Check our out sister company’s wonderful workshops next week….
last few spaces remaining
Simply follow the instructions below to get yourself/your child signed up for a free session!
1.Click on this link https://app.classmanager.com/portal/kent-academy-of-musical-theatre/register
2. Register yourself as a customer by entering your details into the customer section.
3. Register yourself or your child as a student (whoever will be taking part in the class) by entering the details into the student section.
4. It will then ask you to Enrol….do not click on the enrol button. Instead, click done (or cross) which can be found in the top right corner.
5. Head to the menu and find lesson trials.
6. Find the date and class you wish to attend a free trial in and click ok
Please note, if you attend a free trial and wish to continue for the remaining term, this must begin the week after the free trial. A gap cannot be left.
When you need to log in to your account, your log in link will be different. To log in, please use this link: