Wild & Wonky Blooms

Wild & Wonky Blooms Growing British cut flowers in Norfolk, UK. Unique seasonal bouquets, sustainable & with nature at the heart of what we do.

Ooooh there has been enough light for the solars to start coming on in our Secret Garden at HQ 😍 the shelter used to be ...

Ooooh there has been enough light for the solars to start coming on in our Secret Garden at HQ 😍 the shelter used to be in our hens patch, after losing them 🌈 the Secret Garden was transformed from our beloved hens, fruit and veg to our place of mental healness. In the summer months Mrs Wild enjoys sitting down there on the wooden swing with a cuppa and listening out and watching the hedgehogs. Something she promises herself she'll make more time to do this year!

Not much to report today, the lurgy reached Mrs Wild over the weekend and the cold fresh air lifting dahlia, didn't help as expected!

We've put some cardboard over some of the annual beds from last year now they've died down to mostly mush in places. We've not lifted anything, just flattened them. Leaving the roots in from our annuals will aid soil health over time as they decompose back into the soil. There are some useful, more scientific evidence of the benefits online if you are inclined to learn further!

We've got some Stock seedlings popping up and heading out to the greenhouse soon, but we will be playing hokey cokey as we've got a cold snap, we said we'd never do these again, we say this every year, but while sorting seed packets we decided to use the last of what we had, give them another season and see how they go. Their scent is just too good despite them not really growing all that great for us. You never know, this season might be their season!

Sunday scenes!It was a very cold start to the day and note to self, wear thicker socks with the steelies when it is free...

Sunday scenes!
It was a very cold start to the day and note to self, wear thicker socks with the steelies when it is freezing!
Bed 3 of dahlia have been lifted, so relieved to find only 1 diseased plant, and one very loved Daisy Duke rotten - we've had her years and divide each year. Hoping once cleaned up there may be some viable eyes on there somewhere! This means this bed is good to go for this season, we will remove all surrounding soil from where the affected plant was. Which makes Mrs Wild feel much better about the field plan juggling.

The seedheads of the monarda "lambada" bee balm looked great against this afternoons blue sky, the day got pleasant as it went on didn't it?

Happy to see a few teeny snow drops dotted around. We were happy to find these at the field last Spring and felt they were a gift!!

Despite no protection in the tunnel or greenhouse, the seedlings and such did absolutely fine. Phew. We've not been on the ball this week with a poorly youngest and not a lot of sleep.

The paths all got swept and cleared today too, we need to keep on top of clearing anything we w**d or cut back to avoid homes for the dreaded slugs!! We even found slug eggs in between dahlia tubers 😱🤦‍♀️.

This week should see moving the sheep's fleeces off the dahlia beds, we've got another place for these to go now. As 2 of these need prepping now for annuals.

It is a constant turning wheel here, but we are feeling pretty good about it all, excluding the diseased tubers of course. Last years graft has definitely made for a calmer year so far this year. Must resist buying any more dahlia, I'm sure we will fail, as there's a couple we really would like to replace 🤣 dahlia are a slippery slope!!!

It's the 1st of February! We have survived the 349135790 days of January and are soon approaching longer light levels wa...

It's the 1st of February! We have survived the 349135790 days of January and are soon approaching longer light levels wahoo!

It is Valentine's day in 13 days, less than 2 weeks away! If you celebrate your loved one on Valentine, why not consider a Gift Voucher from us?
Pricing starts from £15, in £5 increments up to £50.
Your voucher can be collected, or posted if you cover the postage fees.

Gift Vouchers contain the T&C on the back, but if you have any questions please do get in touch.

We are late to the party, we've been busy lifting dahlia 😱 early, but we needed to, they had gotten so wet in 2 out of 3 of the beds 🙈 but we have little to no rotting losses, a couple of mini plants haven't produced tubers but that is hit and miss depending on type and have a few leafy gall from a reputable supplier which is soul crushing when everything was pre sprouted. At the moment it is mostly isolated to the same supplier. We will be re thinking the field plan now, as we will not grow dahlia in the same beds this season just in case, as the disease can stay present in the soil for up to 2 years ! Urgh!!

