Suzanne Jaya - Celebrant & Writer

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Suzanne Jaya   - Celebrant & Writer Independent Celebrant
Making your ceremony magical | Every day is a celebration | Make it better - make it yours.

Weddings - Vow Renewals - Commitment Ceremonies - Namings - Milestone Occasions


Celebrant Training in the UK: We certify the BEST celebrants in the industry. Our training is comprehensive & rigorous. Lifelong support.

Why am I a Celebrant?  Well, in celebration of World Celebrants' Week  ,  I've been reflecting on why I trained for this...

Why am I a Celebrant? 

Well, in celebration of World Celebrants' Week , I've been reflecting on why I trained for this role. My 'why' is generally what draws clients to me.

I like to think that I help people turn the mediocre into something magical - call it alchemy.

By way of being a Celebrant I hope to show, through story, the lives of people, i.e., where they've come from - where they are now - who they are becoming and where they want to go. In some small part, by creating, writing and officiating their milestone event/ceremony I enjoy seeing them on their way, growing and evolving from one reel of their life to the next.

I watch couples thrive and create powerful relationships in the years after their wedding and see children grow into their name and become amazing young adults.

In some way, I help people work towards their dreams and their full potential - step by step metamorphis! It may begin with a naming ceremony, and later, our paths cross when the child transitions adulthood and requests a coming-of-age ceremony.

Using celebration, ritual and ceremony in our lives can help us to mark moments in time as we acknowledge our achievements and the natural stages of life.

And as someone who was born with serious heart defects and continues to live with its complications and complexities, I look for any opportunity to give thanks, have fun, enjoy a party and to celebrate big turning points and small daily efforts.

That, I guess is my ''why' 💖

This evening was the first of many gatherings and events that I'm creating to hold space and provide a safe, supportive,...

This evening was the first of many gatherings and events that I'm creating to hold space and provide a safe, supportive, and enlivening few hours for amazing women. We recharged, reset, and nurtured through conversations that shared our own wisdom and experiences. We gave thanks and appreciation to our female ancestors before us and above all, we listened and learned things we never knew about each other. Then we nourished with a delicious home-made seasonal supper.
Simply marvellous to meet women in such wonder of life.

Already thinking ahead to Spring with an Autumn Equinox bulb planting ritual. As a collective of people on a mission, we...

Already thinking ahead to Spring with an Autumn Equinox bulb planting ritual. As a collective of people on a mission, we had fun, felt the earth beneath our feet, and in our hands. Now we wait patiently for a few months until the first green shoots push through to the light.

This is someone who can hold space. How often do people put away their phones away because they really want to hear what...

This is someone who can hold space. How often do people put away their phones away because they really want to hear what someone has to say?
They did for this man!

It's been a couple of weeks since and I saw in London as part of his world tour, and I've taken a wee while to process, ruminate, and share.

An audience of two thousand people laughed, possibly cried, listened in pin drop silence, and participated in some fun activities while he shared his wisdom, philosophies, and experiences on love and relationships.

We put our phones away because being there to hear him was far more captivating than looking at our screens and photographing, videoing, or sharing the show on social media. We were present, and in the moment, and it felt great.

Wow, if I can bring any element of his skill and verbal articulation to my celebrancy work, I'll be chuffed to bits.

Meanwhile, if you're stuck about love, give his new book a read or check out

What's your favourite 'uniform' to get you motivated for the day? In order to set the tone for the day I like the ease o...

What's your favourite 'uniform' to get you motivated for the day?
In order to set the tone for the day I like the ease of creating a 'uniform' of comfortable and versatile pieces from my wardrobe (and I don't mean PJ's or exercise gear) that can be worn working at home and be perfectly acceptable and flattering for a daily walk, or nipping out for provisions. I feel like I've 'shown up' for the day rather than letting things pass me by. Personally I like to keep toasty warm during the winter days, so it's mostly jeans and a piece of knitwear from in an array of colours from a palette that I know suits me. Then I 'zsuzh' it up in my own way.

