The amazing Chris - who has been with us from day one and has been pivotal in making the magic happen @hopefull_charity
Please please donate if you can. It’s hard to underestimate how war weary yet resilient the people we meet are and they continue to need your help and 🍕support #standwithukraine #makepizzanotwar #sliceofhope #hopefull #dontforgetukraine #winterinukraine #reachout @hopefull_charity
I recently recorded this in Ukraine:thankyou the amazing @gerryfrappier from Canada @hopefull_charity #sliceofhope #makepizzanotwar #dontforgetukraine #hopefull #winterinukraine
Auschwitz yesterday. An incredibly moving experience to witness
Pianist Francesco Loroto playing a lullaby composed by Adam Kopycinski, the conductor of the famous Auschwitz orchestra. He is playing it in the drawing room of the commandants house - Magnus Linklater and I were by chance amongst the first few visitors to see inside for 80 years. Previously a private house it opens today: See Magnus’ article “Inside the Auschwitz Boss’s house” online now - The Times.#wemustnotforget #holocaustmemorialday #auschwitz
If you need any reminding why we must continue supporting Ukraine @hopefull_charity this says it all. #standwithukraine #makepizzanotwar #sliceofhope #hopefull #dontforgetukraine #winterinukraine #reachout #supportukraine #supportukraine🇺🇦
Thankyou @fingaskcastle (and Cecilia) raising funds for 🍕@hopefull_charity - so many different ways to help!
Keeping on keeping on #makepizzanotwar #standwithukraine #hopefull #sliceofhope #winterinukraine #dontforgetukraine #bekindtooneanother
How to get the crowd to step back a few paces!
The fleet keeps on going please follow and support @hopefull_charity
Update from my latest trip @hopefull_charity
This week of all weeks we think about veterans young and old, of sacrifice and of the price of freedom.
@hopefull_charity #happeningnow #happeningrightnow #priceoffreedom #sacrifice #standwithukraine