We've been down to Rubble Corner this afternoon instead of Mrs Wild's usual morning routine, as Mrs Wild was busy helping at the Village Hall this morning for brekkie morning 😋.
The Wildlife pond has gotten thicker and thicker with ice over the last couple of weeks. She took a step on, and was too sensible (read scared) to go any further 🤣. There's still at least 6 inches of water under her toes! Mrs Wild and Mr Wonky are sure she'd have gotten across, but the chance was not one she wanted to take 🙈. The cracking is the thinner ice at her heel where the pond has overflowed in recent weeks, and as anticipated some erosion off of what we call the "cliff" beside has occurred. There will be logs piled up here as the year progresses for habitats, so we arent too worried.
Its the small things in life, the simplest things, that evoke laughter (nervous giggles) the Wild Bloomers wanted to give it a try, a firm spoil sporting no 🥶.
Well, where do we even begin to close 2024? Grab a bevvy, and hold tight.
When we closed on Rubble Corner in June 2023, we never could have imagined the support; friends, family, strangers who had passed and seen the development of the field and the humbling feedback we have recieved, customers, colleagues and more.
There have of course been lows, but in reality, the highs have far out weighed the lows tenfold.
Mrs Wild had a dream, a vision, a passion, and with the help of Mr Wonky and the amazing people in our lives, this is slowly becoming a reality. We are a long way off the long term goals, but we are getting there, bit by bit.
We've made not only customers along the way, but colleagues, friends, like minded people who also care for their environment and biodiversity, we've made connections in business and more to come next year.
It is no secret to those who know Mrs Wild personally, she is happy hidden within the flowers, grafting and creating, her cherished Wild Bloomers and husband Mr Wonky and the step towards Wild&Wonky Blooms has been huge for her as an individual and pinch me now, a business owner.
Just wow. Words cannot express the year we have had this year, it was so hard to choose pictures for this reel, and has made Mrs Wild quite emotional to really see the progression, not only in the hard work and dedication to the field, but the increase in biodiversity and what floral goodness has come from that hard graft. We've had a small number of funeral tributes, a gorgeous wedding and many gift bouquets and Friday Flowers at Bonnetts, sweet peas galore also raising money for what is one of the most incredible local rescues. Thank you for choosing us, especially for those special moments.
Gratitude, self growth, self development, finding a true calling in a career choice that also supports mental wellness, compromise, procrastination, tough calls and more. This year especially has taught us so much and we will continue to learn, improve and
Wilder made his way home to W&WB HQ! We received a text message with a video attachment 🤔.
I'm sure Twinkle Star the Elf will be very relieved, you see - he lost him on his way back from the North Pole and was a bit stressed in his "I'm back" letter. The Wild Bloomers excitedly told Twinkle Star that he was at the Village Hall Craft Fair so not to worry he made it here safely!
It looks as though Wilder had fun on his journey to HQ and visited some of the Wild Bloomer's favourite spots, he will likely be ready for antics with Twinkle Star for his last week in Norfolk! They've been eagerly anticipating him coming home.
Oh no!
We were all super worried about Wilder with the awful wind and rain we had last night. The Wild Bloomers hoped he'd found somewhere safe and dry overnight and being so high on the weaved willow.
Well, he certainly did, but not without some war wounds! Wilder found himself in the (not quite finished) Timber eco composting loo! He'd also managed to find the first aid kit and patch himself up. What a conscious little elf to fill out an accident form too! They must receive Elfirst Aid Training at the North Pole 🤔.
A new tradition is the Wild Bloomers going on a "Wilder Hunt" after school.
What should have been fun, became not so nice competition and tears this afternoon 🤣.
We were late finding him today because Mrs Wild spent a lovely, much needed few hours Christmas shopping with her mum and then helping at the scene where a poor dog had been hit by a car 😭 she's still a bit emotional and will hopefully get an update at some stage.
Wilder today, had managed to scale the weaved willow that Mrs Wild was incredibly lucky to have been gifted by a lovely friend in the season, after not having the time in the summer months to attend the workshop. Much speculation was had, how on earth did he get to the top?! Climbed of course 🤦♀️!! Silly Mummy!
We didn't just receive one weaved willow, but two 🥰 so these are either side of the pathway at the far end of the flower field. Aren't they fab!
We couldn't wait until tomorrow, here is our christmas installment!
After an incredibly long and busy week and weekend, this is our installment for our Village Hall this year, wanting to do something different to last year.
Measuring 5ft across! Pride of place on the back wall, with ribbon colours to match our Hall logo!
We've been humbled with all the lovely compliments over the weekend 💕.
Rain, rain, go away...
The field paths are flooded, plants and flowers are damaged, the rain just kept getting harder and it doesn't seem to look like it'll let us any time soon!
Thankfully we got our most delicate wedding florals cut before the rain ruined them.
Fortunately, tomorrow we will be indoors in the dry making a start on Saturday's wedding florals - after a quick bouquet delivery and Mr Wonky is actually going to take Mrs Wild for breakfast!! We don't tend to get any quality time together so Mrs W is looking forward to that!
Grown locally by ourselves, selected, planted and nurtured, cut and arranged with care and attention - with coordinating gift wrap for those special occasions!
Oranges and autumnal colours have always scared us, before - we would keep to the safety of our beloved blushes. When we made our orders from September last year for tubers and cuttings, we took a chance on learning and expanding our colour pallette and oh my gosh are we pleased we did 😍.
Oh gosh the season is truly so nearly finished! We have exhausted all usable dahlia this week.
We have some £5 mixed bunches available from @ThomasBBonnett tomorrow from 9.30am.
We will also have some by the Foulden Sign in the village. LIMITED AVAILABILITY.
If anyone had our sweetpeas this year, you'll know they were incredibly scented!! We had lots of feedback, the strongest scented sweetpeas they've ever had and the fragrance from a single bunch filled their rooms.
We selected our sweetpeas based on fragrance mostly this season and for the frills 😍.
Late October is an ideal time to sow your sweet peas; we sowed our first succession on Halloween! They can be sown again in late February.
We have lots of pods to collect, too many for ourselves. We will be selling them as mixed batches, still in their pods. Lazy? Yes! But we do not have the time to shell the peas to sort for sale.
If you don't mind shelling your sweetpea seeds from their crispy little jackets and dont mind a surprise colour, look no further. We will begin harvesting our seed pods next week, and will advertise them in small packs once we know they're totally dry - the weather isn't being pleasant is it!
Keep your 👀 peeled for when they become available!
As you can see we had a good mix of colours and types, from the "normal" shaped sweetpea to super frilly sweetpeas!
The dahlia have had a massive cut due to the impending low temperature tonight that could have seem them all be totally damaged.
Grab a bargain £5 bunch or 2!