If you want to know how to create a versatile, stylish wardrobe, then join me on my masterclass programme. It will run over four sessions this spring in Cowbridge starting 25th March. To book, see the link in bio or contact me for further info.


Having a Crimble bimble! Just blissfully mooching around with no particular agenda! The only thing I came home with is a...

Having a Crimble bimble! Just blissfully mooching around with no particular agenda! The only thing I came home with is a bouquet of festive foliage to add to some that I foraged earlier.

Photography: Ann Tudball

When all a day needs is a bimble outdoors and simply good coffee....I'm not talking a quick swig while simultaneously ch...

When all a day needs is a bimble outdoors and simply good coffee....I'm not talking a quick swig while simultaneously checking notifications, or jogging to work. Nooo, it's the kind of coffee experience that has you gazing through the window of a cosy cafe to observe the ebb and flow of people going about their day. You're lost in the moment - maybe with your hands cupped around your drink listening to convivial chatter. You don't even check your phone. The barista has perfected the crema atop your coffee and its aroma is a delight that holds you still. You've enjoyed it so much you want another...and then realise that the second cup is never as good as the first - the moment has past, the first sip is beyond recapturing . It has been an experience of its own and it was perfect and complete.

I love the small moments in life! You know, the ones that are immersed in the ordinary yet much can be made of it to elevate it into something more special and joyful with ritual and a sense of ceremony.

My Women in Wonder community aims to bring the best of daily joys, adventures and events to the lives of local women. We gather in a circle once a month starting January 2023 in Vale of Glamorgan and RCT. Feeling curious? Find out how to join the founding group by messaging me  - link in bio.

Photography: Ann Tudball
Place: The Wardrobe Coffee Shop ..

When all a day needs is a bimble outdoors and simply good coffee....I'm not talking a quick swig while simultaneously ch...

When all a day needs is a bimble outdoors and simply good coffee....
I'm not talking a quick swig while simultaneously checking notifications, or jogging to work. Nooo, it's the kind of coffee experience that has you gazing through the window of a cosy cafe to observe the ebb and flow of people going about their day. You're lost in the moment - maybe with your hands cupped around your drink listening to convivial chatter. You don't even check your phone. The barista has perfected the crema atop your coffee and its aroma is a delight that holds you still. You've enjoyed it so much you want another...and then realise that the second cup is never as good as the first - the moment has past, the first sip is beyond recapturing . It has been an experience of its own and it was perfect and complete.

I love the small moments in life! You know, the ones that are immersed in the ordinary yet much can be made of it to elevate it into something more special and joyful with ritual and a sense of ceremony.

My Women in Wonder community aims to bring the best of daily joys, adventures and events to the lives of local women. We gather in a circle once a month starting January 2024 in Vale of Glamorgan and RCT. Feeling curious? Find out how to join the founding group by messaging me  - link in bio.

Photography: Ann Tudball
Place: The Wardrobe Coffee Shop ..

What's your most magical season? Autumn is a time that evokes warmth, cosiness, marshmallows and woodlands of every shad...

What's your most magical season?

Autumn is a time that evokes warmth, cosiness, marshmallows and woodlands of every shade and tone.
Imagine dreaming up a wedding theme that is rich with seasonal flowers, food, fragrance, vibrant colours and textures.
This just-foraged foliage from my garden has made a fabulous autumn posy and I've been engaged in creating some updated seasonal images for socials and my website.
Autumn has become a popular season for wedding ceremonies - the weather is mild and the depth of autumnal colour provides a stunning backdrop for memorable photographs
As your Celebrant, I can create a magical ceremony that is woven with threads of your love story, seasonal traditions and meaningful symbolic elements.
Right now I'm taking bookings for 2023 autumn wedding ceremonies. Please make contact via links in bio or DM.

