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Snowport.HKculture We are a group of Hong Kongers in Sheffield to promote Hong Kong culture.

 #20230312As the Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and Culture Exhibition draws to a close, we would like to e...

As the Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and Culture Exhibition draws to a close, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to HongKong Notts 諾思港 for their invitation and their efforts in making this exhibition a resounding success.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to be one of the coordinators and to showcase the vibrant culture of Hong Kong to the people of Nottingham and beyond. It has been an incredible experience to share our passion for Hong Kong cultures.

We're also amazed by the fantastic turnout and the enthusiasm of the audience. Your support and encouragement mean the world to us. We hope you've enjoyed this amazing journey through the sights, sounds, and flavors of Hong Kong.

Thank you once again to HongKong Notts 諾思港 for their hard work and dedication in organizing such a well-organized exhibition. We're proud to have been a part of it and can't wait to see what the future holds. Until next time, stay creative and inspired!


今日係Hong Kong March Nottingham - 香港藝術文化展嘅最後一日,我哋想藉此機會向 HongKong Notts 諾思港 表達我哋深深嘅謝意,感謝佢哋嘅邀請同埋籌備,令呢個展覽得以圓滿成功。



再一次多謝 HongKong Notts 諾思港 嘅辛勞同埋付出,使呢個展覽順利進行。我哋好榮幸可以參與,期待有機會一齊創造更多美好嘅回憶。下次再見!

 #20230311The Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and Culture Exhibition is finally here! We can't wait to share...

The Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and Culture Exhibition is finally here! We can't wait to share the vibrancy and diversity of Hong Kong's culture with you. From arts to fashion, history, and food culture, there's something for everyone to explore and enjoy.

Join us today and tomorrow, March 11-12, 2023 at Chilwell School, Nottingham. Admission is free, so bring your friends and family along for an unforgettable experience!

As one of the coordinators, we're passionate about showcasing the best of Hong Kong and sharing our creativity and inspiration with you. We're excited to meet you and to see you immerse yourself in the rich culture of Hong Kong. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity - we'll see you there!

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be one of the coordinators at the Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and ...

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be one of the coordinators at the Hong Kong March Nottingham - Hong Kong Arts and Culture Exhibition! Join us on March 11-12, 2023 (Saturday & Sunday) from 12:00–17:00 at Chilwell School, Nottingham, United Kingdom. The best part? Entry is absolutely free!

You won't want to miss this showcase of Hong Kong's rich culture, featuring arts, fashions, history, food culture, and more. We're excited to share our passion for creativity and diversity with everyone.

Come and explore the sights, sounds, and flavours of Hong Kong. See you there!

 #20221118   Day one of the Who Is Hongkonger Exhibition has ended!Thank you for everyone who came today. For those who ...

Day one of the Who Is Hongkonger Exhibition has ended!

Thank you for everyone who came today. For those who hasn't come yet, you still able to view our work tomorrow and Sunday, 10am to 6pm.

Share to your friends and family!!!

Gage Gallery, Sheffield, S3 8DB

Free Entry, Non-profit.

         ‘Who Is Hongkonger’ Exhibition Official Poster is out! The second picture is a concept image of how we will pre...

‘Who Is Hongkonger’ Exhibition Official Poster is out!
The second picture is a concept image of how we will present the exhibition in the Gage Gallery.

Exhibition Details below:
- Name: ‘Who is Hongkonger’
- Date (Opening time): 18th November 2022 (3 pm to 7 pm); 19 - 20th November 2022 (10 am to 6 pm)
- Type: Free Entry, Non-profit
- Venue/Location: Gage Gallery, Sheffield, United Kingdom S3 8DB
- Main Topics: Hong Kong Food, Tradition, Fashion, Landscape, Buildings and Politics

Moreover, our funding has grown by £140 (25% of the progress) over the last two weeks! Please continue to share the donation link or this post with your friends and family. We do need more funding to make the exhibition to be successful.

Donation link in bio or below:


第二張圖片係我哋將會喺Gage Gallery展覽嘅概念圖。

- 標題:誰是香港人
- 日期(開放時間):2022 年 11 月 18 日(下午 3 點至晚上 7 點); 2022 年 11 月 19 日至 20 日(上午 10 點至下午 6 點)
- 類型:免費入場,非營利
- 地點:Gage Gallery, Sheffield, United Kingdom S3 8DB
- 主題:香港美食、傳統、時裝潮流、自然景觀、建築和政治

最後,上兩星期我哋嘅資金增加咗 140 英鎊(佔總進度嘅 25%)! 請繼續同您嘅朋友同埋屋企人分享捐款鏈結或者呢個帖子,我哋好需要你哋嘅支持先可以令展覽成功。


         Donation Link: an effect of the social unrest in Hong Kong, there have ...

Donation Link:

As an effect of the social unrest in Hong Kong, there have been more Hongkongers settling in Sheffield. Snowport is formed to discuss the future of Hong Kong.

The group started in early 2022 and is keen on promoting Hong Kong culture and encouraging cultural exchange between Hongkongers and the local community. We have been posting different series of articles on social media, including street name origins (City Scroll), arcade & gaming (Hong Kong in Video Games), food culture (Hong Kong Food Culture), movie commentary (Now Show), etc.

We plan to organise a Sheffield exhibition in November to appreciate Hongkongers identity. We decided to set up a donation to help cover some of the cost for the exhibition and help with the future function of the group. Your contribution to Snowport will help us organise events about Hong Kong, including the upcoming exhibition in Sheffield and possibly other cities in the future. Funds raised will go towards the material costs and site booking fees.

Our team relies on your support to fund our vital work treasuring Hong Kong culture.






   #即日放映   As a moderately enthusiastic Leslie Cheung (張國榮) fan, my favourite song of his is The Love of Glass (玻璃之情). T...

As a moderately enthusiastic Leslie Cheung (張國榮) fan, my favourite song of his is The Love of Glass (玻璃之情). The lyrics were written by Albert Leung (林夕), whilst the song was written by Leslie himself. This perfect combination creates a comforting harmony while still bringing up the heartbreaking feeling. And frankly speaking, Love of Glass was the sole reason I watched the movie, City of Glass.

To add on, I have always had a weird obsession with Cantonese and personally really like Hong Kong production movies. I still remember the first time skipping my dance lesson to go watch Ronald Cheng (鄭中基)'s movie Mr. 3 minutes (三分鐘先生) alone back when I was in primary school. Now that I have grown up, I still have a soft spot for Hong Kong movies and have even finished all of Patrick Kong (葉念琛)'s movies.
The City of Glass is a movie directed and written by Mabel Cheung (張婉婷) and Alex Law (羅啟銳), starring Leon Lai (黎明) and F***y Shu (舒淇). The movie starts with the lives of both protagonists in Hong Kong University (HKU)'s student hall, where they met, got to know each other, fell in love, broke up, married different people and end up building their own families. All while, deep down, still loving each other. The movie's ending portrays how they secretly go to London to have an affair together. The movie ended with Leon dying in a car crash while also able to be quite romantic and, dare I say, on par with modern Korean drama shows' romance. It is also important to highlight that the story is set in 1997, the year when Hong Kong was handed over back to Mainland China. There are some political implications hinted throughout the movie. Including the time when the male protagonist is arrested during one of the protests for the movement defending the Diaoyu / Diaoyutai / Senkaku Island (保釣運動), and therefore needs to suffer the pain of imprisonment. However, the director did not put too much emphasis on politics overall.

The background of the story is set at HKU, with the protagonists and the daughter all studying at HKU. I knew for sure since I was a child that I was not good at studying and would never be able to study in the most prestigious teaching institution in Hong Kong. But from time to time, I would still admire and envy HKU students’ ability to achieve such high academic standards.

The first time I set foot on HKU's campus was when I was in college. Although I was not lucky enough to experience such an unforgettable love story at HKU, I was still able to make some precious memories there.
A few months ago, HKU appointed two faculty masters from National Tsing Hua University (清華大學) to govern HKU's research and academic development out of the blue. National Tsing Hua University is a university in Beijing, the Capital of China, with a political background influenced by the Communist Party of China. Now that even the best university in Hong Kong is being infiltrated, Hongkongers’ dream is now all shattered like a glass cup hitting the ground. The idea of Hongkongers’ dream is up to interpretation and can be referred to as free Hong Kong; Hong Kong independence; the slogan 'five demands, not one less'; or any other wider community dreams.

At the end of the movie, the son and daughter of both protagonists develop feelings for each other, and they mix their parents' bone ashes with the fireworks that are fired into the sky on the day of the handover, witnessing the transfer of sovereignty.
Quote from the film,
'I can't believe my mother was involved in a revolution before.'
'Turns out that my father was in prison.’
'My granddad even fought against Japanese soldiers.'
'Seems like my great granddad was also in a revolution against the Qing dynasty (the last dynasty in China), and my great grandmother said his name was on the Huanghuagang Mausoleum (a tombstone for the 72 martyrs).'
'Ha! What about our generation, what did we do?'

It has been 25 years since 1997; with another generation passing and a few revolutions in Hong Kong, this City of Glass is now nearly shattered in pieces, breaking many people's fantasies. I was listening to Leslie Cheung's music all night while writing this and all I want to say to Hong Kong is 'Blame you for being so beautiful' (怪你過分美麗) (also a song by Leslie Cheung and the music video was played by both F***y Shu and Leslie Cheung)

(To be continued)
Source: internet
作為一個半張國榮粉絲我最喜歡他的歌是玻璃之情,林夕填的詞加哥哥的歌聲整首歌令人舒服又心痛。今天是寫玻璃之情和玻璃之城老實說會看玻璃之城都因為玻璃之情,加上我很喜歡看港產片,自小已經對廣東話有古怪的執著。記得第一次自己去電影院看電影是小學時翹掉了週六的跳舞課(細細個已經好反叛),看的是鄭中基的三分鐘先生(check 完嗰陣得九歲咋陰公)。到長大了仍對港產片情有獨鍾,連葉念琛的電影也都全部看過。玻璃之城由張婉婷與羅啟銳執導及編劇,以黎明與舒淇在香港大學宿舍生活展開,二人相識、相知及相愛,其後分手、各自結婚、組織家庭,但多年以來二人一直都愛著對方,結局卻兩人偷情跑到去倫敦 (仲要係97回歸那年,電影無意中透露了很多政治意味,包括主角大學時去參加保釣運動然後男主角在一次示威中被捕,然後要受牢獄之苦。但似乎導演無意著墨太多於政治上) 最後撞車身亡。結局是頗浪漫但亦很韓劇但鑒於廿二年前韓劇在香港應該還未流行所以還是浪漫居多。

故事以香港大學作主要的背景,主角及主角的女兒都是在香港大學就讀。作為香港最著名的學府,我在年紀還小時就知道自己不是讀書的材料,沒可能考上香港大學。卻有時仰慕港大學生,覺得他們讀書很厲害 (真係好白痴),第一次踏足港大校園卻已是我大學時,雖然沒有幸如主角般在港大裏發生一段刻骨銘心的愛情,卻在那製造了些也很珍貴的回憶。但在幾個月前香港大學任名了兩個清華大學的系主任出任副校長,二人將分別主管港大的研究和學術發展。當連香港最高尚學府也把守不住,香港人的夢應該如個玻璃杯跌落地般碎了。






#港產片 #電影 #回憶 #故事 #相片 #張國榮 #葉念琛 #玻璃之城 #玻璃之情

   #從電子遊戲看香港   《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part VI》《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part VI》【Can Video Games become the cultural vehicle for ...


《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part VI》
《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part VI》

【Can Video Games become the cultural vehicle for Hong Kongers? - 電子遊戲可以成為香港人的文化載體嗎?】

Games can represent Hong Kong’s culture through visuals, soundtracks, characters, stories and language. The spacetime in games is free from the limitation of reality; game developers can use their imagination and creativity to create a whole new virtual world for players to explore. Then why would game developers choose Hong Kong as the blueprint of their games? Aesthetically and culturally, Hong Kong is a city full of oxymorons.

“The city’s dramatically constricted space brings its contradictions into sharp relief. East and West; technology and tradition; poverty and wealth; Cantonese, Mandarin and English; past, future, and present; all exist together in curious harmony. This assault of sound, light, and colour—of compressed architecture drenched in neon and rain—evokes an emotional pressure cooker. They underscore that the differences in Hong Kong are greater than the similarities; the city’s enduring identity is its lack of any singular identity. They portray the simultaneous sense of beauty and estrangement this brings.” - Dr Hugh Davies.

It gave Hong Kong its unique and distinct aesthetics, or in other words, how Hong Kong attracts others. By looking at games made in other countries that reference Hong Kong aesthetics or cultures, we can examine what constitutes Hong Kong aesthetically and culture and what defines and expresses Hong Kong’s identity from others' perspectives.

電子遊戲可以經視覺、音樂、人物角色、故事內容和語言重新演繹香港文化。正因遊戲裡面的時空脫離現實所限, 可以讓創作者利用創意和想像,創造全新的虛擬世界供玩家探索。 那為何許多遊戲開發商仍選擇以現實中的香港作為遊戲藍本呢? 可能因為香港是一個在美學和文化上充滿矛盾的城市。

「香港極為狹窄的空間,清楚映照出重重矛盾:東方與西方,科技和傳統,貧窮與富有,粵語、普通話和英語,過去、未來和現在,有趣地並存着而毫無違和感。霓虹招牌漫照、風雨刷洗的擁擠建築物,帶來聲、光和色彩的衝擊,叫人情緒翻騰激盪。凡此種種都告訴我們,存在於香港之內的差異,遠比相似為多,而一直以來這個城市的特點就是擁有多重身分,給人既美麗而又有所隔閡的感覺。」 - Dr Hugh Davies

香港獨特的美學, 正是香港吸引之處。 香港人可以從觀察世界各地遊戲開發商以香港美學和文化為背景的遊戲,了解在他人眼中香港的美學和文化,從而反思我們應如何定義和表達香港(人)的身分。

As we can see, games can mean much more than their entertainment value. They form communities, change how we think and speak, and shape our entertainment industries; Like our language, they are a powerful cultural vehicle (文化載體). A cultural vehicle is the art forms, languages and ideologies that carry our exclusive and local distinctive characteristics, which can display our ideas, hobbies, identities, aesthetics etc. and transmit them to other cultures. But unlike a language, games are much more accessible and popular. It can be influential to an enormous amount of people, especially teenagers. Just like the upsurge of arcade games in the 1970s, when we could identify and develop our culture and identity alongside games, if Hong Kong can create more games about ourselves, these games will be inherited with our norms, values, identities and languages.

Like dropping a stone into water, the resonation of ripples stayed way longer than the rock itself. Games could be the most powerful way to preserve and promote our communities, culture, ideas, vision for the future, and lessons to future generations. But just like with any power tools, games could be exploited; they could become the battlefront between conflicting ideologies and cultures. Therefore, I argue that Hong Kongers should emphasise our uniqueness and identity: Hong Kongers should not be faceless people with no persona. Dismissing our unique essence to seek to accommodate and appeal to others will only make Hong Kong(ers) unrecognisable.

遊戲的意義比它們表面娛樂價值更為深遠。 它們可以組成社群, 影響我們的思想,語言和文化; 正如語言一樣, 遊戲是一個非常強大的文化載體。 文化載體是所有可以展示我們的想法、 興趣、 身份等的藝術形式, 語言和媒介。 遊戲作為文化載體展現了香港在世界中獨一無二的特色, 並將其文化,價值觀和美學傳播到世界各地。 玩遊戲比學語言門檻更低, 更容易影響更多受眾, 特別是年輕人。 就像上世紀七十年代街機熱潮般, 年輕人圍繞著遊戲建立他們的文化和身分認同;若香港可以開發更多有關香港文化的遊戲, 這些遊戲就能把香港的風土人情、 價值觀、 身分、美學和語言傳承下去。

如一塊石頭掉進水池, 泛起的漣漪會比石頭本身留在表面的時間更長久。 遊戲可能是保存和宣傳香港社群、 文化、 想法、 對未來的期許、 歷史教訓等最強而有力的媒介。 但正如所有強大的工具一樣, 遊戲亦可以被惡意利用;遊戲可能成為不同意識形態衝突和文化之間攻擊的戰場。 因此, 筆者認為應由香港人經遊戲強調香港(人)的獨特性和身分。 香港(人)不應是毫無個性的無面人。筆者認為若香港人對自身獨特性不屑一顧,最終香港(人)只會變得面目全非。

Food for thought: if you have the chance to make a game to represent Hong Kong, what kind of game will you make? Where will it take place? What is the game’s worldview/ “universe”? What language will characters be using? Will the game reflect a reality, an idea, a story, or a dream? What kind of “Hong Kong” will players experience?

反思: 如果讀者有機會製作一隻代表香港的遊戲, 你會選擇做什麼類型的遊戲? 遊戲背景會在哪個地方? 遊戲的世界觀又會是怎樣? 遊戲中的角色會以什麼語言溝通? 遊戲會否反映現實、 一個想法、 一個故事或是一個夢想? 你的遊戲會呈現一個怎樣的香港?

Recommended read:
吳偉明(2015). 日本流行文化與香港:歷史、在地消費、文化想像與互動.
Davies, Hugh (2018) Why is Hong Kong Such a Popular Video Game Location? 電玩中的城市:香港魅力何在?
Davies, Hugh (2018) Re: Presenting Hong Kong in Videogame Spaces
Fraser, A. and Li, E. (2017). The second life of Kowloon Walled City: Crime, media and cultural memory. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 13(2), pp.217-234.
Li, L. (2011) Presence of absence: Memory of the Kowloon Walled City

Previously: How do local games developers represent Hong Kong?

Sources: internet, GHOSTPIE Studio, Scaffold Studio

The End of All Chapters (6/6)
完 (6/6)


Author: Austin Road
Editor: Vienna

#街機 #遊戲 #回憶 #故事 #相片

   #從電子遊戲看香港   -《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part V》《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part V》【How do local games developers represent Hong Kong...

《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part V》
《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part V》

【How do local games developers represent Hong Kong? - 本地遊戲開發商如何呈現香港?】

《籠》 (Cage)

According to Scaffold Studio, the game is “built using an extensive collection of photographs and architectural plans, as well as new information provided by former residents; the game gives an accurate and in-depth look into the everyday lives of the residents of the Walled City exploring the historically significant culture of Chinese immigrants and the locals.”

《籠》 (Cage) 遊戲製作室 Scaffold Studio指「我們將遊戲背景設定在70年代的香港九龍城寨,以一對爺孫的故事切入,採用香港本土文化場景及城寨內民間信仰,如土地公、天后廟、社公廟,有關城寨本土文化的如城寨醫生、魚蛋工廠、清拆活動等元素,希望通過遊戲呈現寨城的真實生活面貌與風俗歷史。」

“As Hong Kong locals, we at Scaffold Studio are passionate about delivering a gaming experience that shows an accurate portrayal of the location, the culture and the history. Our goal is to create a game that reflects authentic local culture, history and society to document the history of the place and evoke a sense of nostalgia for the players.”


“We aim to create an immersive experience with Hong Kong cultural elements. By bringing Kowloon Walled City into a virtual form, regarding its big influence to worldwide popular cultures, we mix our creativity with the authentic atmosphere to provide a unique experience for players.”, said GHOSTPIE Studio.

《牛一》(Kowloon’s Secrets: Birthday) 遊戲製作室 GHOSTPIE Studio指「香港是一個中英文化交匯的地點,這樣的特殊背景讓香港形成了一種風貌。」


In another interview, Vivian from GHOSTPIE Studio pointed out that players across the world could assimilate Hong Kong’s unique culture through distinctive features like Tong Lau(唐樓) and Feng Shui(風水).


【Why Kowloon Walled City? 為何選擇九龍城寨?】
“Despite its demolition in 1994, Kowloon Walled City remains an enduring obsession for architects, urban planners and game designers.” - Dr Hugh Davies. It remained popular worldwide and frequently appears in different art forms like anime, television shows, movies, books, paintings, photography, and games. After the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, there was a “desperate attempt to clutch at images of identity, people in the city start to seek for the ‘Hong Kong culture’.” As to how prominent and iconic its image and culture are to the locals and the world, Kowloon Walled City might be the perfect showcase of our culture, identity, and history. It transcended the physical form and existed in an intangible form sustained by us. It serves as a symbol of Hong Kong culture's sense of belonging and uniqueness.

There are senses of nostalgia and intimacy as we play games with Hong Kong scenery; we gather loads of collective memories and form different communities as we grow up. These memories and histories define who we are as individuals and as a city. Although most of us have never lived or seen Kowloon Walled City in reality, it was represented again through different art forms.

縱使九龍城寨於1994年被拆卸, 它對建築師、 規劃師和遊戲開發商仍然保持強烈的吸引力。 九龍城寨仍然在世界各地中以不同的藝術形式, 例如動畫、 電視劇、 電影、 書籍、 畫作、 相片和遊戲等出現。 在1997年香港主權移交後, 香港人開始拼命尋找和塑造他們的身分和形象, 並在絕望中重新為香港文化定義。正因為九龍城寨的形象和文化在本地和全球都非常突出和具標誌性, 所以它成為了展現香港獨特文化、身分和歷史的重要象徵。九龍城寨亦成為了香港人歸屬感和香港獨特性的象徵。

當我們遊玩包含香港文化元素的遊戲時,基於我們在香港成長的經歷, 集體回憶和作為香港不同社群的一份子, 會使我們產生一種強烈的親切感。這些回憶和歷史構成了香港(人)的身分認同。 雖然大部分香港人都未曾親身經歷和親眼目睹九龍城寨的風光,但香港人和世界各地玩家可以從不同的途徑重新經歷九龍城寨。而電子遊戲正成為了九龍城寨的其中一個文化載體。 九龍城寨已經成為超越物質的存在, 並以無形的狀態在香港人及各地之間流傳。

Food for thought: Do you think Kowloon Walled City is out of fashion? Are there any new cultural symbols representing Hong Kong in recent years?

反思: 你覺得九龍寨城過時了嗎? 近年有出現其他可代表香港文化、價值觀、歸屬感,身份認同和獨特性的象徵嗎?

Next: Can Video Games become the cultural vehicle for Hong Kongers?

Previously: How do international games developers present Hong Kong?

Sources: internet, GHOSTPIE Studio, Scaffold Studio
圖片來源:網絡,GHOSTPIE Studio,Scaffold Studio

To be continued…


#街機 #遊戲 #回憶 #故事 #相片

   #香港獨特的飲食文化  香港獨特的飲食文化 EP.1Hong Kong Food Culture EP.1Special DishesLet’s move on to the specialities you can find in ...

香港獨特的飲食文化 EP.1
Hong Kong Food Culture EP.1

Special Dishes

Let’s move on to the specialities you can find in a Bing Sutt. First of all, the classic Red Bean Ice. “Made with large size red mung beans (aka Adzuki beans) cultivated from Tianjin, cooked until soft and sweetened. The cooked beans take up over half the space of the glass, with smooth and rich evaporated milk added on top. An ice shard, the signature of Bing Sutt drinks, is added to the drink.

Next up is Phoenix Pudding. This dish is exceptionally rare these days. It is few and far between, and I have not tried it myself. “It is made by cooking the custard mixture until thickened and adding a raw egg on top at plating. When served, mix the egg into the custard to warm it up. It has a rich egg flavour, and the sweetness is just right.

Finally, a very interesting hot drink - egg in hot water. As the name suggests, this drink is made by adding a whole raw egg into a glass of hot water. After the drink arrives, the customer would break and mix in the egg yolk, then add sugar to taste. Some herbalists suggested that adding a few slices of lemon and a bit of salt into the drink would heal a sore throat. It’s hard to verify, you will be the judge.

Hong Kong has a substantial culinary culture, which was shaped by cultures originating from various places. This led to the creation of many innovative and interesting dishes. Compared to the unlimited choices of food products we now have, back in the old days when resources were scarce, consumers were more conscious of good nutrition and good value. If you ever get a chance to visit a Bing Sutt in Hong Kong, why not give their classic dishes a go?

