2024 the year of losing the baby face 💀🤣
In all seriousness it’s been a wild ride, a tough one at times breaking down the social anxiety bit by bit and meeting new people. Ever grateful for everyone that’s helped me grow this year 🙏
I find it quite fitting I released a song called highs and lows recently because I think that sums up this year perfectly, the highs have been really high but the lows also so. To those we lost I cherish the memories going into next year and I won’t let you down, we keep pushing 👊
I’m not gonna do the cringey ‘big things coming ✨’ cos quite honestly I don’t know what’s next, it’s a rocky time and I’ve had to surrender a lot of control recently which is a new uncomfortable for me, all I can say is I’ll try my best every day and hopefully this time next year I’ll have some highlights to post again 🤣
Happy new year everyone 🥂