That's it's my FMP costumes are on stands, their wigs and hats on wig stands all ready to set up for the showcase
#ahhuddersfield #hudcostume #huddersfielduniversity #huduni #carolinescostume #fmp #FMP
A brief taster of one costume from today's photoshoot.
Lots more to come.
A huge thank you to Susan my performer and Caitlin a wonderful makeup artist. @caitlinwilsonmakeup
Caitlin really captured the essence of Mill Hackabout from A Harlots Progress.
#ahhuddersfield #bradfordcollege #fmp #FMP #MollHackabout
Molls gown.
#MollHackabout #fmp #FMP #ahhuddersfield #aharlotsprogress #harlotsprogress
Roxana shoes from lovely but rather too bright shoes to something a little more subtle.
#ahhuddersfield #roxana #FMP #fmp
Roxana Caftan finally completed.
Looking forward to seeing it with the rest of the layers.
Starting out as turquoise cotton velvet, it's been flocked with hand dyed turquoise flocking then printed with turquoise/silver pearlesant metallic binder before rose gold flitter dots were added.
Individual pieces were then flat lined before being made up along with the lining, and a fur trim added.
#ahhuddersfield #roxana #roxanna #fmp #FMP #hudcostume #huddersfielduniversity #carolinescostume #costume_society_hud
Today has mainly been about screen printing with metallic paste.
Starting with a glorious turquoise cotton velvet, I started by flicking with a hand dyed turquoise flocking, this is not being screen printed with a silver pearlesant metallic paste that's tinted with turquoise. This design is then finished with hand painted rose gold metallic paste with added glitter.
#fmp #FMP #roxanna #roxana #print&dye #ahhuddersfield
Moll Hackabout's shoes finished.
From basic wedding shoes, embroidered, silk covered, bound, buckles added and finally broken down to look old and dirty.
#MollHackabout #aharlotsprogress #harlotsprogress #ahhuddersfield #fmp #FMP #18thcenturyfashion #18thcentury #18thcenturycostume
Moll Hackabout Costume.
Moll from A Harlots Progress is almost complete.
Today has mainly been about finishing off her yellow gown., Shoulder seams, fitting sleeves, making lace cuffs, decorative cuffs, Robbins and hemming.
Shoes trimmed up and ready.
Breaking down and ageing tomorrow.
Just fingerless mittens and petticoat to make, and a hat to decorate, then final touches.
Looking forward to seeing it all on my performer for the Photoshoot.
#harlotsprogress #MollHackabout #FMP #fmp #hudcostume #18thcenturyfashion #18thcenturycostume
I could watch this for hours.
#vintagesewingmachine #FMP #hudcostume #costume_society_hud #carolinescostume #costumecaroline #18thcenturycostume
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all our wonderful customers and followers.