Tomorrow we will lift the 3rd and final bed and keep our fingers very firmly crossed.

Hello sunshine, despite being super chilly.The snaps are enjoying the sunshine and are incredibly behind this time last ...

Hello sunshine, despite being super chilly.

The snaps are enjoying the sunshine and are incredibly behind this time last year!

We tipped out the sedum thinking they hadn't propagated but happy to report they have, this is going to help toward increasing stock and is free 🥳.

When we cut back our roses we stuck some in pots to try and propagate, we've always struggled to propagate roses from cuttings and always lose them. Out of 8, 4 have rooted 😍. Labels have been lost but we think they're our gorgeous hybrid tea roses.

Our alstromeria has started to show itself too. A little earlier than previous years. We hope to lift and divide some of these and move some down to the field.

We will be pleased to tidy up our Secret Garden in Spring, but we know all the old stems, seed heads and die back are serving their purpose in helping overwintering insects through winter.

We have been working behind the scenes on Wild Bloomers Club speaking to insurance companies to ensure we are covered effectively and have been working on costings so we can give a better idea of dates, content and price! We hope within the next month we will be able to release more information for those of you who are interested.

Our very long term, future business goals have always been rooted firmly in the next generation of growers, which we ant...

Our very long term, future business goals have always been rooted firmly in the next generation of growers, which we anticipated running alongside our lovingly grown and arranged bouquets.

If you've been with us a while now you'll know that nature and biodiversity is very important to us.

Our childrens' love, appreciation and amazement of sowing, growing and helping to choose and give flowers weekly to their Great Nanny (where this all began!) watching the different insects and wildlife at home and at Rubble Corner and sharing in those moments are an absolute delight. Their enthusiasm, excitement and sense of awe is something Mrs Wild does not take for granted. The fact our Wild Bloomers share the love and appreciation for beautiful flowers, knowing we created that together.

Over the summer of last year, we were personally part of a team organising Nature Crafts for children at our Village Hall. It is an absolute pleasure to volunteer as a Trustee alongside like minded people within our team for our Village Hall and community.

This gave Mrs Wild some hope towards her future goals, offering nature based activities to children and families with educational facts included. The feedback we received as a team couldn't have been more positive and we saw more attendance at each event.

This has led to the consideration of offering a "Wild Bloomers Club", effectively jumping ahead on our long term business goal.

Please let us know if this would be something you and your children would be interested in?
The sessions would be during half terms and the summer holidays for one hour and activities will change with the seasons. Please note we anticipate just 2 in the summer.

We'd really like your feedback before we secure any dates and make any hire agreements, for those of you we know that attended the organised events at Foulden Village Hall - Norfolk, please be aware the cost will be a noticeable increase due to hire payments and extra materials and time needed to run this independently.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

(A few snaps from last summers' sessions and Halloween).

Did you know through early January, daylight hours increase by an average of 2 minutes per day, leaning closer to 3 minu...

Did you know through early January, daylight hours increase by an average of 2 minutes per day, leaning closer to 3 minutes through the end of January and into February, 4 minutes extra through March. This means we will be seeing 10hrs of daylight by the middle of February - before welcoming the Spring Equinox on the 20th March this year where we will be seeing 12hrs of daylight! Woop!

As daylight hours increase, it means more seed sowing 🥳 February will see us begin some of our half hardy annuals indoors, half hardy means they aren't as tolerant of those low temps and we must excercise patience as to not end up with weak and leggy seedlings! This is where they do not recieve enough light and reach, making their stems stretch in search of light, thus making them weak.

As with any flower grower, we like to get a jump start with our seedlings in an attempt to plan timings for crops to tie in with one another. 2024 saw much of this thrown out of the window with such a strange year weather wise.

