**Bristol Bridal Boutique is FOR SALE**
Hi everyone,
For the last 10 years I have run Bristol Bridal Boutique, a sample and second hand wedding dress business, from my home in Southville. For the first 4 years it was in the house (!) and the last 6 years in our garden studio that we had built to house the business.
I’m am looking to wind it all up, for as much as I’ve loved it I am just not dedicating as much time to it - it needs fresh eyes and fresh blood!
If you or someone you know local to Bristol (the name makes it geographically niche obvs) is interested please get in touch. I can explain my business model and show my accounts for the last 10 years but ultimately it is the name, website and branding I’m selling as the rest is entirely up to the buyer. There is no guarantee the business will come with the dresses I currently have as I will need to return them to the boutiques I work with unless the buyer can agree terms again with them. SPACE is the main thing as housing dresses isn’t an easy thing but do-able if it’s something you’re interested in making a business from - it could even move into a shop unit!? As I said it’s the name, branding and website that is then yours to make what you will.
Thank you!