It’s been an immense week! You might have seen on my stories that I have been learning with at the beautiful .
All the photos in this post are using flowers from Floriston Flower Farm, in designs created and led by Lucy Vail Floristry, on their workshop From Farm To Masterpiece. Highly recommended!
So much to say about this experience, which will hopefully come out in my work over the coming weeks and months, but I wanted to start with something about the team; Lucy, Mimo, Autumn, Megan. I don’t use these words lightly… they are incredibly inspiring and creative women, who work bl**dy hard to push themselves every single day!
It reminded me that working with others has to be part of my business plan. Whether that’s collaborations, freelancing or more formal long-term relationships, I work better and am happier when I’m working with people.
I need to process everything I learnt there this week, but one thing I do know is I don’t want to revert to the status quo. It’s so easy to go on courses, feel inspired in the moment, and then get bogged down in day-to-day life when you return, unable to actually make the changes that you want to make. Hopefully not this time!
THANK YOU to the team at Lucy Vail and Floriston for the support, encouragement and generosity in sharing your experience and knowledge.