Our hardy annuals will be planted out in the next few weeks, as they've been in the cold greenhouse with little to no protection since Autumn, we just need them to be a bit bigger to survive any slug attacks.

Our half hardy annuals should be healthy little plugs of seed babies by the time of our last frost date and can then be planted out into the field. Our current last frost date is showing on the zone maps as Mid to end April!

Have you sown any seeds or planted any bulbs? We would love to see them, past or present!

(A throwback to last March of a sweetly scented narcissus replete, these have the most gorgeous ruffle with pinky peach surrounded by white petals)

Every morning we head to Rubble Corner to open the tunnel to let some air through. Surprised to see a butterfly that loo...

Every morning we head to Rubble Corner to open the tunnel to let some air through. Surprised to see a butterfly that looks a little tatty bless it.

What was supposed to be a down day, turned into w**ding around some of our perennials, happy to see rudbeckia Sahara has overwintered 🙌 rudbeckia can be perennial, but are typically grown as an annual. They've never survived winter at HQ.

We lifted and divided one of our veronica from HQ as both had outgrown their space in the border. One to RC divided and planted and the other will be divided and moved around at HQ.

This led to a search for Spring life, happy moments finding the new growth at soil level and some of our bulbs have started to show at RC and HQ too.

We propagated our sedum last year, happy to see those little rosettes of fleshy leaves!

Hellebore are just irresistible 🥰 that pop of colour when there's not much else going on. In time we'd like to increase these, they never seem to self seed at HQ which is really annoying. We've got several at HQ and our 3 new sale additions at RC.

Realising the neglect at HQ, especially having not protected the dahlia what so ever, Mrs Wild couldn't help but lift a few to see how they've faired, given the period of freezing temps and getting as low as -8, what we've checked there are a couple of expected losses but we've also got some survivors! We'll wait to lift the rest until March!

We also found some ranunculus and anenome in a barrel with hypericum...these must be discards from last season, and they're thriving 🤣🤦‍♀️.

Productive few hours today! Yippee!Pallet collars moved around in the tunnel and all filled up fully and alpaca 💩 added ...

Productive few hours today! Yippee!

Pallet collars moved around in the tunnel and all filled up fully and alpaca 💩 added and mixed in. We can't rave about this stuff enough! What we covered the cutting beds with last year - the worms did a fantastic job of taking down into the soil improving its overall health.

20 new ranunculus planted and covered in chicken wire (different shades than last year).

The 3 hellebore we got on sale last year finally planted, along with several foxgloves we seed sowed last year and all the raspberry canes taken out of the grow bags, planted then mulched.

What logs Mrs Wild was able to lift have started to be moved to the back side of the wildlife pond too! Mr Wonky will have to move the bigger ones 😅.

Then home for a much needed shower! It's funny what a productive morning can do for your mood, especially when you've got your hands in the soil! And yes, gloves were worn...mostly, unsure how so much got in them 🤣.

Did you know that getting your hands dirty in the garden can stimulate your serotonin levels? It certainly helps our "happy hormones" and is no wonder that most children - ours especially, love playing in the mud.

Things have been relatively quiet this week, yay for not waking up to frost though, we do miss the glisten, just not the...

Things have been relatively quiet this week, yay for not waking up to frost though, we do miss the glisten, just not the cold! The seed babies got a good drink yesterday morning and all the fleece removed, door open for the breeze to help strengthen those stems.

Mrs Wild has lots of paperwork to get through, she will do this more often than every 3 months this year 🤦‍♀️. Famous last words.

Hopefully the frosts have helped with any pest and disease and the plants we left for "Spring clean up" should be providing shelter for overwintering insects too!

We've been preparing for our youngest Wild Bloomers 5th birthday this week and his party at the weekend. So lots going on here and not much W&WB activity.

Today we sowed some more snap dragons and started planting some of our raspberry canes. We bought these last year and lost time to get them a space where they can do their thing - spread 🤣 so they've been in large grow bags. They are going with the fruit trees and will be amazing for foliage and their fruit as the canes increase year on year. We've got summer and autumn fruiting varieties. Mrs Wild and our youngest Wild Bloomer love raspberries best and hopefully we will beat the birds to the ones at home this year 🙈.

Last Thursday, we used little bits of left over foliages from the tribute piece and made another willow base for our own door to replace the christmas wreath. As time goes on we will transform this into a living wreath 😍. We haven't even twined this, we've just pushed the stems in between the willow. Good job its not summer, as the willow would dry and shrink and it'd all fall out eventually! We do love a bit of ivy, we plan to propagate some of the variegated from home and find somewhere at Rubble Corner where it won't be a pain in the bottom.


We've been down to Rubble Corner this afternoon instead of Mrs Wild's usual morning routine, as Mrs Wild was busy helping at the Village Hall this morning for brekkie morning 😋.

The Wildlife pond has gotten thicker and thicker with ice over the last couple of weeks. She took a step on, and was too sensible (read scared) to go any further 🤣. There's still at least 6 inches of water under her toes! Mrs Wild and Mr Wonky are sure she'd have gotten across, but the chance was not one she wanted to take 🙈. The cracking is the thinner ice at her heel where the pond has overflowed in recent weeks, and as anticipated some erosion off of what we call the "cliff" beside has occurred. There will be logs piled up here as the year progresses for habitats, so we arent too worried.

Its the small things in life, the simplest things, that evoke laughter (nervous giggles) the Wild Bloomers wanted to give it a try, a firm spoil sporting no 🥶.

We've thought quite hard about posting the following tribute; we took pictures for our portfolio, but also for our custo...

We've thought quite hard about posting the following tribute; we took pictures for our portfolio, but also for our customer in case they wanted any.

It's important to build our portfolio, even if the pictures aren't always ones we post. We have hundreds in an album specifically for W&WB. It allows us to send images to customers if they wish to see examples of our work, as well as allowing us to look back like a visual diary of sorts and also documents any successes, failures etc.

We have been encouraged by our customer to share the funeral wreath we created this week, many thanks and gratitude for choosing us and also supporting us.

It is an honour and privilege to have been a small part of someone's final farewell. This tribute was to be laid upon the casket - encompassing seasonal greenery, twiggery and a foraged feel, with no flowers and made onto a willow ring base. We used a variety of greenery in different textures, shapes and sizes, giving depth and movement. Of course, using rosemary for its symbolism of remembrance.

Part of choosing us - was in the knowledge we apply sustainable techniques to our work.

-7 in the car at 8am, -6 showing in the tunnel at 8.50am, ranunculus thankfully looking okay with their double fleecing....

-7 in the car at 8am, -6 showing in the tunnel at 8.50am, ranunculus thankfully looking okay with their double fleecing.

The seedlings at HQ were a tad unhappy this morning, despite their protection. We've always used the canes strung to the frame to make a fleece teepee so our seedlings aren't flattened by the fleece laying on them. Despite them having no water for nearly 2 weeks now due to the freezing temps, the compost was actually frozen this morning for the first time.

The forecast is looking less harsh over the next couple of weeks, which we know changes...frequently!

How have your gardens, seedlings etc been coping?

We can't resist icy pictures though. Especially when the morning glow hits!

We know it's cold and frosty every winter but we've already had enough of it 🤣 the forecast is -6 tonight, we've double ...

We know it's cold and frosty every winter but we've already had enough of it 🤣 the forecast is -6 tonight, we've double fleeced the ranunculus and have brought some more fleece back to W&WB HQ to give the greenhouse seedlings an extra layer, just in case. The tunnel read -4 at 9am.

A happy accident in terms of unintended "experiments" we must have missed some anenome when we bed flipped last Spring from anenome to cosmos. There's a handful in there growing away happily and have withstood all weathers so far. There Mrs Wild was fleecing them last Spring with low temps, they're clearly just fine!

The Sweet William are looking great. These were sown at the end of summer 2023, planted out end of autumn 2023 and gave us the loveliest stems last season. We thinned out any rotten stems, w**ded them and added some new seedlings to increase stock at the end of last year, including a new variety to us called Kaleidoscope which we can't wait for, we love pink shades, we also transplanted some self sets from HQ.

Wishing we were more on the ball with the incredible amount of poppies we had last year and shaking their heads and seed collecting before the rain got them. So a delight to find some poppy seedlings here and there. Seed pods are a great textural addition to bouquets, and the pollinators also love them in flower!

Brrr it was so cold this morning!! A very light sprinkle of snow, it was never going to settle with the wind and rain ye...

Brrr it was so cold this morning!! A very light sprinkle of snow, it was never going to settle with the wind and rain yesterday.

It is the Wild Bloomers first day back to school today. Mrs Wild did her morning checks then got to work on foliages for a tribute tomorrow. Having made a willow wreath base last night.

We decided not to take the fleece off of the ranunculus at Rubble Corner. Can you see how the sun hits the back corner? That's where they are! They're still happy, phew, we've got lots more to plant next week when the temps won't be freezing overnight!

The new colour of ranunculus and anenomes, plus the autumn sown sweet pea are happy sheltered in a zippy next to the house, we've opened them up for some happy rays and a breather this morning. We must remember to protect them by mid afternoon before the temps begin to drop again.

Of course, another dahlia check this morning, Mrs Wild really needs to stop tying herself in knots over them but they're a big financial outlay and it's actually terrifying having left them in the ground. But, we've had temps as low as low as -4 and the soil hasn't frozen at all under their cover of sheep's fleeces and landscape fabric. Daily weather checking and a quick peek here and there is now routine. However, some dahlia divided and left in small pots all season have survived just fine in their dry compost in crates covered in fleece on the tunnel bench! We wanted to experiment in case we did need to lift the dahlia at the end of this season.

As you can see, shaking the corncockle seed heads has given us a ridiculous amount of hardy little seedlings. These will get a good thinning out at a later date to give them room to grow big and strong and not have to compete.

Dreaming of Spring flowers!

The giant wreath installment at our Village Hall 6 weeks apart! No water source, no moss, no straw base. (We cheated wit...

The giant wreath installment at our Village Hall 6 weeks apart!

No water source, no moss, no straw base. (We cheated with time constraints and used Mrs Wild's uh hum now redundant weighted exercise hoop).

To dismantle or let die down naturally is the question 🤔 and where to put it if we do haha.

Uh oh, we may have gotten a little engrossed in field planning for 2025 and time ran away 🤣🤦‍♀️ woops! Mr Wonky just cam...

Uh oh, we may have gotten a little engrossed in field planning for 2025 and time ran away 🤣🤦‍♀️ woops! Mr Wonky just came in from working on the stockcar and noted the time 🤦‍♀️.

A good peruse through the 2024 sweary diary and planner to see any feedback notes and seed sowing schedules 🤪 and making a start in the 2025 version! What we love about this, apart from the positive affirmations on each page with a splash of profanity, is the lay out! A month in squares and then weekly pages with list style and tick bubbles 😍, doesn't it feel good to tick off the tasks. Anyone else add the extra tasks they do, after procrastinating just to tick them haha!

Each month then includes a table at the end to score and track how you felt that month, personal growth, health/fitness and overall, relationships, work/career and more. Something Mrs Wild intends to take more on board this year because your mental health and wellbeing is just so important.

So far we've mapped out our existing perennials, which we'd like more of/which are easily propagated and a rough list of what we want more of and what we won't be doing at all this year, that could be either due to poor performance at Rubble Corner (like phlox, which always did incredibly at HQ) or flowers we barely used, weren't tall enough or were way too dainty. We may try phlox in the tunnel this year as a trial still as we love it. Something we don't want, is non productive plants or plants that didn't gel with us and our style, taking up valuable space! There are a couple of newbies joining the line up this year, but not many, that was hard to say, Mrs Wild is a seed addict usually 😱 but space is so precious it needs to be used wisely. Although it's great to try new crops, we can't dedicate loads of room while we trial them. We are sure the plan will change more than once before the time comes to plant out, so we'll call it a rough guide instead 😆.

