On Saturday 15th February, we'll be kicking off half term with two colourful laser shows at Petworth House, thanks to a collaboration between Chichester District Council and The National Trust.
The free shows - each lasting approximately 20 minutes - will take place at 5.30pm and 6.45pm. The house will be illuminated like never before, with accompanying music.
This is part of our community open day, when Petworth House will be open for free from 10.30am until 3.30pm on 15th Feb.
From 11am there will be free drop-in crafts in The Battery House, where children will be able to get creative, inspired by the laser shows. In addition, there will be entertainment in the courtyard from 3.30pm – 4.30pm and a free silent disco held in The Battery House from 4pm – 5pm (pre-booking required through our website) plus local vendors providing food and drink.
If you are local, we highly recommend walking as parking spaces may be limited.
The music and lasers are being provided by Events Group based in Chichester and are being funded using grants from the UK Government secured by District Council