How do you care for your body? Self care will be one of the first themes of our Women in Wonder gathering starting 22nd ...

How do you care for your body? Self care will be one of the first themes of our Women in Wonder gathering starting 22nd October.
For further details swipe through the piccies.

Are you ready to find out more? I'd love you to join me on this, right from the start. Come along to my introductory workshop on 22nd October. Places limited to 10 people

Contact me via DM or follow the links in bio.

The power is off! What does a modern girl do when the house is being partially rewired and all electrics and gas are off...

The power is off! What does a modern girl do when the house is being partially rewired and all electrics and gas are off?

I've decocted one of the most warming drinks in my teas and tisanes arsenal - lemons, black pepper, ginger, turmeric root and honey. The result is a sunshine-yellow cup of goodness, a kick of heat that waters the eyes slightly and a tang of lemons. This particular recipe is from Rukmini Iyer's book India Express (I cooked from it every day last week).

Apart from warming the cockles and providing a dose of antioxidant benefits, the ancient practice of including these ingredients in rituals and ceremonies is still in use today. Apparently, turmeric used in Hindu weddings brings joy, purity and fertility to a marriage. Black pepper protects and cleanses and brings passion, focus and motivation to our life. Ginger raises heat, passion and desire and is a good money manifestor!

Celebrants continue to use these ingredients symbolically in ceremonies and their inclusion adds a touch of beautifully choreographed theatre, meaning and storytelling to the couple's day.

If you have a wedding ceremony question, I would love to talk to you, obligation-free, about your celebration needs. Links in bio.

How many ticks? Ask most women and they will say they have a great bunch of friends to whom they can tell anything - oft...

How many ticks? Ask most women and they will say they have a great bunch of friends to whom they can tell anything - often gathering in a busy bar or cafe, consuming vast quantities of alcohol, moaning about their partners and then toddling home feeling they've had fun. Believe me I've been there!
Yet, it may lack the substance needed to get to the heart of what's worrying them or what they dare to dream of. Maybe one person had all the 'air time' and the experience has left them drained.

Nights out with our besties is great. Consider that a Women's Circle can offer something else, in addition, and sit nicely alongside your normal life.

A Women's circle is a gathering of women in a supportive
environment that whilst being fun, is a space where everyone can be heard and listened to without judgement and interruptions.

The Women in Wonder gathering is an opportunity for self- reflection, connecting over shared wisdom and experiences and having a well needed two hour rest away from deadlines, work, smartphones and household activities! The women there can help to fire up your creative passions, encourage you to realise your dreams and offer a listening ear.
It's a space where you can rediscover the magic and kindness in your life and be part of something outside the craziness of life.

Sound good? Ready to find out more?
Come along to my introductory workshop on 22nd October. Details by swiping to next image.

Contact me via DM or follow the links in bio.

Ann is a great friend and creative inspiration who I've known for over 20 years. We met over a shared love of a pre-work...

Ann is a great friend and creative inspiration who I've known for over 20 years. We met over a shared love of a pre-work morning coffee in a cafe in Cardiff and later realised we got the same bus home each evening! We've supported each other through various personal and career incarnations, have witnessed each other's growth, celebrated our better moments and laughed at our occasional mess ups!
That's what friends are for!
More than that, it's what life is about.

In all these years Ann has embodied the true spirit of being a woman-in-wonder of life. I know that she appreciates the small things, such as a great cup of coffee and the simplicity of being in the moment. She's honed her talents as a photographer, starting with her mobile phone and then progressing to using professional camera equipment to capture the simple moments of her daily life. All this she has done quietly, gradually and impressively.

Ann, like all my friends has been the inspiration behind me setting up Women in Wonder which is a seasonal-based monthly membership and local gathering. As we immerse ourselves into the Autumn season, the theme focus is on 'gathering and retreating'. Find out more by swiping left on the image above.
Get in touch - DM me to find out more.

Photographic credit : Ann Tudball

Il dolce far niente! The sweetness of doing nothing!  We've just bimbled about, catching ferryboats to places I never kn...

Il dolce far niente! The sweetness of doing nothing! We've just bimbled about, catching ferryboats to places I never knew existed - despite previously living in Bristol and frequent visits back.

I'm in wonder of how much has changed and yet remains to explore, discover and celebrate among the quaysides, boatyards and waterways. Eateries, cafes, bars and hotels are aplenty - both the tried, tested and unchartered. This time, great hospitality from .and.pantry

La dolce far niente! The sweetness of doing nothing!  We've just bimbled about, catching ferryboats to places I never kn...

La dolce far niente! The sweetness of doing nothing! We've just bimbled about, catching ferryboats to places I never knew existed - despite previously living in Bristol and frequent visits back.

I'm in wonder of how much has changed and yet remains to explore, discover and celebrate among the quaysides, boatyards and waterways.

Eateries, cafes, bars and hotels are aplenty - both the tried, tested and unchartered. This time, great hospitality from .and.pantry

So, what am I celebrating today? ...being enveloped with the heady fragrance of lavender that literally stopped me in my...

So, what am I celebrating today?
...being enveloped with the heady fragrance of lavender that literally stopped me in my tracks at
Memories are so instantly recalled by the sense of smell and it brought a tear to my eye to be fortunate enough to walk among beauty when some people live in the rubble of war, chaos, violence and have no way out!

Then I see a few who walk with their head down in a mobile phone oblivious to their surroundings, or the flowers; the toddler splashing in the fountain; two lovers embracing in the gazebo; a mum having a picnic under dappled shade with her children and the office worker with his snack box lunch.

The phone-obsessesed are on a mission - possibly another notification ping, an endless thread of chat with their friends, a BBC News jingle or a backward and forward conversation going nowhere with their 'other half'.

Others sat on benches looking like they had the weight of the world on their shoulders while some appeared mesmerised by the blue sky, the haze of the heat, rippling water and the intoxicating scent of herbs and roses.

I chatted to two community police officers who were in desperate need of shade as they attended an apparently peaceful protest against an event that involved a drag queen performing and talking to children - all above board, a legitimate event with willing parents and children. Nevertheless it had people divided and in the blistering 30 degree heat they decided to air their views! Everyone was being who they 'be' and there was an air of calm away from the hustle and bustle of the High Street and daily annoyances. I never fail to be soothed and reassured by this amazing beautiful Physic Garden throughout all the seasons. Thank you to everyone who volunteers to keep it so special!..

I'm celebrating resourcefulness, beauty and saving a few pennies with these fallen buds, blooms and pruned foliage from ...

I'm celebrating resourcefulness, beauty and saving a few pennies with these fallen buds, blooms and pruned foliage from the garden. Perfect in little jugs, jars and pots for table decorations outdoors and around the home this weekend. Bring on the sunshine 🌞..

Have been doing a bit of an archive of my flower photos. It reminds me that the ritual of arranging flowers in a vase an...

Have been doing a bit of an archive of my flower photos. It reminds me that the ritual of arranging flowers in a vase and bringing in blooms from the garden is probably one of the most loving and sensory things you can do for yourself. No need to wait for them to be gifted to you - although that's a fabulous bonus!


I create, write and officiate ceremonies for weddings, milestone occasions and rites of passage.

I start with a blank page, much like a tree with its bare winter branches.

I add words, stories and meaning to bring the ceremony to life; much like a tree that springs into life embellished with leaves, blossom and fruit.

I help you to celebrate well, because life has moments worthy of celebration that evaporate in the blink of an eye.

For a no obligation chat please get in touch with me - your independent Celebrant, for a totally bespoke ceremony.
Link in bio.

Celebrating well with the amazing members of  and continuing the theme of International Women's Day.It was an inspiring ...

Celebrating well with the amazing members of and continuing the theme of International Women's Day.

