Can’t faff with flowers so faffing with canva instead!
With my eldest by my side, we’re working this out together on this very rainy Tuesday.
Umbrellas at the ready....
Go ‘wild garlic’ wild!
Later, I’m going to wander to fetch just a few stems to build a floral crown ready for tomorrow’s Garden Day Flower Crown celebrations!
If you fancy some blooms ready for next weekend, please drop me a note, don’t mind how, to ensure I order enough.
I need to get my order in tomorrow, so strike while the iron’s hot to avoid missing out!
Thank you. Xx
Short message:
Come to Fairford market this morning!! I’ve got lots of lovely blooms for you! see you there! X
Pure, angelic hellebores! 😇
(But an absolute devil 👿 as a cut flower as I discovered this weekend! )
They have however redeemed themselves as a pretty perfect floating flower. Gently gliding around the water bowl. I’ll light a few candles to accompany them this evening for the ultimate serene & calm feeling. I’ll post again to show you.
Happy Monday! X
Watch to the end for a surprise. Here is this weeks bright and funky bouquet! Still a couple left so give me a shout if you’d like one. Free delivery tomorrow morning if you’re local!
This urn arrangement was made for a very loved Mum and Grandma who was celebrating a special birthday. I love creating bespoke pieces for my customers. I love seeing their faces when they pick up the creation then after,hearing about how they were received by the lucky recipient!
Flowers brighten up our lives over and over and over.
Need some in your life? Then order your ‘Flowers for the weekend’ now! Text, ring, email me or order on line! X