It can also be quote difficult to judge some performances, due to the weird weather in 2024 and the amount of slug damage. Most people who we spoke to found their gardens very confused, Rubble Corner was no exception to that!

Ooooh label washing...we know what that means 🥳 just a few seeds winter sown, including more of those glorious sweet pea...

Ooooh label washing...we know what that means 🥳 just a few seeds winter sown, including more of those glorious sweet peas! Relieved to have kept a diary in 2024 because Mrs Wild's head has been mush for months with everything we've had going on personally and half the time she doesn't know her bottom from her elbow 🫠 so she dug the diary out to have a flick through and see what was what! New diary also ordered for 2025.

It was another hard frost last night, some areas haven't thawed for a couple of days now, the amount of rain we have had hasn't helped that either.

Pleased to report the ranunculus, although behind this time last year, survived the last couple of nights and the teeny seedlings in the greenhouse also seem to have come away relatively unscathed, we have given them minimal water with the frosts we've been having, to avoid further damage from cell trays becoming bricks, the roots do not like that one bit!

We sowed later than usual at the end of last year, mostly through fear of the dampening off we had in 2023. Can't decide whether that's a good or bad thing or not at the moment. The coming months will tell. Would definitely prefer the snaps to be a bit further along! Hoping for a better season with those and minimal to no rust, we can hope. They're one of Mrs Wild and the Wild Bloomers favourites. They're on our to sow list too for back up stock.

Constantly itching to get going at the moment, but patience is required! Light levels need to be considerably longer and the temps more reasonable. Once the Wild Bloomers are back at school, Mrs Wild will be bed prepping with alpaca poo and cardboard, removing any w**ds as we go and some of last seasons annuals still need to be removed.

Seed sowing will start properly mid to end of Feb onwards! So planning it is. What do we want more of, less of, or not at all?! We have made notes to consider.

❓️✨️ What was your favourite flower in our 2024 season? What would you really miss? (Don't worry the dahlia are staying 😉🥰). ✨️❓️

We welfare checked under the sheep's fleece every 3ft today to check on the dahlia, phew, everything's looking frost free and the soil isn't too bad moisture wise either. We are however due some prolonged frosts, eek!!!! One of the dahlia we peeked is trying to get going too which was a surprise to see. Not yet dahlia, not yet.

We usually lift our dahlia around March time, clean, divide and pot up to get ahead. If we fear prolonged frost damage those babies are coming up early and will be stored in crates in the house until we are ready to start them off, sorry Mr Wonky 🤣.

A very Merry Christmas, from our home to yours! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.Thank you so muc...

A very Merry Christmas, from our home to yours! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our small business this year, whether that's bouquets, bespoke orders, wreath kits and post engagement. You really are supporting a dream. Special thanks to Bonnett's for stocking our Friday Flowers and a friend in the village for allowing us to pop overflows of dahlia outside of theirs 💕 it has made such a difference. Gratefully, we will be continuing to stock Bonnett's during our 2025 season too, how lucky are we!

Our year has been incredibly rocky for a number of reasons, but being able to grow and supply flowers really has kept Mrs Wild going - we can't wait to bring you more flowery goodness in 2025!

Our 2025 season should hopefully see the introduction of flower subscriptions if the demand is high enough. If this is something you'd be interested in then pop us your email address and as soon as the T&C are ironed out we will send you an email update! This is something that has been mentioned by a number of customers, so we would like to give it a try and see how it goes.

Don't forget. We also have gift vouchers available to purchase now too.

Our heartfelt gratitude, to each and every one of you. 💕💐





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