Source1: Tastes of Hong Kong
Source2: BBC - The icy side to Hong Kong history
Editor: Goro Inogashira

其次係鳳凰糊,佢係而家算係非常之稀有,並唔易揾,甚至連小編都冇食過TT 「其做法是用蛋黃粉煮成糊狀,最後在上面加上一顆生雞蛋,食用時只需將生蛋拌勻至熟即可。蛋味香濃,但甜度適中」



來源2:BBC - 香港歷史與本地文化:進入了粵式飲食的「冰室」

#菠蘿包 #奶茶 #紅豆冰 #鳳凰糊 #滾水蛋
#冰室 #飲食 #文化 #回憶 #故事 #相片

   #從電子遊戲看香港   -《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part IV》《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part IV》【How do international games developers present H...

《從電子遊戲看香港 – Part IV》
《Hong Kong In Video Games – Part IV》

【How do international games developers present Hong Kong? 外國遊戲如何理解及呈現香港?】

【The king of fighters '98 - The classic representation of Hong Kong《拳皇'98》- 典型呈現香港的方式】

The game included a stage in Hong Kong, where the characters fight in front of a tram, with other iconic features like the hanging signboards and neon lights. We can also see some old-style buses and minibuses in the background. It is also worth noting how the local pedestrians are portrayed by their clothing, accessories and posture in the game. It is an overall common way to reconstruct a recognisable Hong Kong in a video game.

遊戲中的香港場景使用了一些典型代表香港的事物, 如霓虹燈、招牌、 電車、 舊式巴士和小巴。 遊戲亦注重路人造型和站姿,務求塑造具香港人感覺的角色。這遊戲演繹了易於辨認的典型香港。

【Shenmue II- The ordinary and destitute side of Hong Kong《莎木II》(Shenmue II) - 日本人眼中的香港平民生活 】

The open world was full of exciting stuff to explore. You can go into different Tong Lau (唐樓) in Wan Chai and explore the Kowloon Walled City. You can gamble in an underground casino, arm wrestling, buy mini toys in capsule vending machines or even play classic arcade games like After Burner and Out Run. The protagonist Ryo Hazuki, who came from Japan, was trying to get revenge for his father’s death. He went to different temples and met other people in Hong Kong, where he learned that the essence of Kung Fu is not merely about force or power but also about morals and principles.

《莎木II》採用開放式世界令遊戲更具探索意義。 玩家可以參觀灣仔的舊式唐樓和探索神秘的九龍城寨。 亦能於地下賭場賭博、拗手瓜、 扭蛋, 甚至在遊戲內的機舖玩經典街機如《After Burner》和《Out Run》。 來自日本的主角希望能夠為父親報仇, 所以走訪大小廟宇及結識本地人。 他在香港了解到功夫的精粹,明白除了力量之外, 更重要是當中的道德和原則。

It focused on presenting the ordinary and destitute side of Hong Kong. The environment is full of garbage; the children in this game have to steal, extort or join the gang to be fed and protected. Most people live in a cramped apartment in a Tong Lau with poor maintenance, and most dine at the Dai Pai D**g (大排檔).

除了上述香港場景之外,遊戲開發商亦運用了不同藝術角度去呈現香港平凡和貧窮的一面。 例如市民的居住環境惡劣; 小孩要倚靠盜竊、敲詐和加入黑社會等才有三餐溫飽,得以安身立命。 而及大部分角色都住唐樓內日久失修的狹小房間, 並於大排檔解決一日三餐。

【Sleeping Dogs - The tradition and modern representation of Hong Kong《Sleeping Dogs》- 揉合現代與傳統的香港】

In Sleeping Dogs, both the modern and rich, the traditional and destitute side of Hong Kong, were represented. For example, there are skyscrapers, business areas with luxury brands in Central; different nightclubs and karaoke in Soho; and expensive sports cars and mansions in the wealthy neighbourhood. The traditional side of Hong Kong is represented similarly to Shenmue II. For Example, in Kennedy Town and North Point, loads of red lanterns, fish markets, Tong Lau, bamboo scaffolding(竹棚), telephone booths, rubbish bins, lion dance performances, firecrackers, neon lights, hanging signboards were used to create the “traditional” or the “ordinary” feeling of Hong Kong. There is also a strong trace of the legacy of the colonial British government power, as there are some European style buildings like the Government Office and the Catholic cemetery.

