Get your cup of tea ready, this maybe a long post! 👇🏻
For the past two seasons I have been growing cut flowers down at the 🌸
Building the cutting patch from literally nothing but cardboard and compost and not a chemical in sight!
I have loved growing each and every flower down there from seed, i honestly can’t tell you the joy that has given me! 🌸
I have connected with so many people from being down there, people who were complete strangers who are now my very good friends 💖
And for those special moments I am truly grateful to Jenny & Tom for letting me develop and look after that little area ❤️
But an opportunity has been given to me, one that I simply couldn’t say no too! I have been asked to restore a Walled Garden!!! It’s literally something I have always dreamed of doing! Opportunities like that do not come around often, so I’m going for it 💪🏻
It does mean I do unfortunately have to step away from the laundry garden, as you can well imagine, designs like this take up a lot of time and dedication and I want to give it my all.
The floristry side of the business will still remain ( don’t panic! ) I have made some wonderful connections within the flower farming industry and I will be supplied by some lovely growers for all your lovely arrangements and weddings! So no panicking!!!
So there we have it!
I am so excited for this next chapter, excited to see where it will all leads and obviously to show you all what’s happening along the way!
Lots of love always,
Hannah 🌸