[FREE MATCH] 'A-STAR' Andy Poole vs Judas Sexton - pro wrestler - IWU: INCURSION 21/09/24
To get you excited for this Saturday, here's the opening contest from September's INCURSION event, pitting A-Star Andy Poole against Judas Sexton. Watch A-Star serenade Nero Classic via song, and the continuation of their frayed relationship..
Book tickets for This Saturday, November 9th 2024 for CONQUEST!
'Unstoppable' Steve Pym has a few choice words for Alister Sixx & Nathan Archer ahead of CONQUEST 2024 on November 9th at the KBA Sports Hall in Kettering!
See what he has in store, LIVE by booking your tickets, now! https://www.iwuwrestling.co.uk/shop/tickets
General Manager 'Dragon' Kyle Masters sits down and sends a message to Brady Phillips ahead of CONQUEST 2024..
This is about respect or lack thereof. Who will burn? Who will stand tall?
Brady Phillips vs. Kyle Masters - FIRST TIME EVER.
November 9th, KBA Sports Hall, Kettering, Northamptonshire.
Book tickets now! https://www.iwuwrestling.co.uk/shop/tickets
We at IWU attempted to get word from 'Unstoppable' Steve Pym, when things took a turn.. Alister Sixx shows up.
We CENSORED out the language used in the video..
To see what happens when Steve Pym and Alister Sixx are in the same ring this Saturday, book your tickets now!
Ivy's IWU Debut is near!
Ivy is all too familiar with Zizi, and promises to put her down once and for all, in a place which is near and dear to her, Kettering!
Book now to witness the return of Fighting Female action at https://www.iwuwrestling.co.uk/shop/tickets
Alister Sixx is TAKING the IWU Heavyweight Title Match @ UNCHAINED.
'Sinister' Alister Sixx has learnt of the injury to Richard Parliament and has claims to TAKE his spot.
Book now to witness Alister Sixx in action on February 24th @ IWU: Unchained, on Feb. 24th here: https://www.iwuwrestling.co.uk/shop/tickets
'The King of Anarchy' Dutch challenges Stealth
After the ASAP Battle Royal at Conquest 2 in November of 2023, Dutch and Stealth had to be seperated backstage. Now, The King of Anarchy - Dutch has chellenged Stealth to a CHAIN match at UNCHAINED on February 24th at the KBA Sports Hall in Kettering.
Tickets available now at IWUWrestling.co.uk/shop/tickets
The IWU Heavyweight Champion A Star Andy Poole has arrived at Conquest 2 for his 1 Year Celebration! Although we're not sure the staff are as happy as he is! See what happened when Andy arrived!