has also received recognition from the GCCF and various other cat breeding organizations. The breed is among the most popular among CFA members.

The origins of the British Shorthair most likely date back to the first century AD, making it one of the most ancient id...

The origins of the British Shorthair most likely date back to the first century AD, making it one of the most ancient identifiable cat breeds in the world. These cats were imported by the Romans who kept them to keep the camps clear of snakes, mice and insects.

These cats then interbred with the local European wildcat population. Over the centuries, their naturally isolated descendants developed into distinctively large, robust cats with a short but very thick coat, to better withstand conditions on their native islands. Based on artists' representations, the modern British Shorthair is unchanged from this initial type.
Selective breeding of the best examples of the type began in the nineteenth century, with emphasis on developing the unusual blue-grey variant called the "British Blue" or "English type" (to distinguish it from the more fine-boned "Russian type"). Some sources directly credit UK artist, and pioneering cat fancier, Harrison Weir with the initial concept of standardising the breed. Others suggest a group of breeders may have been involved. The new British Shorthair was featured at the first-ever cat show, organised by Weir and held at the Crystal Palace in London in 1871, and enjoyed great initial popularity.

By the 1900s with the advent of the newly imported Persian and other long-haired breeds, the British Shorthair had fallen out of favour, and breeding stock had become critically rare by World War I. At least partially to alleviate this, British Shorthair breeders mixed Persians into their bloodlines. The genes thus introduced would eventually become the basis for the British Longhair. At the time, any long-haired cats produced were placed into the Persian breeding program.[8] As all cats with the blue colouration were then judged together as variants on a de facto single breed. The Blue Shorthair, outcrossings of the British with the Russian Blue were also common.


John on the hunt for the cookies but he arrived too late it seems. 🍪🍪🍪

Luminosity Intro Hijacked by the Cookie Monster

Not really sure what to say about this one???

I don't think we have seen a DJ set hijacked by the Cookie Monster before and probably won't see it ever again? 🍪🍪🍪🍪

Of course it had to happen at Luminosity in front of so many special friends from around the world right at the start of our set! 🙈


Having some cookie monster fun with Giuseppe 😂😂😂


This was the incredibly emotional moment when Rigo asked his high school sweetheart Stephanie to marry him during our track 'Destiny' at Luminosity.

She said yes! ❤

Congratulations to you both and we wish you all the happiness for your future together.


This weekend at Luminosity has been absolutely magical thus far!

Memories for a timeline with special friends from all over the world.

So excited for today's set for you guys - it's going to be one special journey at 5pm Copacabana Stage 😊

That said, one of the best parts still to come about this weekend for us, is being able to see our long time friend Activa play at 8.45pm.

A true musical genius and someone we are very fortunate to have worked with and learned so much from along our way 🙏

Final thanks to Bo & everyone at the Lumi team for all the incredible work they do for us all.

Let's do this guys ❤


Our good friend John 00 Fleming met the Cookie Monster today 🍪


Was asked many times yesterday at Luminosity which direction our set would be heading on Sunday.

Some Anjunabeats classics infused with Neptune Project material combined with some thought provoking speeches and samples. 😊

See you there!

- amazing set yesterday mate 👌


Adios Amigos ❤


Live in Buenos Aires


Vamos 🇦🇷 Argentina!! See you on Saturday!!

Cannot wait to play for the best crowd on the planet ❤️


Currently going through the archive and hunting down some forgotten gems ready for the next Open to Close in Argentina & then Luminosity.

Feeling the vibes with lots of classic Anjunabeats material at the moment

(hint hint 😊)


Argentina 🇦🇷 🇦🇷🇦🇷

After two career changing open to close sets in 2014 & 2015 with you, we return again in 2 weeks to take you into outer space once more. 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀🚀

We are asked almost every week the question 'where is the best place to DJ in the world'

The answer, is always the same ever since our first experience with you at FSOE 300 in 2013.
'Buenos Aires' is said in reply with so much passion, because it's exactly what you guys are full of like nowhere else on earth.

When the news lands from your agent that you are going back for another set, a special nostalgic feeling explodes within and the excitement is on a volcanic eruption level.

We have heard so many things about Magic and the nights that have taken place in Niceto. It's always a challenge to make the next open to close as fresh and unique as the last ones. BUT this is the challenge we thrive off and one which we put our heart and soul into, with weeks and weeks of work and planning before the show.

We will always remember that everything changed for us after the 5 hour set in Mandarine 2014 and for that, we will always play our hearts out to you every time we have the opportunity to do so.

What we are really trying to say, is that this night is going to be nothing short of magical. We plan this journey so uniquely so it's an extra special memory which lives forever within you, which can be listened to again and again.

See you all in Niceto on June 17th!



We are really sorry to announce, that due to unforeseen processing delays with our US visa, we will sadly be unable to make it to the Garden of Eden event in Orange County on June 10th.

However, you will still be taken to outer space thanks to fellow astronaut The Noble Six.

We did everything we possibly could to ensure the visa was fully processed in time, but ultimately this situation is out of our hands with delays.

We have spoken extensively with the company processing the Visa and they see no reason why the extra processing time will cause any issues with the upcoming summer shows in August.

So sorry again guys and we will make this up to you without question.


Haid-und-Neu-Straße 21


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