It was an inspiring afternoon exploring what it means to be a woman and acknowledging what members value most about this tiny, ladies-only, pink gym. Friendships have been made, challenges overcome and the support from the Studio Viva team has provided women with the means to be healthy, stay fit and find their optimum level of vitality.

We heard stories, tuned into the seasonal influence of the Spring Equinox and the full moon, and honoured World Sleep Day with some relaxing Women's Blend product samples from

Thank you for trusting me to hold the space for this informal ceremony.

It's a bobble-hat kind of day at the  Avebury stones for the Spring Equinox with good friend Manisha of ---             ...

It's a bobble-hat kind of day at the Avebury stones for the Spring Equinox with good friend Manisha of

Could this be you - hand and hand on the beach? Let's have a chat about where, when and how! Links in bio or send me a m...

Could this be you - hand and hand on the beach? Let's have a chat about where, when and how! Links in bio or send me a message.

Did you know that La Festa della Donna is the day when women all over Italy are given or buy the uplifting yellow, fragr...

Did you know that La Festa della Donna is the day when women all over Italy are given or buy the uplifting yellow, fragrant flowers and branches of Mimosa? The Italian custom of presenting these blooms to the female gender is in celebration of International Women's Day today, 8th March. The yellow colour induces feelings of positivity and optimism and is symbolic of creativity, spring, sunshine, vitality, warmth, strength and gut feelings (of the intuition kind).

In romance, mimosa denotes a secret or admired love and represents the strength and sensitivity of women.

Mimosa is a beautiful flower to include in early spring weddings and its symbolic meaning can be used in many rituals and celebrations. As an Independent Celebrant I can work with you to weave the language of this flower into your ceremony. Read my blog 'The Language of Flowers' and contact me to find out more - link in bio


Anticipating a week or two celebrating the awesomeness (is that a word?) of women and the many metaphorical hats we wear...

Anticipating a week or two celebrating the awesomeness (is that a word?) of women and the many metaphorical hats we wear. Note: I keep many of mine hooked up near the front door so I can switch very quickly and harness my super powers! 😃

Tomorrow marks International Women's Day 2022 - a global UN-backed celebration of the continuing achievements of women, against a history of all sorts of bias and inequality. The campaigning continues in the present day - unbelievably women are still trying to imagine a world devoid of bias, stereotypes and discrimination, not just against women -  across many areas including marriage, gender, relationships, disability and race to name a few.
Will you celebrate and who with?


Being from a female-dominated family, I'm proud that this motley crew are my immediate nearest and dearest (there are pl...

Being from a female-dominated family, I'm proud that this motley crew are my immediate nearest and dearest (there are plenty more in the extended family)!

I love the strength, creativity and resourcefulness that emanates from groups of women,  so....I'm really excited to be teaming up with female-only fitness studio for a lunchtime members' event to celebrate all that is awe-inspiring about women for International Women's Day.

Studio Viva has supported and motivated countless women to stay well, live well, age well and get fitter (me included).

For the whole of March the studio will be celebrating (officially celebrated globally on the 8th) in honour of their members and women everywhere.

Studio members can expect an afternoon of positivity, inspirational stories, speakers and activities.

I will be there to provide a touch of ceremony to the event and to hold a space for women to share stories of their varied, interesting and often challenging lives.

How will you mark this notable day?

Turning a wild wet day into a self celebration!Instead of bemoaning the weather that seems to drench anywhere further we...

Turning a wild wet day into a self celebration!
Instead of bemoaning the weather that seems to drench anywhere further west than Bristol and particularly Wales, I took soaking in the bath with some favourite lotions and potions and decorated my toes a sunny shade of coral. We get to choose every day.
What are you choosing to do to make your day sunnier?

Who knew going out for an impromptu solo lunch could be this colourful? The table setting at .rye really brightened my d...

Who knew going out for an impromptu solo lunch could be this colourful?
The table setting at .rye really brightened my day.



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