《Sleeping Dogs》呈現了香港既現代、富有,又傳統、貧富懸殊的面貌。 例如在中環黃金地段有摩天大廈、商業區、名店街; 蘇豪區的夜總會和卡拉OK; 豪宅區的獨立屋和名貴跑車。 《Sleeping Dogs》演繹香港傳統風貌的方式和《莎木 II》相似。 例如遊戲中的堅尼地城和北角, 有不同元素如: 紅燈籠、 魚市場、 唐樓、 竹棚、 電話亭、 垃圾桶、 舞獅表演、 炮仗、 霓虹燈、 招牌等去營造一種平實和傳統的香港。 遊戲中玩家亦會感受到前英國殖民政府留下的事物, 例如歐陸風格建築、 前立法會大樓、 天主教墳場等。

When the player explores the open world, one thing is immediately noticeable: You can’t walk the street without hearing people swearing in Cantonese at you. Hong Kong gamers will feel an immediate familiarity and intimacy as they listen to the characters cursing in Cantonese. According to Steam reviews and discussion, there was a divide between players who wanted less cursing in the game because it was too annoying and players who wished for more cursing because they thought Cantonese profanities were hilarious.

當玩家探索遊戲中的開放式世界時, 會馬上注意一件事: 遊戲中的路人會不停用廣東話對玩家爆粗。香港玩家會馬上感到熟悉和親切, 猶如置身其中。 根據遊戲平台Steam上的討論和評價, 玩家對於遊戲中的粗口看法分成兩派: 一派覺得遊戲粗口太多感到不厭其煩, 另一派則覺得廣東話粗口地道惹笑。

When the player opens up the radio, they will be bombarded with songs that have heavy Asian influences, including pieces made by a local hip-hop band 24 herbs (廿四味), like Do You Know Me, No Brothers (不是兄弟), Hong Kong Kowloon (香港九龍) etc.

當玩家打開遊戲內的收音機, 電台會播放許多香港本土特色音樂, 例如本地嘻哈組合廿四味的歌曲《Do You Know Me》、 《不是兄弟》、 《香港九龍》等。

There are also influences of traditional norms in the story. For example, there is a mission where the player needs to persuade a character who is the temporary chairman that is superstitious and heavily obsessed with Feng Shui(風水) to step down. The player would sneak his house and change the position of different pieces of furniture, smashing collectables and adjusting the pointer on the clock to 4:44.

遊戲故事中亦受到許多傳統風俗的影響。 例如其中一個任務要求玩家說服一個迷信和沈迷於風水的臨時幫會主席下台。 玩家會潛入其家中, 把不同的家具和收藏品破壞及移動, 又將時鐘的指針都指到4:44(音:死)。

【VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action - Do you know what languages Hong Kongers use? 你知道香港用什麼語言嗎?】

Jill is a bartender working in VA-11 Hall-A, where she met Mr Donovan, the chief editor and owner of The Augmented Eye, a digital news media platform. He went to Hong Kong to start a silicon business and was in the city during the Hong Kong protests. Jill and Mr Donovan talked about the distinction between the ‘Chinese language’, ‘Cantonese’, and ‘Mandarin’. It is interesting to see how games developed in different cultural contexts addressing this popular misconception about Hong Kong culture and language differs.

主角Jill在酒吧VA-11 Hall-A裡擔任調酒師, 一天她遇見客人Mr Donovan。 Mr Donovan是網上新聞平台The Augmented Eye的創辦人和編輯。 Mr Donovan敘述自己在香港騷亂時隻身來港, 並打算開設新公司的故事。 期間Jill和Mr Donovan談及中文語言中廣東話和普通話的分別。 遊戲開發商在不同文化背景下演繹外間對香港文化和語言的誤解都大有不同。

Food for thought:
1. Do you think that these games have an accurate representation of Hong Kong?
2. Are their aesthetic and cultural representations still relevant today? Will this relevancy change in the future?

1: 你覺得這些遊戲成功準確地反映香港嗎?
2: 這些遊戲呈現的香港美學和文化還貼近現在的香港嗎? 未來的人還能夠認出這是香港嗎?

Next: How do local game developers represent Hong Kong?

Previously: Do you know these phrases came from gaming terminology?

Sources: internet

To be continued…


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